So do you want the good news or the bad news? Bad first? OK our IUI was a flop. Took a test this morning first thing and it was negative. Have I told y'all how much I *hate* taking pregnancy tests? Like seriously hate them. But we have to take them when doing an IUI. I just stared at my alarm clock after it went off this morning and then prayed, prayed, prayed - not for a positive result (OK maybe I mentioned that), but for total peace with however many lines we got. I checked my temperature... still up, so that was a good sign. But sure enough, only one line on the pee stick.
This was our last IUI attempt, so the good news is, we're now moving on to the big leagues! We had already done our IVF consult months and months ago. So we have our protocol laid out and I called the doctor's office today to let them know I got a BFN on my HPT after my IUI, so let's do IVF. Haha, I just felt like making your head spin with lots of acronyms. Infertility world is full of 'em! I seriously have to remind myself to spell things out for you damn fertiles. So anyway, we're trying to get all our ducks in a row - today has been crazy! I've been on and off the phone with RBA all day figuring out how to get my meds and also trying to figure out the $$ end. I had my mom calling too, so I haven't gotten much work done today - ha. Went ahead and did my initial bloodwork this afternoon, so now we're trying to digest all of this information and figure out if it makes sense to move forward immediately or to sit out this next cycle and hit the following one. I think we just need the weekend to absorb it all and figure things out. We're eager to move forward but of course don't want to rush anything we don't have to!
So yes, while getting a big fat *NO* on the pregnancy test was a bummer, all this IVF madness has me well distracted and excited to move forward. I'll of course keep y'all updated and let you know the ins and outs!
OK and just so my bases are covered (and because someone asked me the other night to explain), here's a quick explanation of IUI vs. IVF for those who may not know. I forget that not everyone lives in my world, gawh... IUI is basically the "turkey baster" method... artificial sex on steroids. Sex with a catheter... in stirrups. Highly romantic! Generally, they put you on Clomid or some other drug to stimulate your ovaries and when the time comes, your man does his thing in a plastic cup. They take his sample, concentrate and turn it into *super sperm* and then use a catheter to insert the goods directly through your cervix. Again, textbook definitions here.
IVF involves a lot MORE drugs so that you make tons of eggies. Then they go in surgically and extract those eggs, once mature. Meanwhile, the hub does his thing in a cup again. The eggs and sperm all party in a petri dish. Some hopefully will fertilize on their own, but they'll also force some to, if need be. A few days later, the fertilized eggs (probably 2) will be inserted through a catheter back to the uterus.
I think I need a glass of wine.
Oh girl! Best wishes and what a great attitude!
Umm...yeah. Not just one. Go for TWO glasses tonight. And enjoy.
Girl I am praying for you!
Sorry to hear that! But it sounds like you have a great attitude and plan for IVF. Good luck with the IVF.
Can I ask, how many hours after trigger were you getting your IUIs done? My RE is doing them 24 hrs after but from what I've been reading online, most do 36 hrs.
Anna - my dr does 2 IUI's if you do a trigger. One the morning after you do the trigger and a 2nd one 2s hrs later. We detected a surge though - I didn't have to take a trigger but just had one on hand so I used it. (The one time I did get pregnant was the one cycle I used a trigger so I figured, what the hell.) So we only did the one IUI the morning after I detected the surge (I did the trigger the night of the surge day).
And that was supposed to read "24 hrs later" - ha! :)
Most def enjoy some wine tonight because, girl, you're gonna make a baby - petri dish or not. I can FEEL it.
You know I love you! Crossing my fingers for a petri dish baby soon!!
What a great attitude. I am truly sorry you got bad news though.
Buford Betty you have the wit and humor to carry you though all of this but the biggest thing is your faith.
Hang in there!
I don't know you but I read your blog pretty often and I'm praying for you!!! There are many prayers going out for you! I truly believe that certain women are meant to be mothers and in some way God makes it happen! HOPE YOU HAD A REALLY GOOD GLASS OF WINE! Hope your hubby shared it with you, I imagine this can't be easy on him either. I'm keepin my finger crossed for you girly!!!
I don't know you but I read your blog pretty often and I'm praying for you!!! There are many prayers going out for you! I truly believe that certain women are meant to be mothers and in some way God makes it happen! HOPE YOU HAD A REALLY GOOD GLASS OF WINE! Hope your hubby shared it with you, I imagine this can't be easy on him either. I'm keepin my finger crossed for you girly!!!
I'm sorry the IUI didn't work out. You have a great attitude. I have a feeling that I'll be following in your footsteps soon (we have one more IUI left, and then it's on to the big leagues for us, too). Best of luck!
:( I'm so sorry. Good luck with the IVF!!!
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