Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Two more days!

We've got our IMAX tickets ready for 3am on Friday. That's right... 3 o'clock in the morning. All the midnight shows were sold out by the time I got around to getting tickets. And I was on the fence anyway about my ability to stay up for a midnight show. So 3am makes total sense, right? Well, I am excellent at falling asleep pretty much as soon as my head hits the pillow these days - no matter what time of day. So I'm planning to go to bed Thursday night at like 7pm. Then I'll roll out of bed at 2am and we'll head over to the theatre. Brilliant, right? Harry, you're the only one I'd ever do this for.

Who's excited?!?!


Kathleen said...

Wow that's dedication! The 9pm Friday show was sold out so we went for Sunday afternoon. I basically have to take naps to stay up past 9pm so the thought of staying up until 2:30am seemed just insane!

I'm excited though and hoping for some awesome Snape scenes in this film!

Gracie Beth said...

How cool! I always had this gut feeling I wouldn't be able to go to the midnight showing this time and I am so glad I didn't buy tickets. I am not sure the first few days of work it would be ok for me to show up half asleep with a Harry Potter high :)

Hurley Lucy said...

Popcorn for breakfast! Have fun! I'll never forget your hubs wearing the Harry Potter costume when our hgrp met at some restaurant after church (i think) on Halloween!

BroncoMom said...

Have fun Betty! I'm willing to bet that this time you will be happy that you met HARRY and the GANG in the wee hours of the day :)

katherinebee said...

I'm excited!! Tickets for the midnight show sold out before I could buy them, so I'm going Saturday. Hope it's amazing - bring tissues!

Unknown said...

3 am! You crazy girl!!! We are waiting to see it until next weekend as we will be with our niece and nephew then who are HUGE Harry Potter fans. Cant flippin wait to see this movie! And, cant wait to discuss it with you! Lets plan on doing dinner with you guys soon! xoxo