I think not. Definitely not.
I have 4 boxes in my food drawer at work. (Yes, I have a big filing drawer full of nothing but snacks.) Are thin mints really the world's most perfect cookie? They are in *my* world. Maybe it's because I only get to savor them once a year? I only let myself have 2-4 a day (though I could easily eat 24). My little 30 seconds of pure heaven. Mmmm...
Funny, I had a craving for those the other day. I bought the Grasshopper cookies by Keebler and they taste identical-I love Thin Mints!!!!
I love these SO much because they're delicious, yes, and because they make me feel nostalgic. Two boxes in my freezer (they're so good frozen!) and a third on the kitchen counter!
I have forbidden myself from buying them this year because the last time I did I ate nearly an entire box in one sitting. It was just disgusting, and I'm just not up for another round of such intense self-loathing.
Thin Mints, Tagalongs, and Samoas are my favorites and the most evil things to keep in my house. I have two nieces that are Girl Scouts and like any good Aunt, had to buy boxes and boxes. Less than a month later, only 2 boxes of Thin Mints and 1 box of Tagalongs are left. The gremlins must be eating them at night!
It is also good to hear that I was not the only person to have an entire file drawer devoted to all things edible!
I agree with Libby, they are great frozen. Quite the treat.
Oh those are yummy, I like them frozen too. I haven't had them in a couple of years though. The other day there were GS selling them outside of the grocery store, and although I usually buy/support such things, this time I just kept walking. :(
No chance.
Samoas kick thin mints ass any day of the week.
I'm just saying.
I love these - just finished off a box. I put them in the freezer - they are sooooo yummy!
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