Tuesday, September 30, 2008
An afternoon quickie.
Just hoppin' on really quick to say, YES - I'm alive! Hahaha... it's just been a crazy busy couple of weeks and I've missed you, blogworld! And thanks so much for all the great comments regarding our townhouse! Yep, we are loving knowing that thing is gone forever. Woo hoo! Anyway, I'll be posting the world's longest ketchup post shortly - promise. And I have some exciting posts coming up in the next couple of weeks that I'm pumped about. Hope y'all are having a great week!!! Back soon...
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Ding Dong! The witch is dead...
...which old witch?

The wicked-freaking-townhouse-in-Dunwoody-we-could-never-effing-sell-witch!!! We did it, we did it, we did it! As of 1:50pm yesterday afternoon, our townhouse is SOLD!!!!!!!
Oh man... I just feel so blessed to be rid of that thing. It has been a really, REALLY long summer for us with that thing on the market. Especially this crap-ass market. Yeah, one of the girls in our small group asked a couple of weeks ago (when we were under contract) if we'd be making a good profit and I just started laughing. I was like, "oh honey, no... the buyer's not the only one who'll be writing a fat check." And yes, that all sucks and it's sad or whatever - but it's done and I'm just SO relieved! We had two buyers flake out on us, so after that I just stopped talking about it. I didn't want to jinx it... I didn't want people to tell us "congratulations" when we mentioned a contract... the market's just so crappy right now that buyers are bailing left and right. So until the papers were signed yesterday, I really wasn't able to celebrate. But girls, the fat lady has hit her high note!

Woo hoooooooo!!!! Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers!
Hope y'all have a great weekend... I'm off to be a domestic diva today (as you can see by today's outfit - ha). I will probably run to Kroger to get the Sunday paper, but that's it. I signed up for The Grocery Game this week and I can't wait to try it out this weekend. Do any of y'all do this? The teachers in our FPU class RAVE about it. Alright, a big ass pile of laundry is calling my name...

The wicked-freaking-townhouse-in-Dunwoody-we-could-never-effing-sell-witch!!! We did it, we did it, we did it! As of 1:50pm yesterday afternoon, our townhouse is SOLD!!!!!!!
Oh man... I just feel so blessed to be rid of that thing. It has been a really, REALLY long summer for us with that thing on the market. Especially this crap-ass market. Yeah, one of the girls in our small group asked a couple of weeks ago (when we were under contract) if we'd be making a good profit and I just started laughing. I was like, "oh honey, no... the buyer's not the only one who'll be writing a fat check." And yes, that all sucks and it's sad or whatever - but it's done and I'm just SO relieved! We had two buyers flake out on us, so after that I just stopped talking about it. I didn't want to jinx it... I didn't want people to tell us "congratulations" when we mentioned a contract... the market's just so crappy right now that buyers are bailing left and right. So until the papers were signed yesterday, I really wasn't able to celebrate. But girls, the fat lady has hit her high note!

