Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My meds are here!

And I'm even more thrilled, because after the pharmacy ran my insurance, the total for everything was right at $100. Unreal! Our meds for the fresh cycle were over $3,000, so to receive this big box of goodies for only $100 seriously makes me giddy. Oh, the strange things I get excited over...

Here's a look at everything. There's a ton of additional syringes, so there's a lot of fluff in here. It's just two injectable medications (in vials) and a few others in pill form.

Here's the Lupron that I'll start on April 10th...

I think I can just do those in my stomach like I did my others. But here's the real bitch in the bunch - the progesterone...

Because it must be taken with this BIG ASS needle!!! DAILY!!!

The little one next to it is my normal size needle for injections in my stomach. (And don't worry, germaphobes - I threw those two needles out.) Lord help me with these progesterone shots! I've been warned they are not fun. The hub is definitely going to have to handle those because there's no way I can give that to myself. One of my friends did them herself and I have NO clue how she did. She has super powers, I think. My buns are sore just thinking about it.

Getting the meds today was super exciting though... I'm so ready to get started. And not nearly as freaked out as I was last time I opened my box of goodies. The progesterone shots are gonna suck, but bring it. I can do it, I can do it, I can do it!


M said...

The progesterone shots aren't that bad at all.The anticipation was the worst part. Good luck!!

Melissa said...

Holy hell that is a big needle! You can do it thought! Keep your eyes on the prize! :)

Anonymous said...

I always iced my booty for 10-15 mins before THE shot!!! And make sure the hubby does daily butt massages :) Blessings to YOU from one IF gal and wanna-be-mamma to another!!!

Oh and I came upon your blog when a friend told me I should check it out...and I just waned to let you know that I have been inspired and encouraged by your story and your faith!!!

Heather said...

Good luck! I am excited for you. You can do it!

BroncoMom said...

Betty, YES, you can do this! We will support cha every step of the way gal :)

Leslie said...

I don't know much about the prog. shots other than the huge scary needles. It's time like this when you almost wish you had some extra cushion on the booty! I'm currently on the vaginal prog. tablets (prometrium - the ones some take orally but my dr. does vaginal) 3x/day. Ew!!!

You can do this!! Especially after everything you've been through over the years. Great news on the price. Good luck!!!

Amy said...

Those progesterone shots really hurt! I only had to have them once a week. Good luck!! :)