Somebody let Buford Betty have too many Blue Bayou's yesterday afternoon without eating anything except half of a Luna Bar. Though I slightly recall eating a hot dog at one point from the hot dog man downtown... not altogether sure about that. We didn't end up getting tickets. Wait, no we did. One of our friends that we went up with - his little sister came with and she scored like 4 tickets for face value - quite a feat. (She was cute and had big boobs - that always helps.) But it was hot as hell and we ultimately decided an air-conditioned bar sounded rather appealling, so we sold the tickets. I say *we* as if I was involved in all of this... no. I was at Bissett's downing Blue Bayou's this whole time and talking to two random dudes about the "good ole days" at UGA. At some point my high school came up and that started the "oh do you know so-and-so" conversation. And (Blue Bayou talking here), "oh yes I do! He totally liked me but would never ask me out. He totally missed out - that's all I gotta say." So what do we do? We start trying to call him. Brilliant.
We then started bar hopping to find a good spot to watch the game. Which there really are none because it's just packed everywhere. And all the bars have changed names multiple times since we were there so I have no freaking clue where we were. Plus I couldn't really see straight, so I really couldn't tell you. I remember seeing little helmets runnning around on a TV screen, but I didn't catch one single play of the game. Kinda bummed we missed the whole introduction of Uga VII. But seeing as my vision was skewed, I probably wouldn't have appreciated it. I remember when Uga V handed over his duties to Uga VI... 1999 maybe? I was in tears. Remember that day, bestest?! They showed a whole tribute video to Uga V and all that good stuff. So I hate that I missed all that.
Anyway, fast forward a bit and the Blue Bayou's finally caught up with me. I told the hub - I gotta go lay down in the car, like right now. So we got the keys from our buddy and I did just that. The hub said we were in there for like half an hour before our friends joined us to go home. I had no idea of time at this point - I was just glad to be horizontal. And ultimately, since Buford Betty apparently can't handle her liquor, the Blue Bayou's made a repeat appearance. Although the room (er, car) was spinning, I think I managed to be quite a tidy little up-chucker. The hub was such a sport. Well you know what - he should be. It was he afterall who kept ordering more drinks. That's right - his fault! ;-) And naturally, I felt way better after rejecting that hot blue mess. I know my body was like, WTF? Because while I love me a glass of wine here and there and the occassional margarita when I can justify the calories... I just don't drink that much. So really there was no way for this to end pretty.
We were supposed to go over to another friend's house last night for a Labor Day weekend cookout. Yeah, the hub went... but at 6pm I was face down on the bed in a bath robe. And I didn't move till the hub got back home around midnight and I had him make me a roast beef sandwich. I figured I needed some actual food in me. Still not sure about the alleged hot dog... so it's possible I had nothing to eat from like 10 o'clock in the morning to midnight yesterday (besides that half of a Luna Bar). Went back to bed and fell back asleep around 2 or so... got back up this morning around 7:30am. Which is like my normal out of bed time on weekends. Even though I feel lousy, I feel guilty staying in bed. I have mental issues.
So I'm recovering. I actually feel pretty OK. I just have that kind of dull bleh feeling in my stomach and a slight headache. And I'm exhausted. Unmotivated. Which is not good considering my to-do list is like off the charts since we're hosting this shower next weekend. Perhaps another cup of coffee and I'll get it together...
But anyway, three cheers for the Dawgs! I'll post some pics soon. I did get some good pics while I still had some sense. I fear what's on my friend's camera though. I distinctly remember several camera flashes going off while I was horizontal in the back seat of the car. Not good.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
Excuse me, but... freaking awesome is my Dawg sash?!

I am rather proud considering it's only like the 3rd thing I've ever sewn. Can you tell I modeled it after J. Crew's sash that goes with the Lyndsey dress? Remember when they sold those sashes a la carte in a million different colors a few years ago? Yeah I have like all of them. And now I have a Dawg version! Woof woof!
From my mom, the Auburn fan...
Sorry, she just couldn't help herself...
From the weather service:
In the event of a rash of tornadoes sweeping through the state of Alabama, we are asking all Alabamians to take shelter at Bryant-Denny Stadium located inTuscaloosa, Alabama.
We are fairly certain a touchdown will not occur there.
Oh isn't she the jokester... I'm sure you Bama girls will LOVE that one! Hehehehe...
Well, southern fried football is officially upon us! The hub and I are heading up to the UGA game tomorrow and I cannot wait!!! We don't have tickets, but we're just going to go and see if we can snag some cheap ones. If not, we'll just enjoy the fanfare and watch the game downtown or something. And I am gonna be collegiate cute to boot... I'll be wearing this dress...

...with my fabu silver Bonanno's (courtesy of bestest)...
And I got some fabric today at JoAnn's to make a Dawg-a-riffic sash for my black dress...

Goooooo Dawgs! Woo hoooooo!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Happy 25, Ballard Designs!
I've been meaning to post this ever since I read it while scavenging for coupons a few weeks ago... Here's a great article from the AJC about Atlanta's own Ballard Designs. Looks like they have some exciting plans for the future! I love their French-inspired style, but it will be interesting to see what new goodies they'll be introducing.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
A quick thanks... the two lovely ladies at Life's a Peach and The Pink Putter for handing Buford Betty a Diamond Award! That is bloggeriffic news and I can't wait to pass it on! I promise I'll hop on soon to make my acceptance speech and spread the love. This week I'm bizzy (that means crazy busy) at work with deadlines and bizzy at home trying to get a big wedding invitation order out the door (translation: not much time for blogworld). Thanks so much, girls! Thanks for reading! Back soon...
Monday, August 25, 2008
I ain't no plastic bag.