Woo hoooooooo!!!! Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers!
Hope y'all have a great weekend... I'm off to be a domestic diva today (as you can see by today's outfit - ha). I will probably run to Kroger to get the Sunday paper, but that's it. I signed up for The Grocery Game this week and I can't wait to try it out this weekend. Do any of y'all do this? The teachers in our FPU class RAVE about it. Alright, a big ass pile of laundry is calling my name...
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Our Total Money Makeover
So we had an awesome weekend, did you? The Dawgs won. Yeah, barely, but hey - a W is a W. We actually missed most of the game, however, because we were at Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover Live event at the Gwinnett Arena on Saturday. Did any of you other peaches go? It was amazing and incredibly motivating! As I've mentioned here and there - 2008 has been a totally cruddy year financially for us. And it's not for just one specific reason or event, but it's due to several unforseen circumstances and lots of well, stupid past decisions on our part. But I'm just not a person who lives in the past, full of regrets. Yeah, this and that happened and sure, we did stupid stuff - but here we are, and it is what it is - so let's figure how to fix it!
I've been a fan of Dave Ramsey for a while. He's spoken at our church several times and I'm sure some of y'all know he does a radio show. We even started to follow his money makeover program a while back - remember I mentioned his cash envelope system? We did great for a while, but just weren't disciplined enough and eventually fell off the wagon. Ohhh, but girls, we are BACK on it! The Live event was so over-the-top motivating and we are going hard core to get debt free. That's his whole thing - to live debt free and build wealth.
We joined one of his Financial Peace University classes that meets once a week. Our first class was Sunday - yeah, we didn't waste any time. All I can say is we are pumped! He is still on tour and if he's coming to a city near you, I highly, highly recommend checking it out! Yes, it's a long afternoon - but it FLIES by. He's hilarious and so entertaining. Even if you have little or no debt, you can learn so much from him. All he teaches is common sense, but it's just very different from what we hear everyday in this society of consumerism.
His money makeover is a series of baby steps. We're making some quick decisions and working fast through Baby Step #1 - which is to put $1,000 in an emergency fund. He wants you to get #1 done fast - in a month or less - so you can quickly move on to Baby Step #2, the debt snowball. That's the biggie - where you attack your consumer debt. It is really cool how it works, so I'll let y'all know once we hit step #2 and give updates on our progress!
The first big step of our own we took this weekend... we did a little "plastic surgery," as Dave calls it...
Bye bye, credit cards! Weeeeeeeee!!!
We learned so much, but one of the best principles we learned this weekend was ordering our money...
Wow - and all this time it's been... 1. Pay bills, and if there's anything left we'll give and save. And the amazing thing was that the sermon at church on Sunday totally reinforced this. Coincidence? It was really the sermon that drove home the idea of giving first. Our pastor literally echoed Dave and said: Give, Save, Live on the rest. OK I get it! God doesn't need our money, but throughout the Bible it says that wherever your money is, that too is where your heart is. By unclenching our fist around our money and giving it to God, we're trusting in him. And dude, God knows his stuffs - so this sounds like a plan. So anyway, yesterday I called the church and increased our giving to 10%. Anyone looking at our budget would think we're insane for doing that... but we did it! It was scary at first... but I'm excited about it. And it comes out automatically from our account - that's probably a good thing! Otherwise it could mysteriously turn into a pair of new shoes! A really good pair of shoes too.... damn. ;-)
OK girlz, enough money talk. Just wanted y'all to know where we were at the moment. More fun topics to follow, pinky swear. Hope y'all are having a great week!
I've been a fan of Dave Ramsey for a while. He's spoken at our church several times and I'm sure some of y'all know he does a radio show. We even started to follow his money makeover program a while back - remember I mentioned his cash envelope system? We did great for a while, but just weren't disciplined enough and eventually fell off the wagon. Ohhh, but girls, we are BACK on it! The Live event was so over-the-top motivating and we are going hard core to get debt free. That's his whole thing - to live debt free and build wealth.
We joined one of his Financial Peace University classes that meets once a week. Our first class was Sunday - yeah, we didn't waste any time. All I can say is we are pumped! He is still on tour and if he's coming to a city near you, I highly, highly recommend checking it out! Yes, it's a long afternoon - but it FLIES by. He's hilarious and so entertaining. Even if you have little or no debt, you can learn so much from him. All he teaches is common sense, but it's just very different from what we hear everyday in this society of consumerism.
His money makeover is a series of baby steps. We're making some quick decisions and working fast through Baby Step #1 - which is to put $1,000 in an emergency fund. He wants you to get #1 done fast - in a month or less - so you can quickly move on to Baby Step #2, the debt snowball. That's the biggie - where you attack your consumer debt. It is really cool how it works, so I'll let y'all know once we hit step #2 and give updates on our progress!
The first big step of our own we took this weekend... we did a little "plastic surgery," as Dave calls it...

We learned so much, but one of the best principles we learned this weekend was ordering our money...
1. Give.
2. Save.
3. Pay bills.
Wow - and all this time it's been... 1. Pay bills, and if there's anything left we'll give and save. And the amazing thing was that the sermon at church on Sunday totally reinforced this. Coincidence? It was really the sermon that drove home the idea of giving first. Our pastor literally echoed Dave and said: Give, Save, Live on the rest. OK I get it! God doesn't need our money, but throughout the Bible it says that wherever your money is, that too is where your heart is. By unclenching our fist around our money and giving it to God, we're trusting in him. And dude, God knows his stuffs - so this sounds like a plan. So anyway, yesterday I called the church and increased our giving to 10%. Anyone looking at our budget would think we're insane for doing that... but we did it! It was scary at first... but I'm excited about it. And it comes out automatically from our account - that's probably a good thing! Otherwise it could mysteriously turn into a pair of new shoes! A really good pair of shoes too.... damn. ;-)
OK girlz, enough money talk. Just wanted y'all to know where we were at the moment. More fun topics to follow, pinky swear. Hope y'all are having a great week!
Dave Ramsey,
God stuff,
jibber jabber,
Friday, September 12, 2008
A funny for your Friday.
This was just too funny not to share. Especially after my recent party posts, let's not forget how *stressful* planning a party can be sometimes. My dear girl, Lucky, is co-hosting a baby shower for one of her best friends tomorrow and she's about to shit a brick. I just now asked her how things were coming along and this is the email response I got...
"Yeah, the effing shower. That Amy just backed out of….and she was bringing the ribbon with diaper pins. Effin eff. Where do I get diaper pins? Effin’ eff. I effin hate this effin shower."
"Yeah, the effing shower. That Amy just backed out of….and she was bringing the ribbon with diaper pins. Effin eff. Where do I get diaper pins? Effin’ eff. I effin hate this effin shower."
Thursday, September 11, 2008
You're in my heart.
I know everyone has their own special way of remembering the events that took place in our country 7 (wow.) years ago today, but I just wanted to say that everyone affected by this tragedy is in my heart today. And I suppose that means just about everyone, because who wasn't affected?
To all of you who lost loved ones, friends, co-workers, teachers, students... I'm thinking of you today and the people you lost. You know, it's sad how in our world, whenever someone's got something good going on, there's always that one person that wants to take it away. I see that everywhere in life. And though 9.11.2001 will always be remembered as a day of tragedy, it also reminds me of how truly amazing our country is. So amazing, so wonderful, such a free and fabulous place, that someone else tried to take it away from us. I believe the late Tim Russert and his dad, "Big Russ" always said it best... "What a country."
To all of you who lost loved ones, friends, co-workers, teachers, students... I'm thinking of you today and the people you lost. You know, it's sad how in our world, whenever someone's got something good going on, there's always that one person that wants to take it away. I see that everywhere in life. And though 9.11.2001 will always be remembered as a day of tragedy, it also reminds me of how truly amazing our country is. So amazing, so wonderful, such a free and fabulous place, that someone else tried to take it away from us. I believe the late Tim Russert and his dad, "Big Russ" always said it best... "What a country."
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Need some boots for fall?

