Friday, November 5, 2010

Likin' the Koolaid

We had an excellent appointment today!  I'm responding really well to the drugs, or as the ultrasound tech put it, "your ovaries are definitely likin' the koolaid."  I didn't have any real reason to think I wouldn't respond well, but you just never know.  I'm totally like Tina Fey's character in Baby Mama... great eggs, wonky uterus.  But yeah I knew something had to be going on down there because yesterday - especially last night - it felt like my ovaries were working some serious overtime.  They still do... they just feel heavy or something.  Weird.
So yes, lots of beautiful follies already and my lining looks good so far.  After reviewing my bloodwork they decided to keep my dosages right where they are for now, but I did add a third med to the mix today.  I was instructed to bring my Ganirelix shot with me to the doctor in case I needed to start it.  The nurse told me she'd call me as soon as she got my bloodwork back and let me know if I needed to start it today.  So I went on to acupuncture.  I got out and I had a message from the nurse to take the Ganirelix ASAP.  So I did that puppy right there in my car in the parking lot.  Hope no one saw me!  I totally looked like a druggie I'm sure.
Yeah, I'm definitely feeling some side effects now.  Aside from the heavy over-worked ovaries (I almost typed 'oreos' - weird), I was feeling pretty beat down emotionally last night.  I was tired and everyone at small group was annoying the hell out of me.  I know it was just me - no one was doing anything particularly annoying... I was just very easily annoyed.  And anytime someone asked about how we were doing with IVF or for me to explain it, it was all I could do not to bust out crying.  The stupid questions annoyed me.  Of course they weren't at all stupid - our fertile friends don't have any reason to understand what all this process entails.  But I was annoyed that they didn't know.  "Yeah you don't freakin' know, because you can freakin' have freakin' babies."  That's what I was shouting in my head.  Crazy, I tell you!  The poor hub didn't know what to do with me either.  He just wants to fix me but it's probably best to just let the crazy ride out.  It always passes.
Because look at me - I'm all happy right now!  The acupuncture definitely helps the mood.  Feeling pretty good physically (aside from the hard workin' ovaries).  Oh and we asked the nurse if it was OK to have sex right now.  Not like right there in the doctor's office... but you know, in the meantime.  I knew it was probably a stupid question, but hello, if I'm making all these eggies and by some crazy chance we got pregnant... could I potentially be the next Octomom?  Lord help me.  Rest assured, that is not how it works and they gave us the green light.  But they will give us a "cutoff" date here soon since the hub will need to get busy with a plastic cup next week.  Alright, I've got lots of eggies to grow.  Grow, grow, grow!  More updates later...
Current Mood: Eggstatic


Jill said...

Yay!! So glad it's going so well so far!! Hang in there with the's very real, the craziness, and like you said, it passes. Just do whatever you need to do and take care of yourself!

Julie Tiemann said...

Bahahaha. Cue, "Let's get it on..." because we know what's happening in your house tonight. That is if the mood stays "Eggstatic." :)

godmommie said...

Hi Sweetie,
It's your fairy godmother. Things are looking good, and I'm poised to tap those eggies with my magic wand. Love you - call me if you need anything. I'm just a wish away surrounding you with love. BTW - Happy #9 - you were the most beautiful bride I have ever seen.