On my weekly grocery marathon yesterday, I learned that Wal-mart is soon going to ditch the plastic bags altogether. Not sure if this is just Super Wal-mart we're talking about or all Wal-mart stores, but anyway - I was intrigued. In an effort to encourage the use of reusable shopping bags (and help their bottom line, no doubt), they will be getting rid of the plastic grocery bags and will only have paper ones available. But customers will only be allowed 3 bags before they start charging (per bag). Now keep in mind this info all comes via a convo overheard between my cashier and bag boy as they're examining my super cool reusable bags that I got at Pier 1. I have no reason to doubt this information though... my cashier was complaining about all the whining he expects to get from customers. And I wouldn't be surprised to see this start happening at other stores soon enough.
So if you're not already on the reusable bag bandwagon, it's time to hop on. I personally shop at like 4 different places. Kroger, Publix, and Wal-mart are pretty much a weekly hit. Costco gets hit up once or twice a month. So I feel the need to have generic bags... I know it's dumb, but I feel weird bagging Kroger groceries in my lime green Publix bags. It's like I'm having an affair with Publix and rubbing it in Kroger's face. Or is it the reverse? I'm sorry Publix, but Kroger had a better price on tomatoes this week! But hey - I'm all over your BOGO portabella mushrooms! Lucky for me, our grocery stores are all lined up - boom, boom, boom - along one street. So I really do run a grocery marathon on Sundays. But anyway - we're talking about the bags. If you need some super cool bags and like me, don't want grocery-specific ones, here are a few places to look for some cute but cheap ones...
- Trader Joe's - OK yes, I know this is technically a grocery but it doesn't count. I think of it more as a specialty store and besides, they have some uber cute bags - all different kinds - for really cheap (only $1 or $2).
- IKEA - You gotta do a little hunting (and also take a valium before going), but they have lots of good bags in all different sizes - and for stoopid cheap of course.
- Pier 1 - I found some super cute ones in here for $2 and $3.
- I can't vouch for this as I haven't been in a while, but another place worth looking would be Cost Plus World Market. I'm SURE they have some... totally sounds like something they'd carry, doesn't it?
What cool bags have y'all found? I totally have more than enough but I have a weird obsession with these bags! I just keep buying more!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Thanks for the evite.
I just got an evite to a summer cookout next weekend. Looks real fun, guys! Problem is - I have no idea who this person is that sent it out. Seriously NO idea. By looking at the invitees, I see that there is some kind of connection to our neighborhood up here in suburbia. But this person lives in Decatur. I'm completely clueless. Perhaps I'll reply *maybe* and add "I'll give you a final answer as soon as I figure out who the hell you are. Thanks for the invite!"
SEC Football: Is there anything better?!
Well the answer is no, so don't try to convince me otherwise. We beat each other up year after year because we have so many killer teams. Georgia's schedule this year is really tough, as usual... I really don't like being ranked #1 - it's a curse if you ask me. But we'll see how things pan out in the next few months! Anyway, I just got this email with some football funnies - and amazingly, I hadn't seen these before. So I just had to share!
And just a warning - we in the South take our college football very seriously. Yeah, we all have NFL teams, but I couldn't tell you the first thing about the Atlanta Falcons. Haven't been to a Falcons game since... hell I don't even know. I couldn't care less about the NFL. It's all so commercial to me. College footall is where it's at down here! I can't even describe the sense of pride you feel when your team comes running out on the field and the stadium just ROARS. Gotta love it! Hopefully the spacing is not too screwy - I copied and pasted this from an email. Enjoy, and GO DAWGS!
Women's Accessories:
NORTH: Chap Stick in back pocket and a $20 bill in the front pocket.
SOUTH: Louis Vuitton duffel with two lipsticks, waterproof mascara, and a fifth of bourbon. Money not necessary - that's what dates are for.
Stadium Size:
NORTH: College football stadiums hold 20,000 people.
SOUTH: High school football stadiums hold 20,000 people.
NORTH: Expect their daughters to understand Sylvia Plath.
SOUTH: Expect their daughters to understand pass interference.
Campus Decor:
NORTH: Statues of founding fathers.
SOUTH: Statues of Heisman trophy winners.
Homecoming Queen:
NORTH: Also a physics major.
SOUTH: Also Miss America .
NORTH: Rudy Giuliani.
SOUTH: Herschel Walker & Peyton Manning.
Getting Tickets:
NORTH: 5 days before the game you walk into the ticket office on campus.
SOUTH: 5 months before the game you walk into the ticket office on campus, make a large financial contribution, and put name on a waiting list for tickets.
Friday Classes After a Thursday Night Game:
NORTH: Students and teachers not sure they're going to the game, because they have classes on Friday.
SOUTH: Teachers cancel Friday classes because they don't want to see the few hung over students that might actually make it to class.
NORTH: An hour before game time, the University opens the campus for game parking.
SOUTH: RV's sporting their school flags begin arriving on Wednesday for the weekend festivities. The really faithful arrive on Tuesday.
Game Day:
NORTH: A few students party in the dorm and watch ESPN on TV.
SOUTH: Every student wakes up, has a beer for breakfast, and waves to the idiots up north who wonder why 'Game Day Live' is never broadcast from their campus.
NORTH: Raw meat on a grill, beer with lime in it, listening to local radio station with truck tailgate down.
SOUTH: 30-foot custom pig-shaped smoker fires up at dawn. Cooking accompanied by live performance from the Dave Matthews Band, who come over during breaks and ask for a hit off bottle of bourbon.
Getting to the Stadium:
NORTH: You ask 'Where's the stadium?' When you find it, you walk right in.
SOUTH: When you're near it, you'll hear it. On game day it is the state's third largest city.
NORTH: Drinks served in a paper cup, filled to the top with soda.
SOUTH: Drinks served in a plastic cup, with the home team's mascot on it, filled less than half way with soda, to ensure enough room for bourbon.
When National Anthem is Played:
NORTH: Stands are less than half full, and less than half of them stand up.
SOUTH: 100,000 fans, all standing, sing along in perfect four-part harmony.
The Smell in the Air After the First Score:
NORTH: Nothing changes.
SOUTH: Fireworks, with a touch of bourbon.
Commentary (Male):
NORTH: 'Nice play.'
SOUTH: 'Dammit, you slow sumbitch - tackle him and break his legs.'
Commentary (Female):
NORTH: 'My, this certainly is a violent sport.'
SOUTH: 'Dammit, you slow sumbitch - tackle him and break his legs.'
NORTH: Neutral and paid.
SOUTH: Announcer harmonizes with the crowd in the fight song, with a tear in his eye because he is so proud of his team.
After the Game:
NORTH: The stadium is empty way before the game ends.
SOUTH: Another rack of ribs goes on the smoker, while somebody goes to the nearest package store for more bourbon, and planning begins for next week's game.
At VANDERBILT: It takes two, one to change the bulb and one more to explain how they did it every bit as good as the bulbs changed at Harvard.