If you're a Nine West fan, hop on over to 6pm.com for a killer sale on boots and other Nine West shoes and accessories. You should know that I don't use the term "killer" loosely. All items are only $29.95 each! My friend Lucky went nuts and got 5 pairs. There's a HUGE selection, so go get you some!
Update (9/11/08): Prices changed some on these sale shoes. Instead of all being $29.95, they now range from $25.51 to $39.95 as of today. Still some great deals... happy shopping!
Reader Question: Budget Friendly Party Favors
I got a sweet comment from Some Like it Southern on my party-on-a-budget post along with a great question...
"I am hosting a Sip & See next weekend and since it's in the afternoon we are doing all deserts (and fruits) and I will definitely be using both of those recipes! Thank you so much for sharing!!! Oh and can I ask you if you have any suggestions for budget friendly favors?"
SLS, I think I read on your blog that this is a Sip & See for a new mommy, correct? I love the idea of doing all sweets - I've done that before and it's so fun. A good and really budget-friendly favor that I love to do for baby showers are chocolate-dipped baby spoons. They are so easy to make, and will go perfectly along with your dessert theme! If you're serving coffee, you can set a few unwrapped ones out for guests to use at the party. And then have spoons individually wrapped in cello bags with a cute favor tag attached for guests to take home.

It's stupid cheap... I usually get the First Years Take & Toss spoons. You can get a pack of 20 for less than $4. And just like my dipping how-to for chocolate-covered strawberries, use the same method for the spoons. You can also get creative with flavors if you want. Super easy, super cute, and best of all - super cheap!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Party Perfect on a Budget
Being on a tight budget makes party-planning a REAL challenge, but ladies - I totally grabbed the bull by the horns. Yee haw! By giving myself lots of time and keeping detailed records of every penny spent, I managed to stay on task and stay on budget. This is quite a big deal for me as I don't like being restricted when it comes to planning a big to-do. Not that I always went hog wild before, but this is seriously the first time that I've tracked every dollar spent on a single event. And after seeing it all come together, I'm excited to know that I can throw a kick-ass party for only $250. Now I don't know if that's a tiny, normal, or big number to you, but to me that's pretty damn tight. We invited 50 adults and expected about 30-35 to attend. So here's the breakdown...

Not bad for $119, huh?
OK so two more recipes from here that you must have are the spin-arti dip and the chocolate-covered strawberries. OK the strawberries aren't really so much of a recipe, but I have some little tips that make them a no-brainer. I tried to dig back through my recipe posts but didn't see my spinach dip. So either I didn't tag it well, or I've robbed you of this yummalicious, stupid easy recipe! I doubled this one for the party and I could've made more. It was a major hit - especially to the bride's mom who was apparently having a bad case of the munchies. She seriously asked me mid-party if I could "whip up another batch." Um, no.
Hot Spinach Artichoke Dip
1 can quartered artichoke hearts, drained and chopped
1 package (10 ounces) frozen chopped spinach, thawed and well drained
½ cup sour cream
½ cup mayo
1 garlic clove, pressed
3 ounces fresh Parmesan cheese, grated (about ¾ cup)
-Preheat oven to 375 F. Drain and coarsely chop artichoke hearts. Combine artichoke hearts, spinach, garlic, sour cream, may, and Parmesan.
-Spoon dip into a pie baker. Bake 20-25 minutes or until hearted through.
Yield: 10-15 appetizer
I also add shredded parmesan cheese to the top before I throw it in the oven. The dip is great on a shoe, but I usually serve it with Stacy's pita chips or tortilla chips.
I've pretty much come to the conclusion that anything made with a base of sour cream and mayo is freaking awesome. And the good thing is, you can do low-cal versions of dips with that base.
Now for the chocolate-covered strawberries, it's pretty simple. It involves strawberries and... chocolate. Like I said, there's no real recipe here, but perhaps these little pointers will be helpful to some...

-First, get good chocolate. Anyone can make these, but many times they aren't as good as they could be because they were made with crap-ass chocolate. Don't get that tub of fruit chocolate dip in the produce aisle. No, just don't. You want to get some good, dark chocolate. Strawberries are sweet enough on their own, so you don't need sickly sweet milk chocolate on top of that. The perfect compliment to a beautifully sweet strawberry is a coating of luscious dark, semi-sweet chocolate. Great, now I'm drooling. Plus the darker color is much richer looking against that strawberry red. I personally prefer Ghirardelli semi-sweet chocolate chips. So that's what I always get. Get whatever brand you prefer, but even if you're not generally a dark chocolate fan - trust me here and go dark.
- To heat the chocolate, use a double boiler. Chocolate burns very easily and it smells like total ass - so you want to avoid that. I actually don't have a true double boiler, so I do the make-shift version with a saucepan and a metal bowl (see this ghetto double boiler below). Once the chocolate gets good and melty, cut back the heat.

