Thursday, January 20, 2011

I made it!

Sitting up for a few to say hello! I'm alive... just snoozing a LOT. Nice and drugged up and tucked in with a heating pad on the couch. I have a Glee marathon going on right now. Thanks so much for all the well wishes via Twitter and comments here! I appreciate them all. The surgery went well - Dr. T successfully removed the residual septum I had. I have a catheter in that he'll have to remove next week. It has something to do with opening up the uterus... I don't know. But for whatever reason, they have to leave it in for a few days. So it's been fun navigating around that when I have to pee. As expected, Tuesday was definitely the worst day. The seaweed crap left me in a mess of cramps up until surgery. As long as I was lying down I was OK, but as soon as I tried to get up, I felt like I was going to either pass out or vomit.

Now I've just got cramping, so a much improved state overall. And the hub is being a most excellent nurse, of course. I'm probably driving him crazy! Alright, I feel another long snooze coming on...

Photo from


Sasha said...

Been thinking of you..... a Glee marathon sounds delightful! Rest up and take advantage of your husband being a fab nurse! You deserve it.

A Texas Gal said...

Glad you are feeling a bit better and that things went well!

Unknown said...

Hang in there sweet girl!!! You are a trooper and I am proud of you!!! You are through the worst of it! Sending love, hugs, and prayers!!!

Gracie Beth said...

So glad to hear! I have been praying for you and thinking about you a lot this week!

Dr. Blondie said...

Glad it went okay! Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

Melissa said...

Glad you're doing well and the surgery was successful!

Jill said...

So glad to hear from you!! Hang in there friend...praying for you!

Susannah said...

Yay for things going well! And boo to a cath-ilm not a fan!! ;)

Ruth said...

Glad the surgery went well. Feel better soon.

BroncoMom said...

So glad to read that surgery is behind you and your are on the way to feeling like your old self again.
Let the hubs take really good care of you this weekend.

Perfectly Imperfect said...

So glad to hear that you're feeling better! Hoping the recovery continues to go well!

Mary Beth said...

So glad to hear that you are doing well. You are in my prayers!