At GEORGIA: It takes two, one to change the bulb and one to stabilize the rolling beer cooler the bulb changer is using for a ladder.
At FLORIDA : It takes four, one to screw in the bulb and three to figure out how to get stoned off the old one. [All while wearing jean shorts, I'm sure.]
At ALABAMA : It takes five, one to change it, three to reminisce about how The Bear would have done it, and one to throw the old bulb at an NCAA investigator.
At OLE MISS: It takes six, one to change it, two to mix the drinks and three to find the perfect J. Crew outfit to wear for the occasion.
At LSU: It takes seven, and each one gets credit for five Semester hours.
At KENTUCKY : It takes eight, one to screw it in and seven to discuss how much brighter it seems to shine during basketball season.
At TENNESSEE: It takes ten, two to figure out how to screw it in, two to buy an orange lamp shade, and six to phone a radio call-in show and talk about how much they hate Alabama.
At MISSISSIPPI STATE : It takes fifteen, one to screw in the bulb, two to buy the Skoal, and twelve to yell, 'GO TO HELL, OLE MISS'.
At AUBURN: It takes one hundred, one to change it, forty-nine to talk about how they did it better than at Bama and Georgia, and fifty to get drunk and roll Toomer's Corner when finished.
At SOUTH CAROLINA : It takes 80,000, one to screw it in and 79,999 to discuss how this finally will be the year that they have a decent football team.
At ARKANSAS : None. There is no electricity in Arkansas.
And just a warning - we in the South take our college football very seriously. Yeah, we all have NFL teams, but I couldn't tell you the first thing about the Atlanta Falcons. Haven't been to a Falcons game since... hell I don't even know. I couldn't care less about the NFL. It's all so commercial to me. College footall is where it's at down here! I can't even describe the sense of pride you feel when your team comes running out on the field and the stadium just ROARS. Gotta love it! Hopefully the spacing is not too screwy - I copied and pasted this from an email. Enjoy, and GO DAWGS!
SEC Football
Planning for the fall football season in the South is radically different than up North. For those who are planning a football trip South, here are some helpful hints.
Women's Accessories:
NORTH: Chap Stick in back pocket and a $20 bill in the front pocket.
SOUTH: Louis Vuitton duffel with two lipsticks, waterproof mascara, and a fifth of bourbon. Money not necessary - that's what dates are for.
Stadium Size:
NORTH: College football stadiums hold 20,000 people.
SOUTH: High school football stadiums hold 20,000 people.
NORTH: Expect their daughters to understand Sylvia Plath.
SOUTH: Expect their daughters to understand pass interference.
Campus Decor:
NORTH: Statues of founding fathers.
SOUTH: Statues of Heisman trophy winners.
Homecoming Queen:
NORTH: Also a physics major.
SOUTH: Also Miss America .
NORTH: Rudy Giuliani.
SOUTH: Herschel Walker & Peyton Manning.
Getting Tickets:
NORTH: 5 days before the game you walk into the ticket office on campus.
SOUTH: 5 months before the game you walk into the ticket office on campus, make a large financial contribution, and put name on a waiting list for tickets.
Friday Classes After a Thursday Night Game:
NORTH: Students and teachers not sure they're going to the game, because they have classes on Friday.
SOUTH: Teachers cancel Friday classes because they don't want to see the few hung over students that might actually make it to class.
NORTH: An hour before game time, the University opens the campus for game parking.
SOUTH: RV's sporting their school flags begin arriving on Wednesday for the weekend festivities. The really faithful arrive on Tuesday.
Game Day:
NORTH: A few students party in the dorm and watch ESPN on TV.
SOUTH: Every student wakes up, has a beer for breakfast, and waves to the idiots up north who wonder why 'Game Day Live' is never broadcast from their campus.
NORTH: Raw meat on a grill, beer with lime in it, listening to local radio station with truck tailgate down.
SOUTH: 30-foot custom pig-shaped smoker fires up at dawn. Cooking accompanied by live performance from the Dave Matthews Band, who come over during breaks and ask for a hit off bottle of bourbon.
Getting to the Stadium:
NORTH: You ask 'Where's the stadium?' When you find it, you walk right in.
SOUTH: When you're near it, you'll hear it. On game day it is the state's third largest city.
NORTH: Drinks served in a paper cup, filled to the top with soda.
SOUTH: Drinks served in a plastic cup, with the home team's mascot on it, filled less than half way with soda, to ensure enough room for bourbon.
When National Anthem is Played:
NORTH: Stands are less than half full, and less than half of them stand up.
SOUTH: 100,000 fans, all standing, sing along in perfect four-part harmony.
The Smell in the Air After the First Score:
NORTH: Nothing changes.
SOUTH: Fireworks, with a touch of bourbon.
Commentary (Male):
NORTH: 'Nice play.'
SOUTH: 'Dammit, you slow sumbitch - tackle him and break his legs.'
Commentary (Female):
NORTH: 'My, this certainly is a violent sport.'
SOUTH: 'Dammit, you slow sumbitch - tackle him and break his legs.'
NORTH: Neutral and paid.
SOUTH: Announcer harmonizes with the crowd in the fight song, with a tear in his eye because he is so proud of his team.
After the Game:
NORTH: The stadium is empty way before the game ends.
SOUTH: Another rack of ribs goes on the smoker, while somebody goes to the nearest package store for more bourbon, and planning begins for next week's game.
At VANDERBILT: It takes two, one to change the bulb and one more to explain how they did it every bit as good as the bulbs changed at Harvard.
At GEORGIA: It takes two, one to change the bulb and one to stabilize the rolling beer cooler the bulb changer is using for a ladder.
At FLORIDA : It takes four, one to screw in the bulb and three to figure out how to get stoned off the old one. [All while wearing jean shorts, I'm sure.]
At ALABAMA : It takes five, one to change it, three to reminisce about how The Bear would have done it, and one to throw the old bulb at an NCAA investigator.
At OLE MISS: It takes six, one to change it, two to mix the drinks and three to find the perfect J. Crew outfit to wear for the occasion.
At LSU: It takes seven, and each one gets credit for five Semester hours.
At KENTUCKY : It takes eight, one to screw it in and seven to discuss how much brighter it seems to shine during basketball season.
At TENNESSEE: It takes ten, two to figure out how to screw it in, two to buy an orange lamp shade, and six to phone a radio call-in show and talk about how much they hate Alabama.
At MISSISSIPPI STATE : It takes fifteen, one to screw in the bulb, two to buy the Skoal, and twelve to yell, 'GO TO HELL, OLE MISS'.
At AUBURN: It takes one hundred, one to change it, forty-nine to talk about how they did it better than at Bama and Georgia, and fifty to get drunk and roll Toomer's Corner when finished.
At SOUTH CAROLINA : It takes 80,000, one to screw it in and 79,999 to discuss how this finally will be the year that they have a decent football team.
At ARKANSAS : None. There is no electricity in Arkansas.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
50% off all Mineral Makeup at ELF!
I'm trying to figure out - to the minute - how long this "24 hour" sale lasts... because it seems to still be going on and I think 24 hours have certainly passed since I first got word. The point: get hand to mouse and scoot on over to Elf and load up now, now, now!!!
If you've yet to try out this new "mineral" makeup phenomenon, here's your chance to do it, not just on the cheap, but on the WAY cheap! Click below to see all the mineral goodies...