- It's time to go dippin'! There's probably some fancy pants tool out there for dipping strawberries, but I just use my fingers. The most important thing to do first is to make sure your strawberry is good and dry before dipping it. I basically keep a heavy paper towel in hand the whole time to dry off my berries as I'm dipping them. The chocolate won't stick if the berries are wet. It'll just slide right off. So yeah, dry them off and then hang on to the green leafy part and dip away.

- After dipping, sit the strawberries on a cookie sheet or plate covered in wax paper. Don't forget that wax paper or your strawberries will lose their chocolate coats when you go to pick them up (I learned that one the hard way). When done, stick the sheet or plate in the fridge to cool and let the chocolate harden. They don't take long to harden at all, but once they do, they'll come right off that wax paper ready to devour. Mmmmm!!!

So there you go... and now I'm pooped. I'm off to grab a tres chic bowl of Cheerios and then I'm hittin' the sack. Have a good night, ladies!
Food/Groceries - $119
Beer & Wine - $54
Favors - $27
Flowers & Decorations - $38
Invitations - $12
TOTAL - $250
I really didn't have to spend much of anything on decorations. I ended up having to buy a tablecloth ($11)- that was most of my "deocorations" budget. Actually that was really last minute - didn't realize I'd need it till the day before. And the rest was for these little engagement ring charm thingees ($8) that I put on top of my cupcakes (like these from a previous shower). I have only found them at Party City. I can't stand going in that place, but for those it's a necessity. And the rest was spent on flowers - some from Publix and some from Costco ($19). I have a bunch of vases, so I usually get a mix of flowers to display all over the house. I also work in ribbon with the flowers and vases a lot of times to tie in the shower colors.
As far as plates, cups, napkins, etc... I already have all that. If I have to buy anything in that arena, it's napkins. But I happened to have plenty of red and black ones (my shower colors) on hand, so no need. And in our basement I have two huge shelving systems filled with party supplies that I've gotten over time. I have clear glass plates in two different sizes, different types of stemware, flatware, serving dishes and whatnot - all stuff that is used solely for entertaining. Most of it I got at places like Old Time Pottery for stoopid cheap. It's a little investment initially, but if you like to throw parties or find yourself doing it a lot, it is TOTALLY worth it. Plus serving on real plates and using real glasses and flatware takes your shindig up a big, big notch. And hello, not to mention it's totally green! Less throw-away.
With my paper gig, I do have one-up on most people with the invitations. I had plenty of supplies on hand to make them without buying anything but the postage to mail them (and that was the $12).
Y'all saw my cutie favors. Favors are totally not necessary but I LOVE doing them. For me, the real fun in party planning is in the little details. I have enough ribbon to wrap around the world three times over, and a paper store in one of our spare bedrooms (since you know, I do paper stuff), so all I had to buy for these were the actual candy boxes. Hello Wally World! I was so excited to find all kinds of movie theatre size candy boxes there for only $0.88 each (so 30 of those, $27).

As far as drinks, we knew liquor wasn't an option if we were going to stick to this tight budget. Not for the hub anyway... he would've totally blown my budget in the liquor store alone! So we did beer, wine, and soda. Something else we cut out was water bottles. Instead we set out my set of super cute monogrammed cups (still the best $50 I ever spent) and had a pitcher of water and an ice bucket out. Saves on cash, and once again, green! As far as the beer, I totally started price-comparing between our local groceries and other places to see who had the best deal. Publix won that contest. For wine, I did a combo of the 2 buck chuck variety from Trader Joe's and one big $10 bottle of Pinot Grigio from Costco. For the soda, I also rummaged through ads to see who had the best deal. So for $54, I got 3 12-packs of Bud Light, 3 fridge packs of soda, and 7 bottles of wine (one 1.5L and 6 regular bottles). Pretty damn good!
Now for the food... the rest of the budget went to the menu, so I will just share the menu with you to see what all we had. It turned out perfectly and everyone had more than enough to eat - and we still have leftovers. I try to put together a yummy menu that has a little bit of something for everyone and that is also easy to do. It's a very casual yet chic menu. Chic enough for a couple's shower anyhoo. I make some of the stuff, but I mix in some store-bought items too. I'm all about food you can prepare ahead of time, throw in the fridge, and bring out just before guests arrive. Slaving away in the kitchen while watching the clock makes me nervous, so I look for a menu that won't have me doing TOO much the day of. So here we go...
* Sliced cheese and crackers (store bought, ready to serve)
* Raw veggies (celery, carrots, and grape tomatoes) with a variety of dips: hummus (store bought), parmesan pepper dip (made the night before), ranch dressing (store bought)
* Corn dip (Bestest's recipe! Made the night before) with Fritos (yes, even Fritos can be chic)
* Spinach artichoke dip (made the night before and baked before guests arrived) with tortilla chips, plus sour cream and salsa (store bought)
* Roll-up turkey and swiss sandwiches (store bought)
* Chocolate cream cheese cupcakes (baked early on the day of)
* Chocolate covered strawberries (made the day of)

