Monday, May 2, 2011

In case you were wondering...

Lupron headache + warm Noni juice = the grossest thing ever.

My phone is dead so I can't get on twitter, and I needed to share that. Anyway, had a great ultrasound today! Lining measured at 7.5 - a personal record. We're very thrilled. Afterward, I got my legs butchered up again at acupuncture and started back on the Noni. You know, the super juice that tastes like liquid trash.

Is this getting fun, or what?! I'll be back later with today's video (woot!) and more deets...

Update (5/6/11): STILL trying to get our dang video from Monday to upload. Technical difficulties. Hope you're not holding your breath! ;-)

1 comment:

katherinebee said...

That's great! I don't think my lining has ever been that thick!