There are tons of fun mineral products. If you're not familiar with Elf - it is fabulous makeup for stoopid prices. Most products are only $1. But the mineral line has products ranging from $3-8. I've mentioned it a bunch, so y'all know *I* loves it.
Anyway - they are always having sales on top of their awesome prices, but this one could not go without mentioning... when you enter code BLOWOUT at checkout, you get 50% off ALL mineral products totalling $25 or more. (Dumbass me had "BLOWAWAY" typed initially - so if you tried that, try again with the correct one!) But like I said - this is supposedly only a "24 hour sale" so I'd get your arse on over there now.
If you've yet to try out this new "mineral" makeup phenomenon, here's your chance to do it, not just on the cheap, but on the WAY cheap! Click below to see all the mineral goodies...

There are tons of fun mineral products. If you're not familiar with Elf - it is fabulous makeup for stoopid prices. Most products are only $1. But the mineral line has products ranging from $3-8. I've mentioned it a bunch, so y'all know *I* loves it.
Anyway - they are always having sales on top of their awesome prices, but this one could not go without mentioning... when you enter code BLOWOUT at checkout, you get 50% off ALL mineral products totalling $25 or more. (Dumbass me had "BLOWAWAY" typed initially - so if you tried that, try again with the correct one!) But like I said - this is supposedly only a "24 hour sale" so I'd get your arse on over there now.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Lilly Sales - stock up!
All the fall merchandise is pouring in, so the summer goods have gotta go! Here are two big Lilly sales to take a bite out of...
For mini Lilly, visit In the Pink to get an EXTRA 25% off all kids' clearance items. Enter 0820 at checkout for the discount. Good through this Sunday, August 24th.
For my Atlanta gals, Mint Julep has slashed prices on all summer merchandise! Final markdowns on all ladies' items - 60-80% off! All kids' inventory will be marked 50-60% off. Sale starts Friday and goes through Labor Day weekend.
Go get you some!
For mini Lilly, visit In the Pink to get an EXTRA 25% off all kids' clearance items. Enter 0820 at checkout for the discount. Good through this Sunday, August 24th.
For my Atlanta gals, Mint Julep has slashed prices on all summer merchandise! Final markdowns on all ladies' items - 60-80% off! All kids' inventory will be marked 50-60% off. Sale starts Friday and goes through Labor Day weekend.
Go get you some!
Daily Candy - Kids!
Oh how fun! Daily Candy has come out with a kids' edition. Mommas, hop on and sign up for your city - or you can get the "everywhere" edition if your city isn't listed. I've discovered some really cool local places via Daily Candy, so I can't wait to see what the kid version is all about. Even though we don't have kids yet, I still eat this stuff up. Delicious!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008
I love: Juicy Charms
I just got an email from Juicy with some of the new charms out... I SO need that football one for this football season, don't you think?!