OK so two more recipes from here that you must have are the spin-arti dip and the chocolate-covered strawberries. OK the strawberries aren't really so much of a recipe, but I have some little tips that make them a no-brainer. I tried to dig back through my recipe posts but didn't see my spinach dip. So either I didn't tag it well, or I've robbed you of this yummalicious, stupid easy recipe! I doubled this one for the party and I could've made more. It was a major hit - especially to the bride's mom who was apparently having a bad case of the munchies. She seriously asked me mid-party if I could "whip up another batch." Um, no.
Hot Spinach Artichoke Dip
1 can quartered artichoke hearts, drained and chopped
1 package (10 ounces) frozen chopped spinach, thawed and well drained
½ cup sour cream
½ cup mayo
1 garlic clove, pressed
3 ounces fresh Parmesan cheese, grated (about ¾ cup)
-Preheat oven to 375 F. Drain and coarsely chop artichoke hearts. Combine artichoke hearts, spinach, garlic, sour cream, may, and Parmesan.
-Spoon dip into a pie baker. Bake 20-25 minutes or until hearted through.
Yield: 10-15 appetizer
I also add shredded parmesan cheese to the top before I throw it in the oven. The dip is great on a shoe, but I usually serve it with Stacy's pita chips or tortilla chips.
I've pretty much come to the conclusion that anything made with a base of sour cream and mayo is freaking awesome. And the good thing is, you can do low-cal versions of dips with that base.
Now for the chocolate-covered strawberries, it's pretty simple. It involves strawberries and... chocolate. Like I said, there's no real recipe here, but perhaps these little pointers will be helpful to some...

-First, get good chocolate. Anyone can make these, but many times they aren't as good as they could be because they were made with crap-ass chocolate. Don't get that tub of fruit chocolate dip in the produce aisle. No, just don't. You want to get some good, dark chocolate. Strawberries are sweet enough on their own, so you don't need sickly sweet milk chocolate on top of that. The perfect compliment to a beautifully sweet strawberry is a coating of luscious dark, semi-sweet chocolate. Great, now I'm drooling. Plus the darker color is much richer looking against that strawberry red. I personally prefer Ghirardelli semi-sweet chocolate chips. So that's what I always get. Get whatever brand you prefer, but even if you're not generally a dark chocolate fan - trust me here and go dark.
- To heat the chocolate, use a double boiler. Chocolate burns very easily and it smells like total ass - so you want to avoid that. I actually don't have a true double boiler, so I do the make-shift version with a saucepan and a metal bowl (see this ghetto double boiler below). Once the chocolate gets good and melty, cut back the heat.

- It's time to go dippin'! There's probably some fancy pants tool out there for dipping strawberries, but I just use my fingers. The most important thing to do first is to make sure your strawberry is good and dry before dipping it. I basically keep a heavy paper towel in hand the whole time to dry off my berries as I'm dipping them. The chocolate won't stick if the berries are wet. It'll just slide right off. So yeah, dry them off and then hang on to the green leafy part and dip away.

- After dipping, sit the strawberries on a cookie sheet or plate covered in wax paper. Don't forget that wax paper or your strawberries will lose their chocolate coats when you go to pick them up (I learned that one the hard way). When done, stick the sheet or plate in the fridge to cool and let the chocolate harden. They don't take long to harden at all, but once they do, they'll come right off that wax paper ready to devour. Mmmmm!!!

So there you go... and now I'm pooped. I'm off to grab a tres chic bowl of Cheerios and then I'm hittin' the sack. Have a good night, ladies!
Come run with me!

