Tuesday, November 9, 2010

All's good in the ovary 'hood.

That's what she said, anyway - my ultrasound tech.  More great progress today!  We've got 28 total measurable follies as of this morning.  We also got to see Dr. Toledo today and he says things look great!  My lining measured at 6.9 today - big woot!  And on day 10, wow, it's never been that thick and cushy this early!  Way to kick it, uterus.  I was excited when it was measuring 6.5 on day 13 on my last IUI cycle, so yeah - that is SO good to know.  I was excited to have a good response to the meds follicle-wise, but I was thinking, OK please don't have my sucky lining issues screw this up!  But so far, so good.  Retrieval is expected for Friday or Saturday - I got all the deets on that today.  Oh and my lovely nurse gave me lots of samples for the meds I'll have to take after retrieval - enough to get me to the blood test, so that saved us a lot of bucks!  I love samples.  I'll be on Endometrin (progesterone) which I've done before on our IUI cycles.  Nothing more fun than shoving big-ass pills up your hoo-ha.  And also the Vivelle (estrogen) patch.  That's a new one.  I'm sure I'll get nice and fat with both of those goodies being pumped into my system daily. 
Still feeling OK physically, but definitely still bloated and kinda stiff/sore - especially towards the end of the day.  Gosh, last night I was just aching all over and wanted nothing more than chocolate and a pillow.  Speaking of food, Dr. T did mention that I need to get lots of fluids and stick to a high-protein diet, which hello - Moo Goo has already got that covered, so I'm good.  I eat a good 15-18g of protein at breakfast alone and I make sure I get my meats in at lunch and dinner.  And I'm monitoring all that over at BabyFit.  Now I'm going to have to go warm up my lunch (turkey taco leftovers) because all this food talk is making me hungry!  My follies are whining!
Emotionally, still been pretty good.  Definitely happy and hopeful overall, with only a few minor instances of wanting to scream and throw things.  Like last night I was very tempted to grab Belly and throw her over the deck.  She would NOT stop barking when I got home.  At one point I was putting away a big Pampered Chef stone cookie sheet, and I wondered if the hub would still go through with this IVF cycle if I happened to knock Belly unconscious with the stoneware.  But no worries, I did not beat up my dog or drop kick her into the backyard.  All is well and she snuggled with me all last night like the sweet girl that she (usually) is.  And of course, weird things make me want to cry at really inappropriate times.  Like when Dr. T came in and hugged me today, I seriously had to stop myself from crying and professing my love for him. 
Only thing I really wish I could change right now is the fact that I have to work through all of this!  My office is super flexible, so it is not at all a problem time-wise.  I am very fortunate on that end.  But just having to force myself to *think* about anything else right now is damn near impossible!  Dude, who cares how much tax you're projected to pay next year, did you hear how many follicles I have?!  Seriously.
Looking forward to retrieval and hearing how many good eggs they'll get - hoping for lots of good candidates!  We do not really have a male factor in our case, so the hub's got his end covered.  We've just got to get my girly parts working.  Alright, I'll of course update you with tomorrow's news!  Tonight may very well be my last night of injections!  (Well, aside from the trigger shot I'll take tomorrow or Thursday.)  They really have not been bad.  It sounds bizarre, but I actually look forward to doing the injections.  Well, for one it's kinda fun playing doctor.  But mainly, I think it's just the fact that we're actively doing SOMETHING ourselves to make a baby.  I feel so helpless otherwise, so the fact that we get to actually make something happen ourselves is a pretty cool thing.
Current mood: Excited & Ready!


Preppy Pink Crocodile said...

That's soooo exciting, Bestie!! Sending you big (but gentle) hugs.

Julie Tiemann said...

This update gave me the biggest smile on my face. :) I can just read the excitement in your words, and it's infectious. SO excited for you!!!!!!!

Sasha said...

Yay for good news AGAIN!

Melissa said...

Yay! So glad everything is going well so far!

Jill said...

Woo hoo!!! Looking awesome!!! So exciting!

Unknown said...

Sounds like everything is going great so far! Wow! Exciting! :)