I know a lot of y'all aren't big fans of Juicy Couture - perhaps the idea of "JUICY" spelled across your ass is unappealing? Certainly age-inappropriate for me, if nothing else. (Maybe they should start a "JIGGLY" line for the over-30 crowd.) But seriously, don't think Juicy is nothing but terry track suits. Yes, a lot of their stuff is a bit on the obnoxious side, but I love the brand. I love that it's all about having fun and being fabulous. It's "prep" on diamond-encrusted steroids. It's Ralph Lauren and Betsey Johnson's love child. It's just plain fun.
As far as their clothing goes, one of my must-have pieces is the terry tube dress. I LOVE these and I wear them all the time - over jeans, over capris, as a swimsuit cover-up... I even bought their maternity version (on clearance, of course) in hopes of wearing it someday. Some of my favorite little spring blazers are Juicy - and you'd never know they were Juicy because they're not at all flashy. They actually have a lot of pieces that are sweet, simple, and uber feminine. Their jeans are fabulous. And while I'll pass on the furry snow boots, they do have some killer shoes as well. Most of their handbags are a little over-the-top for me, but I've seen some that I'd gladly carry. Today, however, let's just talk about how fun their jewelry is.
One of my favorite gifts ever, ever received was this yummalicious Juicy charm bracelet that the hub gave me for Christmas last year. (He may have had some coaching. Maybe.) He got me the bracelet and several charms that he picked out to go along with it. I love charm bracelets anyway, but this one is just crazy fun!
Now it's definitely not for a wallflower. Nothing dainty about this bracelet - that's for sure. But I love big, fun, chunky jewelry - so this is right up my alley. I love big statement pieces like this. You won't often see me in a teeny little silver chain with a tiny pendant dangling off the end. Perfectly lovely - just not my usual style. When you throw on the charms, this bracelet is so delicious. And no other piece of jewelry has ever gotten me more compliments. Even GUYS notice it and want to look at it. People seriously can't get enough of it - it's hilarious. One of my co-workers stops to fiddle with it every time I wear it to the office. "Oh, let me see that bracelet! I just LOVE it!" Every. Time.
And the best part is, Juicy comes out with fun new charms all the time. They're often seasonal, so you can tailor your bracelet to whatever' s going on! And the charms themselves are really affordable. Here are some fun ones (the last shoe charm is on my bracelet currently)...

I know a lot of y'all aren't big fans of Juicy Couture - perhaps the idea of "JUICY" spelled across your ass is unappealing? Certainly age-inappropriate for me, if nothing else. (Maybe they should start a "JIGGLY" line for the over-30 crowd.) But seriously, don't think Juicy is nothing but terry track suits. Yes, a lot of their stuff is a bit on the obnoxious side, but I love the brand. I love that it's all about having fun and being fabulous. It's "prep" on diamond-encrusted steroids. It's Ralph Lauren and Betsey Johnson's love child. It's just plain fun.
As far as their clothing goes, one of my must-have pieces is the terry tube dress. I LOVE these and I wear them all the time - over jeans, over capris, as a swimsuit cover-up... I even bought their maternity version (on clearance, of course) in hopes of wearing it someday. Some of my favorite little spring blazers are Juicy - and you'd never know they were Juicy because they're not at all flashy. They actually have a lot of pieces that are sweet, simple, and uber feminine. Their jeans are fabulous. And while I'll pass on the furry snow boots, they do have some killer shoes as well. Most of their handbags are a little over-the-top for me, but I've seen some that I'd gladly carry. Today, however, let's just talk about how fun their jewelry is.
One of my favorite gifts ever, ever received was this yummalicious Juicy charm bracelet that the hub gave me for Christmas last year. (He may have had some coaching. Maybe.) He got me the bracelet and several charms that he picked out to go along with it. I love charm bracelets anyway, but this one is just crazy fun!

And the best part is, Juicy comes out with fun new charms all the time. They're often seasonal, so you can tailor your bracelet to whatever' s going on! And the charms themselves are really affordable. Here are some fun ones (the last shoe charm is on my bracelet currently)...
A little much for some, I'm sure. I call it my fabulously tacky bracelet. But you know Buford Betty can pull it off! ;-)
Monday, August 18, 2008
A few random things for Monday morning...
1. Behold, the finished product for my giveaway winner, LSU Melanie! These turned out so cute (don't let my lousy pic fool you) - be jealous, ladies! Mellie, I hope you and your pregalicious belly enjoy! These will be en route to you tomorrow...

2. I started putting together the favors for this couples' shower we're throwing next month. Being that we're in massive budget mode, this shower has been quite a challenge - as I don't enjoy being limited in my party planning. It's one of those situations where I jumped up and said "me, me, me!" to hosting a shower as soon as our friends got engaged. And then now I'm like, oh damn... what did I get myself into? But, as with our other money-saving tactics, I've totally turned this shower planning on a budget into a game. As in, for how little money can I throw a fabulous shower? I usually don't keep tally on party expenses, but I'm drilling this one down to every last penny. And so far, I'm kicking some SERIOUS ass. You should see my Excel spreadsheet for this one - it's so awesome.
We're doing an "entertainment" themed shower. Bestest laughs at us all down south and our themed showers. So I guess this is not a normal thing around the whole country? Anyway, this entertainment theme seems to be all the rage now in the world of bridal showers. Gifts being things to entertain with... anything from serveware to board games. So I came up with this whole elaborate setup for the shower initially, and then I dumbed it down a couple of notches to something manageable. (That's usually my normal party planning process - dream big, then bring it down to reality.) The end result is a movie-themed shower. Now our take on "entertainment" covers everything from chic cocktail parties all the way to a movie night for two... so I decided to take the movie theme and run with it.
We're borrowing a friend's old fashioned popcorn machine (like the kind they used to give away on The Price is Right and I always wondered what the hell people were gonna do with it). Also, the hub has a "talent" for editing photos - so we're going to find some classic movie covers and edit them a bit to fit the bride and groom. I'll print those out and hang them somehow around the house. And I plan to display movie quotes all around the house on love and marriage... And here are those favors I started on. Movie theatre candy! Too darn cute...

