I don't talk about it too much, but all my girls know I have a slightly unhealthy obsession with maternity clothes. I just adore them. And I know, I know - I've never been pregnant - and therefore, have never worn maternity clothes. So what the hell do I know? But for whatever reason, they fascinate me. And as much as I want to be a mom, I want just as much to experience being pregnant so I can have a big ole buddha belly and rock some seriously fly maternity wear. Someday, someday! (Now watch me end up one of those in misery their entire pregnancy who won't leave the house in anything but a muu-muu.)
Anyway, I know of lot of you lovely ladies are expecting, so just wanted to pass along a good sale. Isabella Oliver is one of my favorite maternity brands and they don't usually do big markdowns, so this one's good. I just love their clean and classic lines. Simple, chic, and much of their collection is absolutely timeless. Now they're certainly not the cheapest maternity wear out there, but these are great pieces and hey - sale! They specialize in a "wrap" technique found on a lot of their pieces that allows you to wear them through each stage of pregnancy and even beyond. Here's a few of my favorites styles...

Swoon! Drool! Love it all. Now go get you some, mommas, so I can live vicariously through you! And I know I haven't really brought up the whole baby thing much lately. I was really down in the dumps last month about it - probably at my lowest point in the last 2.5 years dealing with all this crap. I was just starting to get really bitter. And then more bitter because I was bitter about being bitter. But I've totally had a breakthrough since my staycation (I'm telling you, they do wonders). Actually I've just had to re-focus my attention on other things that are more important right now, and for us that's working hard on getting ourselves in a better place financially. With no rental income coming in right now (on our townhouse) and the hub's job change earlier this year, it's gotten pretty damn tight. Oh and yeah - those damn gas prices, hello! I know everyone's feeling the pinch. But yeah, lately there seems to be too much month at the end of our paycheck. So we're cutting back and getting creative - and I have to say, and I know this sounds weird, but it's actually kind of fun finding new ways to save/earn money. It's not all fun, but you know, some things... like I've been having fun on ebay and become quite the coupon clipper! So that's definitely our main focus right now and it suddenly became clear to me a couple of weeks ago - seriously like light-bulb-going-off clear - that now is just NOT the time to have a kid.
We are absolutely still going to be aggressive with getting prego when we're ready, but it's just become clear that now is not the right time. That's not to say that 3 months from now won't be a different story, who knows... But I don't know, I feel like God is like, "see, Buford Betty, I told you I know what I'm doing here." I get it, I get it! And can I tell you what a RELIEF that is? I seriously feel a million times better about the whole baby thing right now. I know I will be a mom one day, by some means, but not today. And honestly, I don't want to get prego until I'm in a position where I can really enjoy it. I want to wear fabulous maternity clothes. I want to go APE shit with the nursery. I have big, big ideas in my head and they ain't cheap. So it's all good. It'll happen when it's meant to happen, I know this. So I'm not telling you all this to fuel sympathy, but to let y'all know I'm in a very good place right now mentally with it all. The hub and I are still loving our time together - just us two. OK, us two and three crazy dogs. But we are loving our "freedom." So all that to say, we are cooling our heels on the baby-making business right now. Not not-trying, but not really hard-core trying. I ditched the ovu kits. Damn things rarely worked for me anyway. I'm just literally not worrying about it. And it is SO freeing. Now watch me get knocked up next month.... go figure! ;-)
Alright enough of that... appropriate material for hump day though, right? Hehehe... Alright girls, have a good Wednesday and don't forget to leave your name for my giveaway below!!!
I know all about being bitter about not getting pregnant. DH & I have only been trying for 8 months, but every month I am like--Is this the month we find out???
DH has been real good about taking my mind off of it & I am glad about that. He just keeps telling me that it will happen when it happens & I have to trust that it will.
Thanks for the info on the maternity site. They have some cute stuff.
yeah, I'm going to have to save up to buy some items from that line... wowza--so stinking great.
It's great you're doing better about the baby stuff, you've got a great outlook :)
Oh my goodness! That last white dress you posted is too amazing. It almost makes me want to be pregnant...ummm once I graduate and get married that is ;)
Don't you love it when setbacks turn out to be blessings in disguise! :)
Thanks for posting about this site! I love that white dress.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the words on ecouragement!!! I'm still in the midst of looking! I'm looking forward to catching up on your blog!!! : )
I am glad you are doing well. God has a plan for you and I am looking forward to seeing it unfold.
Enjoy your week!
Those clothes are gorgeous and as I gear up for in vitro I hope I'll be wearing that stuff soon! As for you it seems like you have found peace with where you are and good God that is so fierce. Good job! I know you'll be joining me soon!
So good to hear that you're in such a good place. Sometimes it's easy to forget that God has a plan, that's in our best interest, for whatever reason. He loves it when we get to "that place".
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