Monday, March 14, 2011

Milkshake Confession

Yes, just as I wrapped last week up with a post on my strong diet will power... I willingly somersaulted off the wagon this weekend with not one, but TWO Chick-fil-A milkshakes. Small ones though without whip... gotta save some calories somewhere, right?! Ha.... but let me plead my case.

Friday was a rough day. A very dear IF buddy got bad news Friday afternoon. It hit me hard because I just wanted this SO badly for her!!! (I went to her transfer with her a couple of weeks ago, if you remember.) Plus, her husband had to catch a flight like an hour after they got the call from the doctor. So just a sucky day for her all around. After work I dropped by her place with a chocolate CFA milkshake and fries. Well and I had to get one too - out of sympathy right?! We slurped our shakes and had a good cry together. Time and chocolate heal all wounds.

Then Saturday night we took a little road trip to the southside to visit kuntry bride and her hubby in the hospital. They had an early delivery of their baby girl last week - a tiny little princess weighing less than 5 lbs! She was being watched closely in NICU but is doing wonderfully. It was so great to see our friends and meet their new little one, but being in the labor and delivery area of a hospital is still tough on me. I wonder if we'll ever get there... that part of the journey seems SO far away. I felt like any minute one of the nurses was going to say, "You don't belong here." And walking through the waiting area on our way out was the worst part really... seeing all the parents and grandparents with their balloons and cameras, oogling over newborn photos. *Ugh.* Nothing another milkshake can't cure, right?! Cookies 'n cream this time.

Oh, but we're back at it today, dear readers. No more cheats. You'll hold me accountable, won't you?!

Hope you all have a fantastic week!!!

P.S. If you're going to ask me why the hell I didn't try the new banana pudding milkshake, let me remind you that I hate bananas with an unrivaled passion. I made the hub get it though and he loved it.


BroncoMom said...

Bet it was worth every single calorie no less :)
YOU have a good week Buford Betty!!

Perfectly Imperfect said...

I read this while drinking a banana pudding shake... so I'll hold you accountable if you do the same for me! No more milkshakes!

Julie Tiemann said...

Milkshakes are the devil's drink of choice, I'm convinced. Nothing tastes better; nothing is worse for you. I confess I've had a couple of those damn banana pudding shakes and I'll probably have a couple more before they're gone. But I looked up the calories and holy heck they couldn't be WORSE for me. They're seriously over HALF of my caloric intake right now for an entire day. Insanity! But yep, they sure do taste good and even lift the spirits a bit. :) Glad you could let loose a bit!

MyTTCstory said...

You're making me crave one of these milkshakes even though I've never heard of them! I need to find a UK alternative.

Hope your friend is ok, sounds like you're doing a good job looking after her.


Jill said...

Perhaps we have a new marketing idea for CFA? I did something similar. Right before my first IVF I had two dear friends in one day tell me (and they were SO sweet about it but still...) they were expecting #2. Two in a day? I took my fanny down to CFA right away for a milkshake.

Hurley Lucy said...

Cookies & Cream all the way!