3. I went to my J. Crew this weekend in an attempt to find a birthday prezzie for my dad with my super fun giftcard that I won at Jillian, Inc. (woo hoo!). But much to my surprise, MY store has ditched the men's section altogether and now is a women's "concept" store. Of course. Of course this happens the ONE time I'm in there looking for boy stuff. Completely baffled, I asked one of the sales girls where the hell the men's section went and she explained how they're doing this at 12 stores around the nation. But all the other Atlanta stores will still be selling men's and women's. Whatever. But I must say - if any of you locals are in the market, the clearance section at the Mall of Georgia location is freaking ginormous. And it was all marked an additional 40% off (for how long I don't know).
Saturday I had to run by our townhouse, so I hopped on over to the Perimeter location to check out the men's stuff. Nothing really caught my eye, so I also left that crew empty-handed. But I did notice the clearance section for women was like maybe a third of the size of the MOG store. Anyway, I decided to try my luck online - I usually have much more luck there anyway. So I ordered my dad a super cute pair of madras shorts and I also snagged these pretties for me.

A little give and take, you know. And I only went $4 over my giftcard once shipping and tax was figured in - woo hoo!
4. Lastly, I was very disappointed to learn that Warner Brothers is pushing back the release of the new Harry Potter film to NEXT summer. Nooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Way to tease us with the trailer and then yank it away from us! Cruel, I'll tell you!
5. NO wait, one more... the Kate Spade boutique is open now at Rue La La. Go buy stuff and I'll pretend I'm you!

2. I started putting together the favors for this couples' shower we're throwing next month. Being that we're in massive budget mode, this shower has been quite a challenge - as I don't enjoy being limited in my party planning. It's one of those situations where I jumped up and said "me, me, me!" to hosting a shower as soon as our friends got engaged. And then now I'm like, oh damn... what did I get myself into? But, as with our other money-saving tactics, I've totally turned this shower planning on a budget into a game. As in, for how little money can I throw a fabulous shower? I usually don't keep tally on party expenses, but I'm drilling this one down to every last penny. And so far, I'm kicking some SERIOUS ass. You should see my Excel spreadsheet for this one - it's so awesome.
We're doing an "entertainment" themed shower. Bestest laughs at us all down south and our themed showers. So I guess this is not a normal thing around the whole country? Anyway, this entertainment theme seems to be all the rage now in the world of bridal showers. Gifts being things to entertain with... anything from serveware to board games. So I came up with this whole elaborate setup for the shower initially, and then I dumbed it down a couple of notches to something manageable. (That's usually my normal party planning process - dream big, then bring it down to reality.) The end result is a movie-themed shower. Now our take on "entertainment" covers everything from chic cocktail parties all the way to a movie night for two... so I decided to take the movie theme and run with it.
We're borrowing a friend's old fashioned popcorn machine (like the kind they used to give away on The Price is Right and I always wondered what the hell people were gonna do with it). Also, the hub has a "talent" for editing photos - so we're going to find some classic movie covers and edit them a bit to fit the bride and groom. I'll print those out and hang them somehow around the house. And I plan to display movie quotes all around the house on love and marriage... And here are those favors I started on. Movie theatre candy! Too darn cute...

3. I went to my J. Crew this weekend in an attempt to find a birthday prezzie for my dad with my super fun giftcard that I won at Jillian, Inc. (woo hoo!). But much to my surprise, MY store has ditched the men's section altogether and now is a women's "concept" store. Of course. Of course this happens the ONE time I'm in there looking for boy stuff. Completely baffled, I asked one of the sales girls where the hell the men's section went and she explained how they're doing this at 12 stores around the nation. But all the other Atlanta stores will still be selling men's and women's. Whatever. But I must say - if any of you locals are in the market, the clearance section at the Mall of Georgia location is freaking ginormous. And it was all marked an additional 40% off (for how long I don't know).
Saturday I had to run by our townhouse, so I hopped on over to the Perimeter location to check out the men's stuff. Nothing really caught my eye, so I also left that crew empty-handed. But I did notice the clearance section for women was like maybe a third of the size of the MOG store. Anyway, I decided to try my luck online - I usually have much more luck there anyway. So I ordered my dad a super cute pair of madras shorts and I also snagged these pretties for me.

A little give and take, you know. And I only went $4 over my giftcard once shipping and tax was figured in - woo hoo!
4. Lastly, I was very disappointed to learn that Warner Brothers is pushing back the release of the new Harry Potter film to NEXT summer. Nooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Way to tease us with the trailer and then yank it away from us! Cruel, I'll tell you!
5. NO wait, one more... the Kate Spade boutique is open now at Rue La La. Go buy stuff and I'll pretend I'm you!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Random Laughs: Ugly Betty
Yeah this is totally random, but I was watching this old episode of Ugly Betty on Tivo and I was just cracking up. I adore this show, and the Slater-Bradford wedding episode is one of my favorites. If you're not watching this show, you are SO missing out. I can't wait for it to come back this fall! Here are a couple of my favorite scenes from this particular episode...
The first showcases Posh Spice's scenes - she had a guest appearance (as herself) as Wilhemina's last minute MOH. My favorite scene is Wilhemina's final gown fitting with Vera Wang (playing herself). This is mayjah! And who wouldn't want a booty bop from Vera Wang?!
The first showcases Posh Spice's scenes - she had a guest appearance (as herself) as Wilhemina's last minute MOH. My favorite scene is Wilhemina's final gown fitting with Vera Wang (playing herself). This is mayjah! And who wouldn't want a booty bop from Vera Wang?!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Reader Poll: What Olympic sport would you add?

