Just ordered these lovely Enzo Angiolini shoes at Nordstrom for my friend's November wedding. Our dresses are chocolate and she wants us to wear bronze shoes. I've been helping her search for shoe suggestions for the 'maids and I found this one today. It's on sale for $59 for Nordstrom's anniversary sale. They're the perfect color and exactly the style I was going for. Plus I can wear them with so many other things besides a bridesmaid's dress. Yay!
So I picked up my Harry Potter book on Saturday right after my sewing class (which was great, by the way!). I nearly burst into tears in the checkout line when I opened up the cover and it read on the inside flap, "We now present the seventh and final book..." - or something to that effect. I held it together though. But at dinner that night at home with my hub, I'm telling him about how I almost lost it in the store. And I went on to tell him about the dedication JK Rowling made in the book. She says the book is dedicated to seven... then she lists six names, and last she says "and to you, if you have followed Harry through this adventure..." (Not exact quotes as I do not have the book in front of me, but you get the picture.) As I'm trying to paraphrase this dedication to my husband over shrimp kabobs, I totally just burst into tears at the dinner table. WHAT is wrong with me? I know you think I've totally lost it if you've never gotten into these books, but those of you who have, I'm sure can understand. I'm so excited about the 7th book... I'm about 8 chapters in... but I'm not ready for it all to be over. My best friend said she didn't even make it as far as the checkout line... She went to Barnes & Noble with intentions of getting the book, but only made it out with a latte because she just couldn't do it. She wasn't ready for it to be over. And I'm wondering if there has ever been another series of books so loved and so anticipated? And will there ever be again? I think it was when the 4th book came out that I really started reading them. I just wanted to know what all the hubbub was about. And now I'm addicted.
I am still totally not ready yet. OMG I am such a goober!!
Did hubby laugh when you started crying over kabobs?
LOL...Harry Pottimus is what my 5 year old called him for the longest time!!!
BTW, I love Nordstroms shoe department, especially the one at Mall of GA. If I had had $115, the other night, that I didn't really need my DD would have had the cutest clear jellies with rhinestone accents! Not your Mama's Jelly Shoes!
love the shoes.
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