All I wanna do is zooma zoom zoom zoom and a boom BOOM! (Just shake your rump.) Ahem... no really peaches, come run with me! Zooma Atlanta is a really cool event coming to town this November. There is a half-marathon and a 5k. There is also a jog stroller 5k for all you tot-toting mommas. I will be running the 5k on Sunday, November 16th with my lovely team of girls, the Sassy Suburbans! (As in girls from the 'burbs... not the Chevy.)
I'm really excited about this event - check out their site for more info on what it's all about. This is a great opportunity to round up your girlfriends and get moving! There is still plenty of time to train for a 5k, so no excuses! And shoot... you can always walk it! Don't use the "well I'm just not a runner" excuse! Lame... And this is a huge event, so they're always looking for more volunteers - that's another great way to participate. I want to see all you Atlanta gals out there!
Monday, September 8, 2008
The wedding gown.
I told y'all I was doing it, though the majority of you said HELL NO. But hey, momma needs a new pair of shoes, so... she's up!
Three things you should check out...
I uncovered three things in my inbox this week that totally caught my attention, so I thought I'd share. Sifting through all my junk and shopping emails is seriously a full-time job, but there are always a few gems in the bunch...
her future - This site is very new, but I think it has the potential to be really great! It's a networking site for women, launched by Gabrielle Bernstein earlier this year. The site promotes mentoring one another - sharing what you've learned and looking to other women for what you'd like to learn. I'm a total entrepreneur myself, so I think this site could be a really awesome tool. And I just love the idea of women supporting other women in the marketplace. Gabrielle's welcome letter on the site says it all...
I got my profile up and ready. Go get yours!
SparkTeens - I've mentioned my love for SparkPeople on here several times... it's a free online health and fitness site with lots of great tools. You can do all kinds of stuff on there, but I just use it for the basics. It is a great online community of people with a common goal - getting and staying healthy. I highly, highly recommend it - especially if you have any aspirations of changing up your diet or losing weight, etc. It's a wonderful resource. But on one of my recent "spark" emails, I noticed that they've launched a teen version of their site. I think this is really great and much needed as so many of today's kids are overweight. It looks like a great spot for a teen struggling with weight issues to find support and friends online dealing with the same thing. The site also is running a big challenge for high school students across the country - I think it involves tracking fitness minutes. And scholarship prize money is involved! Also worth mentioning, they also have a momma version... BabyFit - their tagline being "healthy babies start with healthy moms." Looks like something all you pregos should check out!
Live cinecast of Rent in theatres - OK now this one I'm super excited about! Y'all know I love Broadway and one of the shows I've NEVER managed to see is Rent. The show is still going to tour, but the Broadway show is shutting down after 12+ years running. But lucky us, movie theatres across the country will be broadcasting live performances of the show for 4 days later this month. Show dates are September 24, 25, 27, and 28. I looked up showtimes at my local theatre and each day had just one showing. Tickets were $20, but I'm sure those probably vary. But hey, a freaking movie costs $12 now, so I think $20 is totally reasonable to see a LIVE broadcast of a Broadway show. I've heard of theatres doing similar showings - I know a lot of theatres show live broadcasts from The Met. But this is the first I've heard of a Broadway show being aired. Very cool! Tickets are already on sale at my theatre, so I imagine they are at many others too. For theatre listings, go here. And remember there are only four showings, and that's it! Don't miss out!
her future - This site is very new, but I think it has the potential to be really great! It's a networking site for women, launched by Gabrielle Bernstein earlier this year. The site promotes mentoring one another - sharing what you've learned and looking to other women for what you'd like to learn. I'm a total entrepreneur myself, so I think this site could be a really awesome tool. And I just love the idea of women supporting other women in the marketplace. Gabrielle's welcome letter on the site says it all...
Allow this online network to act as a tool for inspiration, connections, friendship, shared experiences and an opportunity to be of service to other likeminded women.
I have been blessed with amazing women in my life ranging from mentors to mentees. I don’t know where I would be today without these deep rooted relationships. At times our lives can become cluttered, scary and difficult to navigate. Having a mentor will provide you with clearer direction and a loving guide. Being a mentor will take you out of your own head by sharing your light with another woman.
Allow the site to be your mentor, soak up the content offered by my team as well as the words of each member. Open your mind and your heart to learn something new. Relax and let herfuture.com carry you.
I got my profile up and ready. Go get yours!
SparkTeens - I've mentioned my love for SparkPeople on here several times... it's a free online health and fitness site with lots of great tools. You can do all kinds of stuff on there, but I just use it for the basics. It is a great online community of people with a common goal - getting and staying healthy. I highly, highly recommend it - especially if you have any aspirations of changing up your diet or losing weight, etc. It's a wonderful resource. But on one of my recent "spark" emails, I noticed that they've launched a teen version of their site. I think this is really great and much needed as so many of today's kids are overweight. It looks like a great spot for a teen struggling with weight issues to find support and friends online dealing with the same thing. The site also is running a big challenge for high school students across the country - I think it involves tracking fitness minutes. And scholarship prize money is involved! Also worth mentioning, they also have a momma version... BabyFit - their tagline being "healthy babies start with healthy moms." Looks like something all you pregos should check out!
Live cinecast of Rent in theatres - OK now this one I'm super excited about! Y'all know I love Broadway and one of the shows I've NEVER managed to see is Rent. The show is still going to tour, but the Broadway show is shutting down after 12+ years running. But lucky us, movie theatres across the country will be broadcasting live performances of the show for 4 days later this month. Show dates are September 24, 25, 27, and 28. I looked up showtimes at my local theatre and each day had just one showing. Tickets were $20, but I'm sure those probably vary. But hey, a freaking movie costs $12 now, so I think $20 is totally reasonable to see a LIVE broadcast of a Broadway show. I've heard of theatres doing similar showings - I know a lot of theatres show live broadcasts from The Met. But this is the first I've heard of a Broadway show being aired. Very cool! Tickets are already on sale at my theatre, so I imagine they are at many others too. For theatre listings, go here. And remember there are only four showings, and that's it! Don't miss out!
And now I can breathe!
Ahhh... too big major exhales! The shower on Saturday went off without a hitch, and I also finished this really big project at work I've been hammering out the last several days. I had to come in to the office yesterday to crank through it and I wrapped it all up in a nice bow early this morning. Now that I'm over those two humps, I feel much more relaxed. Work is still crazy busy - our last two major deadlines of the year are approaching, but I got that one big monkey off my back now, so I'm feeling purty good.
Did y'all have fabu weekends? We didn't make it to the game of course since we were in shower mode all day Saturday. We just had Larry Munson on the radio while we got la casa in tip-top shape. Belly and Charlie got shipped off to grandma and grandpa's for the day and Gertie stayed for the festivities. She is a spaz around her brother, Charlie, but when she's alone she is totally chill. And she's the only one of our three that doesn't try to jump on people. So she was the lucky girl who got to stay and hang out for the party.
I was actually rather calm all day Saturday, despite my long-ass to-do list. I usually have to down glass of wine about two hours prior to any hosting duties to prevent freaking out, but I was pretty darn relaxed for whatever reason. No wine required. MIL and FIL came in town for the shower (the groom is a childhood friend of the hub's, so they were on the guest list). It was great to visit with them even though it was less than 24 hours. Here are a few pics of the setup...