While driving to work this morning, my local radio show was talking about starting a new sport as a way to get into the Olympics - jokingly, of course. Sort of. And that got me thinking about what sport I'd add to the Olympics if anyone asked for my input. Which they should! But they usually don't.
I think my idea is totally awesome though. Bestest and I always joke that if people would just listen to us, the world would be a better place. Humility at its finest! Anyway, so if *I* were to add a sport, it would be partner stunting - as in cheerleading. Now I'm not about to get into the controversial topic of whether cheering is a sport or not... but y'all, if people can win gold medals for jumping on a freaking trampoline, surely this is worth consideration.
Now I'm not talking about full squads competing here. There are lots of elements to cheerleading. I cheered for many years, so yeah I have my opinions on it, sure. The gymnasts have got the tumbling covered, so no need to have more of that. I don't really care about seeing actual chanting or dance numbers... but stunting? Yes, that could work. And I think the best bet - at least initially - would be partner stunting. Teams of two - a guy and a gal - that perform a routine throwing trick after trick after trick. The routines are about a minute long - I found one on You Tube so you could see what I'm talking about.
I think my idea is totally awesome though. Bestest and I always joke that if people would just listen to us, the world would be a better place. Humility at its finest! Anyway, so if *I* were to add a sport, it would be partner stunting - as in cheerleading. Now I'm not about to get into the controversial topic of whether cheering is a sport or not... but y'all, if people can win gold medals for jumping on a freaking trampoline, surely this is worth consideration.
Now I'm not talking about full squads competing here. There are lots of elements to cheerleading. I cheered for many years, so yeah I have my opinions on it, sure. The gymnasts have got the tumbling covered, so no need to have more of that. I don't really care about seeing actual chanting or dance numbers... but stunting? Yes, that could work. And I think the best bet - at least initially - would be partner stunting. Teams of two - a guy and a gal - that perform a routine throwing trick after trick after trick. The routines are about a minute long - I found one on You Tube so you could see what I'm talking about.
Totally medal worthy, don't you think? I guess the question is... do any other countries do partner stunting? Well I bet you they'd start!
So today's question, readers... what Olympic sport would YOU add?
Friday, August 8, 2008
I like Fridays. Fridays are my favorite.
Happy Friday, y'all! I am so ready for a weekend since I was robbed of one last week. And our house looks like shiz since we got rid of our maid. Yeah that was one of "those" items that got quickly nixed once we started on this penny-pinching plan. I can pick up and organize stuff all day, but I detest cleaning. Though we do have quite the supply of cleaning products. The hub has a bizarre obsession with cleaning stuff. I wish I could say he was equally obsessed with using those products. Anyway, so I'm hoping to get some of that fun stuff knocked off the list this afternoon. We get to leave early (from work) today, so I've got my to-do list and I'm ready to go!
Anyway, here's a little Friday treat for you... I'm finally getting around to posting after being tagged by both Pink Lemonade & Peonies and Pinot & Pacifiers. Thanks, girls!
The rules:
1. Link to the person who tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
2. Share 5 songs you are embarrassed to admit to others that you like and tell why.
3. Tag 5 random people at the end of post and include links to their blogs.
4. Let each person know they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
So here goes...
Pressure - David Bowie f. Queen (and yes that is David Bowie featuring Queen, not Queen featuring David Bowie). I don't guess this is really embarrassing other than the fact that I think David Bowie is freakishly HOT! And I jam to this one. Vanilla Ice can stick it. You stole it and you know it!
Tammy's in Love - Debbie Reynolds, et al. OK yes, this one's embarrassing. I love all the Tammy movies... Tammy and the Bachelor, Tammy and the Doctor... do y'all know these? Well I occassionally break out into song with this one.
Area Codes - Ludacris. I'm sure many think he's rather foul, but I love Ludacris. I saw him on an airplane once and our eyes met. We had a moment. He was thinking I should be in his next video, I'm sure. This one is totally in my running mix on my ipod.
Love in this Club - Usher. I LOVE this song right now - and that's not embarrassing, but I would be terribly embarrassed if two people really started going to town next to me in a club. Usher may not care who's watching, but *I* do! Does this really happen? Guess I should stop worrying since I don't go to clubs.
I Kissed a Girl - Katy Perry. Yeah this one is just too catchy and I can't help it. I think it's funny and I totally crank it up when it comes on.
I also could've named like 30 songs from Britney Spears, but well, no embarrassment there. She takes up half my ipod.
Well, not to be a rule breaker, but I think most everyone has done this one... so tag, you're IT if you haven't!!! Hope y'all have a great weekend! :-)
Anyway, here's a little Friday treat for you... I'm finally getting around to posting after being tagged by both Pink Lemonade & Peonies and Pinot & Pacifiers. Thanks, girls!
The rules:
1. Link to the person who tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
2. Share 5 songs you are embarrassed to admit to others that you like and tell why.
3. Tag 5 random people at the end of post and include links to their blogs.
4. Let each person know they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
So here goes...
Pressure - David Bowie f. Queen (and yes that is David Bowie featuring Queen, not Queen featuring David Bowie). I don't guess this is really embarrassing other than the fact that I think David Bowie is freakishly HOT! And I jam to this one. Vanilla Ice can stick it. You stole it and you know it!
Tammy's in Love - Debbie Reynolds, et al. OK yes, this one's embarrassing. I love all the Tammy movies... Tammy and the Bachelor, Tammy and the Doctor... do y'all know these? Well I occassionally break out into song with this one.
Area Codes - Ludacris. I'm sure many think he's rather foul, but I love Ludacris. I saw him on an airplane once and our eyes met. We had a moment. He was thinking I should be in his next video, I'm sure. This one is totally in my running mix on my ipod.
Love in this Club - Usher. I LOVE this song right now - and that's not embarrassing, but I would be terribly embarrassed if two people really started going to town next to me in a club. Usher may not care who's watching, but *I* do! Does this really happen? Guess I should stop worrying since I don't go to clubs.
I Kissed a Girl - Katy Perry. Yeah this one is just too catchy and I can't help it. I think it's funny and I totally crank it up when it comes on.
I also could've named like 30 songs from Britney Spears, but well, no embarrassment there. She takes up half my ipod.
Well, not to be a rule breaker, but I think most everyone has done this one... so tag, you're IT if you haven't!!! Hope y'all have a great weekend! :-)
Monday, August 4, 2008
And the winner is...
Finally, finally - it's time to draw the big weeeeener!
Thanks to all of you that entered my first lil giveaway. I am super excited! So today when I got home, I printed out all your names and sliced 'em up...

