Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Approaching 5 Weeks

I keep getting questions about how I'm feeling... it is still super early (4 wks, 5 days) and I don't think morning sickness and all that jazz usually kicks in till around 6 weeks.  But I definitely have some cramping on and off - just very dull cramping, like something's going on in there - nothing like menstrual cramps.  And some days I am just dog tired.  Like, Saturday I seriously took 4 naps.  I never take naps.  OK not never, but seriously it's rare.  I'm just not the type to do nothing when I'm at home, so that was unusual.  But I'm really trying to listen to my body and if it says "I'm exhausted," then I'll take that as a cue to slow down. 
Also, over the past few days I've noticed a total decrease in appetite.  At first I chalked this up to my super-high protein diet.  I've really kicked up the protein since transfer day and protein fills yous up.  And all my meals and snacks are very strategically planned out so that I can work my 3 doses of Noni juice in each day.  I have to drink that nasty stuff on an empty stomach, and I have to get all three doses in before 6pm.  I don't know why - I guess I turn into a gremlin if I have any after 6pm.  So I literally map out my meals and Noni on my to-do list each morning.  Which also means that if it's meal time, I have to eat even if I'm not hungry for it.  But lately I've noticed I'm never hungry for it.  I'll get hunger pains and a growling tummy, but nothing sounds good.  The idea of eating anything is just kinda... meh. 
Which for me (if you know me at all) is NOT normal.  Eating is like my favorite thing to do and my #1 priority everyday.  When I'm eating breakfast, I'm thinking about what I'm going to eat for lunch.  When we go on vacation, my first concern is our meals.  So yeah, this not wanting to eat thing is totally foreign to me.  Did anyone else experience this is early pregnancy?  I'm sure it'll pass soon and I'll make up for it on down the road.  Dr. Google says the appetite loss and the cramping are both totally normal during week 5.  Both are officially listed as "pregnancy symptoms" on various sites, so there you go.
And while we're on food, etc... Dr. Liu told me today (by mushing on my forearm) that my body needs more chicken and beef.  Beef being the best.  Turkey?  "Turkey OK, chicken better."  We went through a whole list of foods.  So I guess I'll have to start buying some ground beef.  We switched to ground turkey for everything a couple of years ago, but we can work in some beef for now.  And I just ate a char-grilled chicken breast from Chick-fil-A.  At precisely 2pm.  After my 1:30pm Noni dose.  And no, I wasn't particularly hungry for it, but it was good.  Especially when dunking it in their honey mustard.
My herbs have also been scaled back a lot - which is nice.  Just less of a hassle, really.  And less cost - I like that.  I'm thinking right now that I will continue acupuncture through the first trimester and probably drop off after that.  If you did acupuncture during pregnancy, what did you do?  I know a lot of people go back at full term to help induce labor. 
Still just taking it one day at a time here.  We go back for beta #3 tomorrow and I'm of course anxious to get those numbers!!!  I'm liking these initial visits - they are keeping me busy and focused on a 2-3 day period at a time.  "OK, we made it past beta #2, so let's focus on getting to beta #3 with great numbers," etc.  I like short-term goals.  It's hard for me to think too far ahead right now.  Like seriously the idea of holding a baby in my arms is FAR from my thought process right now.  I'm just trying my best to stay pregnant for now.  We'll probably do one more beta after this one and then hopefully our first ultrasound here in a couple of weeks!  Crazy! 
Thank you for the continued prayers and sweet comments... I cherish them ALL!!!!!


mrs.mfc said...

I've been thinking about you so much!! Hope everything continues to go well! Fingers crossed for that third beta tomorrow!! Can't wait to hear how great your numbers are :)

Karen said...

Prayers for a happy, healthy nine months!! I had cramping in the beginning, in fact, I could not believe I was actually pregnant and having such terrible cramps. Best of luck to you!

Kelley said...

I'm a big eater and the whole time during my first trimester, I was "meh" about food. Don't worry, it picked right up once my nausea was gone. Then I wanted to go to KFC every day...so not normal for me! I'm so excited for you. Can't wait to hear how tomorrow goes!

Kelley said...

I'm a big eater and the whole time during my first trimester, I was "meh" about food. Don't worry, it picked right up once my nausea was gone. Then I wanted to go to KFC every day...so not normal for me! I'm so excited for you. Can't wait to hear how tomorrow goes!

BroncoMom said...

Crazy?? Nah, just crazy good!!

Dr. Blondie said...

I love food, too, and I'll be 24 weeks tomorrow, but my appetite hasn't returned yet, so not every pregnant woman goes through a gluttonous stage. The first-trimester nausea passed, but even my favorite foods still don't taste quite as good.

Good luck tomorrow!

Looking 4 Lilly said...

Wow!! I haven't visited your blog in a little while and it came across my mind today so I stopped by. What fantastic news!! Congratulations : )

Erica said...

Praying for big beta numbers tomorrow!

Renee said...

All of those symptoms I had...not wanting to eat, cramping, etc. And I could NOT cook chicken myself. My husband had to make dinner during the first trimester. If I made dinner I could not eat it. The body is so weird. Congrats on everything so far and hoping for continued success!! I think taking it one day at a time is so great.

Muffy said...

THINKING OF YOU! Hoping for the best!

court with said...

congrats on the wonderful news! i wish you all the best.

Unknown said...

I'm in wk 24 and no strong hunger for me while pregnant. I eat regularly and not much more than I did before. I just usually add 300 calories, per my book that says that's all you need extra for the baby. No cravings really other than a mustard/balsamic thing in the 1st trimester, but still, no ravenous hunger.

Rooting for you :)

Leslie said...

YAY!!! Wonderful, exciting news!! I'm finally stopping by to catch up on your blog and beta news. Congrats, I'm so happy for you! I'll continue praying for you and your gummy bear(s?!).

Jill said...

As others have said, everyone is different but I do think in general the first trimester is a little "woozie" and even if you are hungry not a whole lot sounds good. The large majority of women I know do at some point pretty early on go through a period where you are literally so hungry you cannot really describe it but yet once you actually get food in front of you (even if it's something you crave) it's not really all that appealing. Be prepared for super funky cravings and for becoming hyper-sensitive to smells. SO excited for you!- woozies and all.

Pretty in Pink said...

i'm now 19 weeks and still can't find anything I like eating. The only thing I really crave is pineapple and chicken together. I totally get the whole small goals. I broke my time into little goals. week 6 week 10 double digits then week 14 as morning sickness was suppose to stop then, what i;m trying to say is small goals are the best. So happy for you and pray everyday that the babe/s are growing each day.