Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Beta #3



at 14dp5dt
All levels are "great" and "completely normal."  And yes, I'm totally hanging on the nurse's phrasing here because honestly I was expecting higher.  I know I'm not supposed to read TOO much into these numbers, but *ugh* it's hard not to when it's all I really have to go on right now.  My doubling factor slowed down to 66.52 hours, which is still within the "completely normal" range, but hello - it slowed down.  I asked the nurse if that was a concern and she said no.  She said everything is great and (again) "completely normal" and if Dr. T had any concern at all they would've let me know and probably had me come in to see what's going on up in there.  But again, no concern on their part whatsoever - so, OK.  I can catch my breath again now. 
I go back for one more test next Tuesday and then we will schedule the first ultrasound!  Gosh, Tuesday... that's an awfully long way away.  That's my biggest stretch so far when it comes to short-term goals.  Good thing we have a holiday weekend to distract me for three of those days!  Ahhhh!!!!


Kori said...

Wow a lot going on! Kori xoxo

Elizabeth said...

That is great! So excited for you...I don't comment much. We had trouble getting pregnant it took 3 years and then had a miscarriage and then another year. During that time we did exploritory surgery and flush the tubes (unexplained infertility) and then did artificial (was taking clomid the whole time or most of it). So the month after artificial i took a million tests and negative and then spotted a little so figured it didn't work and called to get my yearly appointment since it was like 2 months past due since we were doing all the other stuff. Well went in an still never had a period just the half a day spotting some...well a month had passed again and they made me take a test and it was really lite almost invisible went to do blood test and showed levels of week since I had the miscarraige they made me take progestorone for the first 3 months 3 times a keep me pregnant and my body from not stopping the pregnancy...just a thought??? mine were going up but not very high....but was fine...great pregnancy...then 3 months later pregnant told me just because you had trouble doesn't mean it didn't correct whatever it was...guess he was right...not they are 7 and 6...and also have a 4 month old now...praying for you!

Sasha said...

Wow! Great news AGAIN! Keeping you in my prayers for continued good news!

Susannah said...

Soooo exciting! Remember that they are in this with you and will tell you if they're worried. I know you just can't believe it, but this is so great! It's your time!!

Julie Tiemann said...

You know you're in great hands and they are going to be hper-sensitive to potential problems... so if they says it's "great" and "completely normal," try to embrace it! I guess it's a catch 22 when you get extra tests and such... it's awesome when it exceeds your expectations, but not so awesome when it doesn't give you quite what you were hoping for... At any rate, you're PREGGGERS and your numbers look "great" and " completely normal." Celebrate! :)

Melissa said...

YAY! Great news and if the Dr and nurses aren't concerned, then you're definitely fine! :)

I have an ultrasound Tuesday too because my baby is HUGE and they want to see how huge lol. Tuesday really does seem so far away... The first ultrasound is amazing and I can't wait for you to experience that! :)

mrs.mfc said...

YAY!!! More good news!! So glad to hear that!! Yes, it will probably feel like forever waiting on your next appointment but for now things are good :) Enjoy your holiday weekend!

Ally said...

You can do it! Have you ever made it this far before?

BroncoMom said...

Great news :)

Preppy Pink Crocodile said...

You're so used to looking at every word through a microscope that it's hard for you to sit back and take in being "completely normal" without worry. But this was the goal. Normal. Rejoyce, Bestie becaseu YOU ARE PREGNANT!!

Unknown said...

Great news! Dont sweat the numbers Amanda!!! (I know I am telling this to an accountant, lol!). You are doing great. I know what you mean though...I hang on every word when they tell me how I am coming along. Our big appoinment is tomorrow! :)

Pretty in Pink said...

I totally understand the numbers thing. My first HCG was not what I though it was meant to be. I can't tell you how wonderful it was when I first had my ultrasound. I kept saying to my husband are you sure that are right. Once you see your babe/s it feel a lot more "real". I can't wait for tuesday for you. your in our prayers each day.

Unknown said...

In my experience & opinion, the drs are cautiously optimistic. Your job is to focus on being optimistic. Don't get hung up on the numbers. You're pregs!

Leslie said...

Wonderful news!! Brings a smile to my face. I hope you have a lovely holiday weekend, and are able to enjoy this great news!!

I'm 16 weeks preggers now, and I STILL am having a hard time believing it after 3+ years of drs and waiting for the positive test (in fact, we still haven't told more people than our immediate family and people who knew what we were going through - can't hide it for too much longer though!)...when I finally got my first ever very faint but still positive test, my # was 30 and the RE pretty much said "well, you're pregnant, but..." My husband and I were just excited to finally get a positive test and saw that as a huge step in the right direction no matter what happened. Maybe when I find out the gender in two weeks I'll finally start believing it's real?! It was a shock when I was transferred from my RE to my OB at 10 weeks and they started treating me like a "normal" pregnant person - no more beta tests and ultrasounds every week.

I can't wait for you to have your first ultrasound soon! :)

PS-Go ahead and get a script for Zofran next time you talk to the RN, to have on hand just in case. No point in suffering with that even just a little with feeling sick after all you've been through. Best of all - finally a med that will be covered by your insurance!