I folded them all and threw them in a big pitcher. Charlie stood by to make sure I didn't cut any corners...

Belly decided she would draw the name (she's the boss, you know)...

And the winner is...

Thanks again to all who entered! I'll post the finished product soon so y'all can be all jealous of Melanie! ;-)
Fruitcake & Ice Cream
I've been asking myself whether or not I should share this with y'all, but then I thought, why wouldn't I?! It's my blog afterall - ha! I don't bring up God stuff too terribly often on here (and I think this video nails the reason why), but I wanted to give y'all an opportunity to see our sermon from yesterday. It was absolutely amazing - a great message for anyone, Christian or not. That's the great thing about our church - anyone can pick up something from these messages (not just us fruitcake Christians).
This one is by Louis Giglio. He is not our head pastor, but he speaks fairly often and the dude makes me cry like a baby every time. He travels all over the world and is a big, big influence in youth ministry - especially college students (7:22 programs, Passion conferences, etc). He's extremely passionate and fun to watch. But this particular message is just one I couldn't keep to myself. He shares the story of a student from the University of Florida. It's a story he's told all over the world. I invite you to take a half hour or so sometime soon to watch this video online. And bring your tissues!
To view the video, go to this page ( and you'll see an icon pop up that looks like a CD cover entitled "Home Free - Even Me." Click on that and it'll expand a box that looks like this:

Click on the icon to view the video that I have circled above (choose the second sermon listed, entitled "Fruitcake & Ice Cream") and a new window will pop up and the video will immediately start.
Hope y'all enjoy and I'd love to hear your thoughts.
I'll be back later tonight with my big weeeeeeeener! Woot woot!
This one is by Louis Giglio. He is not our head pastor, but he speaks fairly often and the dude makes me cry like a baby every time. He travels all over the world and is a big, big influence in youth ministry - especially college students (7:22 programs, Passion conferences, etc). He's extremely passionate and fun to watch. But this particular message is just one I couldn't keep to myself. He shares the story of a student from the University of Florida. It's a story he's told all over the world. I invite you to take a half hour or so sometime soon to watch this video online. And bring your tissues!
To view the video, go to this page ( and you'll see an icon pop up that looks like a CD cover entitled "Home Free - Even Me." Click on that and it'll expand a box that looks like this:

Click on the icon to view the video that I have circled above (choose the second sermon listed, entitled "Fruitcake & Ice Cream") and a new window will pop up and the video will immediately start.
Hope y'all enjoy and I'd love to hear your thoughts.
I'll be back later tonight with my big weeeeeeeener! Woot woot!
Update (3.15.09): I'm still getting lots of hits on this particular post and the links I mentioned are no longer up since my church only keeps its more recent messages available online. For $1, you can download this message here.
Someone stole my weekend.
I was literally home for maybe 3 waking hours over the past two days. That wasn't really the original plan, but it somehow turned out that way. This was partially due to a rafting trip from hell on Saturday that I shall entertain y'all with in a bit. Y'all know I am not outdoorsy whatsoever. And everytime I partake in these sort of activities, I remind myself why.
Anyway, I obviously didn't get around to drawing a name for the stationery giveaway yet. Apologies! Blogger was giving me hell Friday afternoon and Saturday. I couldn't view any blogs without getting some stupid error message saying we had to abort! I'm just trying to view a blog, not execute some kind of classified military mission. How stupid. And I know it wasn't just me because bestest was having the same issues. So I couldn't even view my comments from that giveaway post to get a list of names to draw from... Needless to say, that's on the to-do list for today. I will draw a winner tonight. I hope none of you were holding your breath all weekend!
Anyway, I obviously didn't get around to drawing a name for the stationery giveaway yet. Apologies! Blogger was giving me hell Friday afternoon and Saturday. I couldn't view any blogs without getting some stupid error message saying we had to abort! I'm just trying to view a blog, not execute some kind of classified military mission. How stupid. And I know it wasn't just me because bestest was having the same issues. So I couldn't even view my comments from that giveaway post to get a list of names to draw from... Needless to say, that's on the to-do list for today. I will draw a winner tonight. I hope none of you were holding your breath all weekend!
Friday, August 1, 2008
The US girls have landed...

Don't you just want to pinch Shawn's little cheeks? And by cheeks I mean her face or her bum. Both are equally cute and pinch-worthy.
Go Team USA! Woot woot!
Ballard Designs - Tent Sale!
I know a lot of you are fans of Ballard Designs... This weekend Ballard's Backroom is having a big tent sale. Items are marked an additional 50-75% off the lowest ticketed price. Definitely worth a look, Atlanta gals. This is only at the Holcomb Bridge location - not the DeFoor Ave location. If you haven't been, you are missing out. Everytime I go there I see something I've been eying in the catalog - or worse, something I bought online and paid full price for... damn. I won't be able to get over there, but you should. Go spend some money for me!
New Harry Potter trailer!
Sooooo exciting! I can't wait! And did y'all hear they're making the 7th book into two films? I'm so glad - there's just too much to cover to be able to squeeze it all into one last movie.
OMG how awesomely creepy is little Tom Riddle?! Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince opens here November 21st... and you can bet your knickers the hub and I will be at the 12:01am showing at our IMAX theatre! I totally nerd out when it comes to Harry. Am I alone here?!
OMG how awesomely creepy is little Tom Riddle?! Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince opens here November 21st... and you can bet your knickers the hub and I will be at the 12:01am showing at our IMAX theatre! I totally nerd out when it comes to Harry. Am I alone here?!
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