Up for grabs is Dave Ramsey's Cash Flow Planning DVD (a $19.95 value), which is the 3rd lesson from Financial Peace University (his 13-week course on how to handle money). This video is all about the nuts and bolts of budgeting. A DVD on finance stuff? Seriously? I assure you it's no snooze fest. It's packed full of great information, but it's also freakin' hilarious. It'll make you laugh. It'll make you cry. It'll make you say, "Aw shit, that's us." You will love it.
Here are the deets...
In this 85-minute lesson, Dave walks you through a step-by-step method for setting-up a household budget that you can live with. No longer will you have to dread living on a budget.
Dave shows you how to live on less than you make, pay your bills, allow for entertainment and still have money left over at the end of the month. You'll never feel confined by a budget again after you learn how to do a budget the way thousands of other families have, the Financial Peace way.
You'll Learn How to:
-Stretch your money further
-Set up your own cash-flow system
-Live on a budget
-Have money left over at the end of the month
-Spend money without guilt
-Get control and keep control of your money
We've been through the class twice and I've listened to the audio from this lesson countless times. It is priceless information and a perfect way to get your butt in gear for the new year! One winner will be picked by random number generator. To enter, simply leave a comment on this post answering the following question:If you were able to find more money left over at the end of the month, what's the first thing you would do with it? Entry deadline is Monday, January 10th (midnight ET). A winner will be announced on Tuesday the 11th. Please provide an email address in your comment so I can contact you if you win! Best of luck...
The very first thing I would do is give it to others. Tithe it. It's the one thing missing from my budget right now and yet it will make all of the difference.
Buy a 2nd car! (I should say start paying down debt, because that's what I want to do...but we're down to the penny every month and honestly if we had any left over I'd hope it would be enough for a car payment for the hub to have a car. He deserves it!)
Thanks for the giveaway, I'm stoked!
No question! Start saving for infertility treatments! Excited about the giveaway!
I would save it up for a nice honeymoon for my hubby and I. We've been strapped for extra money and haven't gotten to go one yet. It's been over a year. Thanks for the chance to win this useful lesson
tanyainjville at yahoo dot com
Put the money into savings!
I would split between giving some away and adding more to my savings.
Finish paying off our last credit card then any extra would go toward our baby emergency fund.
With my extra money, I would put it towards our mortgage. Right now that is the only debt we have and it would be nice to get rid of it.
Actually, depending on how much extra I had, I would also try to add some to our daughter's college fund and our savings account too!!!
If we found ourselves with extra money we'd SAVE IT! Save, save, save, save, save for the unexpected! Thank you for the opportunity to win!
I would definitely put it in our savings. Thanks for the great giveaway.
I'd use the extra money to pay off student loans. Great giveaway!
I would put it into savings - we are trying to build up our home downpayment savings account!
Thanks for hosting the giveaway!
I would use the extra money to pay off debt as soon as possible.
I forgot to say THANKS for giving away such a great gift, and my email address is sassyinthesouth1@gmail.com
Oy. I'd pay off some of the stuff we owe and buy a new house. Not really noble, but what are you going to do? :)
I'm mtmche@maine.rr.com, btw. Thanks!
Thanks for a great giveaway! I'd save, save, save it!
If we had extra money, we'd save it to help pay down our mortgage. Thanks!
Put it into my "down payment on a house account"! puttinonthegrits@gmail.com
I would love to start a vacation fund- we would love to go to Hawaii again!
I would put it towards paying my car loan off-we're so close!!
I need to add to my Emergency fund!! THanks
I would definitely put the money in our savings! It needs quite a bit of bulking up :)
Love the idea for the giveaway! I have heard great things about Ramsey, and the hubby and I were thinking of signing up for Financial Peace University at our church this month.
Thanks, hon!
It would definitely go into savings!
What a great giveaway! I would put the money towards our Master Bath renovation project.
Gabi@tickledpinkdesigns dot com
Thanks! I am a relatively new reader ( thanks to suburban princess). Love your blog!
I would put it towards my house...something special to make this place feel more like our 'home'.
We are Dave fans too so it would go towards the student loan.
But if this question where a 'where would you splurge' with a little extra money - it would go in the vacation fund!
Put it towards the mortgage. Thanks for the give away!
Trying to have a family is #1!!! Towards it and after, because there will be an after!!
Pay off my car!
Pay down my debt!!!
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