The wine station - a rather popular spot. You just never know who's gonna drink what. Especially at a shower because it's really the bride and groom's guest list, not yours. We just did beer and wine. Neither the hub nor I drink beer so I never know what kind or how much to get. I always consult my beer-drinking friends. But this crowd turned out to be wine people, so we have a bunch of Bud Light in our fridge now with nowhere to go. And it'll sit there till someone else takes it because it sure won't get consumed in my household.

My food table turned out nice... I'm so darn picky with the setup. I think I switched it up some more even after taking this pic... I'm extremely anal about how the heighth of everything balances out. I suppose it's the libra in me. That or the crazy.

And my cutie favors were a hit! Most of them were taken, but the good girl that I am saved my Wally World receipt and I'm totally returning the leftover ones. I gotta check their return policy... anyone know if they'll take back candy like that? They're those movie theatre size candy boxes.
I had several other cute little extras I wanted to do but as I mentioned earlier, time just didn't allow. The hub had altered some popular movie DVD covers with the bride and groom's faces. (It was a movie-themed shower, remember.) We were going to print those out and display them, but yeah... didn't happen. I also had planned on displaying some funny movie quotes around the house, giving the food funny names - spoofing titles or actors and whatnot... oh and I was going to do wine tags with movie couples' names (like... Sally Albright and another for Harry Burns). Oh well... mopping the floor was higher on my to-do list.
The funniest thing about the shower though was the mix of people. Don't know if I mentioned it earlier, but the bride's family is huge. She's one of 8 kids, so in a family that big, there are bound to be some freaks. I had met some of her fam back in July at their engagement party, but not all of them. So the eldest (I think) brother came to the shower along with the bride's parents and as SOON as he came in the door I could tell that he was high as a kite. The hub actually answered the door and I was back in the kitchen, but I could see the front door. Well bride's parents do the normal obligatory small talk with the hub at the door, but brother (who I think is 40ish?) immediately darts (and I do mean DARTS) for the kitchen. There are several of us hovering around the kitchen island (the wine station - I told you it was popular), but he just kind of maneuvers his way around us to grab some cheese and crackers and then jumps over to the wine and starts rummaging through it to see which one he wants. Hurriedly pours himself a very full glass and then takes off. Like seriously didn't say a word or make eye contact with any of us in the kitchen. No "pardon me" or "hey, I'm so-and-so" or "oh, this looks good..." Nothing. Never seen this guy in my life. It was beyond weird!
So five minutes into his stay we've already figured out he must be the black sheep. Oh dear... He didn't cause any trouble but it was pretty entertaining, to say the least. I believe he had two entire bottles of wine all to himself over the course of the evening (thank God for 2-buck chuck). And I think he hit on every unrelated female there that moved. I was busy playing hostess, so I really didn't catch any of that - thank goodness. He was apparently very interested in seeing my SIL (who was also there) "later." As in later that night? It was all very odd... and I totally didn't notice this during the shower, but afterwards we were all talking and apparently, black sheep brother, bride's parents, and one of the sisters mysteriously disappeared out the front door for 15 or 20 minutes mid-shower, and then came back in the house in a much more mellowed-out kinda mood! OMG! I find this just hilarious given that my sheltered self has never ever seen an illegal drug in life. And here we have party guests getting lit in my front yard. Too freaking funny... I suppose you've figured out by now that the bride's parents are total hippies. They are perfectly nice and loving people, but yeah - total hippies. And it's even funnier because the groom's parents are ultra-conservative. Oh this wedding is gonna be awesome!
Yeah so entertaining if nothing else... the shower was great. We were all pooped, including Gertie... It is hard work being a party girl, you know!

Alright... there's still work to be done, so I best get to it. I will pop back later with my party menu and my total budget. I stayed on budget and the food was so fab and easy to do, so I will share. Hope your weeks are off to a great start!
Did y'all have fabu weekends? We didn't make it to the game of course since we were in shower mode all day Saturday. We just had Larry Munson on the radio while we got la casa in tip-top shape. Belly and Charlie got shipped off to grandma and grandpa's for the day and Gertie stayed for the festivities. She is a spaz around her brother, Charlie, but when she's alone she is totally chill. And she's the only one of our three that doesn't try to jump on people. So she was the lucky girl who got to stay and hang out for the party.
I was actually rather calm all day Saturday, despite my long-ass to-do list. I usually have to down glass of wine about two hours prior to any hosting duties to prevent freaking out, but I was pretty darn relaxed for whatever reason. No wine required. MIL and FIL came in town for the shower (the groom is a childhood friend of the hub's, so they were on the guest list). It was great to visit with them even though it was less than 24 hours. Here are a few pics of the setup...

