Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Less than 24 hours!

Eating some leftover turkey meatloaf here... still meatin' it up as best I can.  Protein, protein, protein!  Oh and this is random, but I've finally found a good gluten-free and dairy-free way to get my cereal fix.  In case you forgot, I LOVE me some cereal.  I would eat a bowl almost every night as dessert.  Nothing crazy - I always go for the more "plain" cereals.  But since I've been banned from wheat, milk, and all things cold for the last 6 months, I haven't enjoyed this favorite in a long, long time.  Well, a month or so ago I noticed a couple of different types of Chex had "GLUTEN FREE" plastered on the front of the box.  A lot of cereals are actually gluten-free but they don't always label themselves so... hello, you should.  Case in point, I'm eating Chex now instead of digging through labels on other brands.  We also bought almond milk several weeks ago for the first time.  I can't drink it straight out of the fridge (cold), but hey, I figured I could at least cook with it.  Well the other day I had the brilliant idea of nuking the almond milk for just a few seconds to take off the chill.  So yeah, I've totally been downing bowl after bowl of GF Rice Chex with room temperature almond milk lately.  It's not quite the real thing, but it sure conquers that cereal craving!
Anyway, enough about food.  We got the call this morning - transfer is scheduled for tomorrow at 10:30am!  I'm so glad we got a morning time so I don't have to sit and stew about it all day.  I'm going to just end up taking the whole day off tomorrow because I've got an appointment with Dr. Liu later that day at 3pm.  That would leave me a whopping 2.5 hours to get any work done, so what is the point?!  Plus, while I totally could go back to work afterward, a lot of stuff I've read advises you to take it easy.  So I'm good with that!
I'm definitely a little nervous but am ready!  We're excited.  This might sound dumb, but I'm thinking about testing the full bladder thing this afternoon.  I'm supposed to drink like 30-40oz or something ridiculous starting an hour before the transfer.  So I may try that this afternoon and see how long I can hold it.  I'm going to HAVE to hold it tomorrow, but maybe I can build up my bladder endurance today - haha!  And I think I may take some Tylenol before the transfer...  it's similar to an IUI and those are most often uncomfortable (translation: painful) for me, so maybe that'll help a bit.  My cervix can be a little stubborn sometimes.  Ick.
But wow, this is the last big step!  I can't believe it...  Again, I'm so grateful that we've gotten this far.  IVF cycles get canceled many times for one reason or another - women don't respond to the meds, the eggs don't make it or they won't fertilize, or the little embryos don't survive till transfer, etc.  A million things can go wrong.  So we're truly celebrating every day of progress!  I've been praying hard for our sweet little embryos.  I'm curious to hear how many ( of the 14) make it to day 5.  Chances are, not all of them will.  But we're all confident that we'll have that one good candidate to transfer back tomorrow! 
It's go-time.  Uterus, you're on.  Make it work!
Current mood: A little anxious, a lot excited!


Sasha said...

Such great news! Good idea about giving the full bladder a trial run today- let us know how it goes!

Preppy Pink Crocodile said...

I had chex and almond milk this am! Toss in rasins or any dried fruit or some almonds for a fun treat too.

Dr. Blondie said...

Good luck tomorrow! Looking forward to hearing an update!:)

Charbelle said...

Praying for you!!! I've been keeping up and you've definitely been in my prayers!!

Julie Tiemann said...

SO excited for you!!!! And now I'm craving cereal...

BroncoMom said...

Thinking about you today Betty. Will be saying some extra prayers for y'all tomorrow and especially at 10:30!!

Melissa said...

Good luck!

Susan said...

Good luck! Praying for you!

Jill said...

Yeah! So excited and praying for you. I don't blog read much at all but I ALWAYS check in on you to see how you're doing.

Susannah said...

Oh Betty, sooo thinking about you! Still in the prayer list! I can't wait, I have a really good feeling about this. You have been so patient, perserverant, and faithful. You will be rewarded! Prayers from Sugar Hill!!!