OK jawja peaches, I need some help coming up with a good plan of action for tomorrow morning. The hub is running the Peachtree with a bunch of friends. Some of them are getting rooms in town so they don't have to deal with parking and whatnot. We're driving down at the butt crack of dawn, but we don't know what our plan is yet. I've lived here all my life but I've never experienced the Peachtree, so this is totally new territory for me. The race is usually well over before I even get out of the shower on July 4th. I'm familiar with the area of course, but streets are closed and blocked off and there's all kinds of stuff setup everywhere. And not only do we have the Peachtree as usual, but Atlanta Pride is also happening this weekend, so it's going to be nuts.
OK so the hub is running, so we'll probably drop him and his buddies off as close to the start line as possible, and then we spectators will go park and pick a spot to do some serious spectating. This looks like it's going to be the Olympics of people watching - I can't wait! So we'll definitely bring some chairs - assuming those are allowed. (Note to self: check to see if chairs are allowed.) I better not assume anything though... the hub said they don't even allow runners to use iPods. Anyway, the start line is around Lenox/Phipps, right? So I'm wondering if I can get in the deck at Lenox and park there? I have no idea. Where are the best places to cop a squat and watch? I know there will be all kinds of fun stuff going on. I need to do some research... Peachtree pros, any tips would be much appreciated!
So... wait. Is every street in Atlanta called "Peachtree"??
Hahahaha... it seems that way sometimes! Well there's the main "Peachtree Street" which is sorta the spine of the city, but then there are a gazillion other Peachtree's... Peachtree Pkwy, Old Peachtree, Peachtree Industrial... and on and on. :-)
I don't have any advise...but good luck on parking and to your hubby with running! Happy 4th!
Have fun and happy 4th. let me get your email so I can invite you to my blog...
Thanks P&P!
Happy 4th!
Hello Buford Betty.
Tell the hubby to take MARTA @ 6:00am and drink plenty of water TODAY!! Traffic is a nightmare!!! Pack a cooler for the both of you and have a blast. IF hubby gets into the park early enough he can have a few "snacks" before everyone else gets them.
Please post a Peachtree Road Race after the race update. Have fun.
Thanks, broncomom... yep I think we've decided marta is definitely smarta tomorrow! Happy 4th!
Tell him good luck in the race! I remember going down at the butt-crack of dawn one summer to watch Lauren, Meghan and Mark race. It was really fun, and Atlanta has the best fireworks - bar none!
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