The wine station - a rather popular spot. You just never know who's gonna drink what. Especially at a shower because it's really the bride and groom's guest list, not yours. We just did beer and wine. Neither the hub nor I drink beer so I never know what kind or how much to get. I always consult my beer-drinking friends. But this crowd turned out to be wine people, so we have a bunch of Bud Light in our fridge now with nowhere to go. And it'll sit there till someone else takes it because it sure won't get consumed in my household.

My food table turned out nice... I'm so darn picky with the setup. I think I switched it up some more even after taking this pic... I'm extremely anal about how the heighth of everything balances out. I suppose it's the libra in me. That or the crazy.

And my cutie favors were a hit! Most of them were taken, but the good girl that I am saved my Wally World receipt and I'm totally returning the leftover ones. I gotta check their return policy... anyone know if they'll take back candy like that? They're those movie theatre size candy boxes.
I had several other cute little extras I wanted to do but as I mentioned earlier, time just didn't allow. The hub had altered some popular movie DVD covers with the bride and groom's faces. (It was a movie-themed shower, remember.) We were going to print those out and display them, but yeah... didn't happen. I also had planned on displaying some funny movie quotes around the house, giving the food funny names - spoofing titles or actors and whatnot... oh and I was going to do wine tags with movie couples' names (like... Sally Albright and another for Harry Burns). Oh well... mopping the floor was higher on my to-do list.
The funniest thing about the shower though was the mix of people. Don't know if I mentioned it earlier, but the bride's family is huge. She's one of 8 kids, so in a family that big, there are bound to be some freaks. I had met some of her fam back in July at their engagement party, but not all of them. So the eldest (I think) brother came to the shower along with the bride's parents and as SOON as he came in the door I could tell that he was high as a kite. The hub actually answered the door and I was back in the kitchen, but I could see the front door. Well bride's parents do the normal obligatory small talk with the hub at the door, but brother (who I think is 40ish?) immediately darts (and I do mean DARTS) for the kitchen. There are several of us hovering around the kitchen island (the wine station - I told you it was popular), but he just kind of maneuvers his way around us to grab some cheese and crackers and then jumps over to the wine and starts rummaging through it to see which one he wants. Hurriedly pours himself a very full glass and then takes off. Like seriously didn't say a word or make eye contact with any of us in the kitchen. No "pardon me" or "hey, I'm so-and-so" or "oh, this looks good..." Nothing. Never seen this guy in my life. It was beyond weird!
So five minutes into his stay we've already figured out he must be the black sheep. Oh dear... He didn't cause any trouble but it was pretty entertaining, to say the least. I believe he had two entire bottles of wine all to himself over the course of the evening (thank God for 2-buck chuck). And I think he hit on every unrelated female there that moved. I was busy playing hostess, so I really didn't catch any of that - thank goodness. He was apparently very interested in seeing my SIL (who was also there) "later." As in later that night? It was all very odd... and I totally didn't notice this during the shower, but afterwards we were all talking and apparently, black sheep brother, bride's parents, and one of the sisters mysteriously disappeared out the front door for 15 or 20 minutes mid-shower, and then came back in the house in a much more mellowed-out kinda mood! OMG! I find this just hilarious given that my sheltered self has never ever seen an illegal drug in life. And here we have party guests getting lit in my front yard. Too freaking funny... I suppose you've figured out by now that the bride's parents are total hippies. They are perfectly nice and loving people, but yeah - total hippies. And it's even funnier because the groom's parents are ultra-conservative. Oh this wedding is gonna be awesome!
Yeah so entertaining if nothing else... the shower was great. We were all pooped, including Gertie... It is hard work being a party girl, you know!

Alright... there's still work to be done, so I best get to it. I will pop back later with my party menu and my total budget. I stayed on budget and the food was so fab and easy to do, so I will share. Hope your weeks are off to a great start!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Headless chicken.
That's me today... runnin' around like a chicken with its head cut off. This shower-on-a-budget I've been planning for the last couple of months is suddenly here. I had all good intentions of taking yesterday off to prepare for tonight's festivities, but y'all know that didn't happen. I ended up working a 10 1/2 hour day instead. So a lot of my super cute extras that I wanted to do for this to-do got thrown out the window just for time's sake. Oh well... it will still be over-the-top cute, because that's the way I roll. Alright... I'll be back on the other side with some pics! Hope y'all are having a great weekend... Go Dawgs!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Pass the coffee, please.
It's 6:45am and I'm already at work. Surely this is a crime somewhere. Where do I turn myself in? Oh and does anyone know if they figured out how to clone people yet? If so, give me the recipe. I could definitely use another *me* today to get through my to-do list. Let me know, thanks.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Hello, Uga VII.
For your viewing pleasure (and mine since I obviously missed it), here's a little recap of Uga VII's introduction at the home opener this past weekend. Watch closely around 1:37 - the band scares the crap out of him - too freaking hilarious!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Me so pretty.
Look at my fabu new header!!! Thanks so much to Jessica over at Poppy Seed Design for coming up with such a preppalicious design. She has all kinds of great packages to give your blog or site a makeover. Go check her out! We loves it!
Game Day Gorgeous.
While it lasted anyway...
How freakin' cute is my sash?
More pics later. Back to work...
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