Friday, January 7, 2011

Sushi Cervix

My phone rang this morning at 7:26am, showing RBA calling.  What in the world?  Who calls that early?  It was my surgery-scheduling lady calling to switch up my pre-op appointment.  Turns out, Dr. T wants me to get another laminaria tent put in before surgery.  Shit.  I nearly passed out the last time he put that thing in (over 3 years ago, but I remember it vividly).  Well, you can bet your britches I'll be downing some Tylenol before I go in for that appointment.  I was hoping to escape that "procedure" this time (and thought I had), but no such luck. 
So forget what I said about the IV being the worst part.  Tuesday morning will be the worst part.  And it basically incapacitates me for the rest of the day with gut-wrenching cramps from the devil himself.  But now I'm EXTRA grateful that the surgery will be at RBA so I don't have to trek down to another hospital after my seaweed injection to go through additional pre-op crap.  I'll have to miss work Tuesday now, since I plan to get horizontal pronto after my pre-op with Dr. T.  Get the heating pad, honey.  I believe this calls for a Buffy marathon.  OH, but I have Glee Season 1 now, too.  Hmmm.....  decisions....


Julie Tiemann said...

You poor thing. :( I'm so sorry you have to go through all this crap. But ohmygoodness, your "sushi cervix" title made me laugh. Only fitting after your "Moo Goo" diet, right? ;) Good luck, girl!!

And I say go with Glee! Oooh, have you seen Veronica Mars before?? It's my absolute fave show of all time. Judging from the other things you love, I think you'd really love this show too. HIGHLY recommend it.

BroncoMom said...

Sending you best wishes for a smooth Tuesday Betty.

Anonymous said...

I'm truly sorry that you have to go through all of this and I admire your faith through all of it. Praying for your procedure and the ultimate gift, a beautiful and healthy baby. xoxo

Mary Beth said...

I'm sorry that you have to go through this, and I hope that all goes well. You will be in my prayers.