Monday, January 10, 2011

Who doesn't love a snow day?

Well, I do. If I have nowhere else I need to be. Work is quiet right now, so no big deal there really. BUT I'm supposed to be out for surgery starting tomorrow. That is *if* I can get to my pre-op appointment in the morning. I tried to get an afternoon appointment initially, but no luck. The latest I could get was 9 am. Yeah, we'll see...

In the meantime, I'll just enjoy the snow since there's really nothing I can do about it!

the view from my home office window

can't even see the roads!

puppy prints out the back deck

Stay warm, Atlanta! And be safe! I mean, they're not even airing the Today Show on NBC here so the local news can continue to cover WINTER STORM 2011!!! We were cracking up at the reporters last night bending down to the ground so they could get hands-on with the floofy white stuff. "As you can see here, the snow has started to accumulate!" That's the South for ya. So, take cover!

The hub went on in to work really early but doesn't plan to stay long. I'll throw on my wellies in a bit and goof around with the pups once the sun comes up. Everyone's still being a bit lazy for now. (Fine by me.)

And here's one last reminder to enter my kick-ass giveaway! You've got until midnight ET tonight, so git 'r done.


Unknown said...

Have fun playing with your pups in the snow!!! I know I love a snow day and am still in my jammies! Girl, we need to catch up soon! I didn't even realize your surgery was for tomorrow!!! I will be praying for you (and hopefully it wont ice over tonight and you can get there). Love you Amanda!!! XOXO!!! Stay warm!!!

Ruth said...

Enjoy it. WE have 4 inches in the Memphis area. Our offices is opening at 10 but I can't get out of the neighborhood. Thankfully I have a lot of vacation time saved up.

Anonymous said...

LOL! Yes, channel 2 news has been on since early this am! No GMA, no Live with Regis and Kelly, no nothing! It is pretty here in the northern suburbs as you know! Hope you are enjoying the day.

Preppy Pink Crocodile said...

How much are you getting that your office closed down? That's crazy funny to me.

katherinebee said...

That's a ton of snow! Mind sending some my way? Fingers crossed you can make it to your appointment tomorrow!

Molly said...

So sorry about your appointment, hope you are able to get there! The snow looks so pretty!! I have no concept of being snowed in I wish I did, we never get any in Florida.