Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Icks-nay on the ext-tay osting-pay.
CB was super understanding and it was SO not the big deal that I of course made it out to be in my head... which is usually the case. Her mom actually had trouble conceiving her and she was very empathetic and was not at all offended. So yay for that hairy monkey being off my back! And I also felt the need to explain to her that yeah, I know I'm doing this whole nursery styling venture, so she may be thinking, wtf... you can do that but you can't host a freaking baby shower? Well, I guess that's a hard one to explain... it's just a totally different thing for me. The MRFS thing is really therapeutic for me in an odd way... I kinda explained all that to y'all earlier when I launched the site. It's so focused on *style* (at least from my perspective) and not so much on *baby* - if that makes sense. So yeah, it's totally different in my shoes.
What else? Operation Fierce Booty is underway, y'all. I went to yoga last night for the first time in weeks. I'm sure I'll be feeling it later today. I was shaking during half the class... it's amazing how fast you can get out of shape. I've maintained my weight fine, but I just feel... loosy goosy, you know? So tonight after work I'll grab Gertie and go for a little run in the park by our house. I couldn't even tell you the last time I ran... I seriously think it was sometime over the holidays. Geez.
Oh and in other news, speaking of MRFS... I created a survey on baby registries that I'd love to have some of you moms participate in! Next month I'll be doing a post about registries - namely, what are the "must have" items and what aren't. If you're a mom with young children, the oldest of which is at least 12 mos, your feedback would be much appreciated. If you're interested, you can find the survey here. Thanks, mommas!
Alright girlz, enough ramblings for now... gotta get going. Enjoy your Toooosday! :-)
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Pardon my progress...
Update: Wow, what an amazing blog makeover. My background is now green. I'm going to have to revisit this later. Argh... I've got a million other things I need to be doing.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Spring Sale at Javis Davis!
- Take responsibility for your situation, stop whining, and go bust your butt. The government's not responsible for taking care of you - YOU are responsible for you.
- Learn to say *NO*!
- Give more. (I'll have to say that this one is most important... in getting on the Dave bandwagon, we put giving at the top of our budget and it has CHANGED our lives.)
I believe the Fox Business Network is re-airing the show over the weekend and hopefully it'll be up on Dave's hulu page at some point - I don't know. I hope you'll get a chance to view it!
Now perhaps I should get to the title of this post.... geez! Yes, Javis Davis just announced a secret friends and family spring sale in honor of Mother's Day. This sale is not mentioned anywhere on their site (hence the *secret*!). They rarely do sales, so this is big deal, mommas! Hop on over to Make Room for Style for more details!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Tonight: Town Hall for Hope!

Friday, April 17, 2009
New Half-Blood Prince Trailer
How freaking scary awesome is Snape? I love me some Snape. OMG! You can bet your britches we'll be at the midnight showing at the IMAX... loves it!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Two patients with little patience.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
April 15th!!!

Monday, April 13, 2009
Giveaway in 2 more days!
Um, did you catch the part where YOU get to design it?! Get your booty on the dance floor and don't miss out!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Saturday, April 11, 2009
In the Company of Dogs
Now most doggie stuff is a bit ridiculous. Cute, fun, but slightly ridiculous. And none of our three are little furballs that we dress up or anything. They're all the rough-and-tumble-roll-around-in-the-mud-and-run-through-the-house-hootin'-and-hollarin' type of dogs. So no fru-fru doggie sweaters or posh 3-figure cushies for our three. But OMG, I stumbled upon the absolute MIRACLE product for our crazy household. Behold, dear readers, the doggie screen door!!!

This is my answer! OMG. See, once it gets warm, we like to leave our back door open so our doggies can go in and out as they please. Otherwise, you're constantly getting up to let one out, let one in, let one back out, yell at one for jumping on the door... you get the picture. But of course, once summer really starts to kick in, so do the bugs. And I don't really enjoy flies and junk swarming in our home. Gertie's pretty good at catching them, but not that good. So yeah, when I saw this product I did an audible squeal and announced to the family that this product most definitely would be going in the budget next month. Hellz yeah.
Lots of cool products for sure, along with some ridiculous ones, but overall, it's a fun catalog. Sign me up! I'm glad to know that others out there must have crazy untrained fools for dogs like we do. Otherwise, who else but us would need stuff like this?!

Gotta love 'em. Those sillies are worth every chip of paint, every door scratch, every chewed up pair of underwear...
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Vintage eggs in this Easter basket.

Sunday, April 5, 2009
Introducing: Make Room for Style!
Not only have I been crunching some serious numbers at work, but I've been logging some real hours trying to get this new biz off the ground as well! Earlier this year, I was blessed to partner with Javis Davis, a custom baby and kids' bedding company, as the design partner for Atlanta. If you've been hanging with me for a while, perhaps you remember when I stumbled upon this hidden gem months and months ago. Well, as I do with any site I swoon over, I immediately subscribed to their emails. Back in February, I got one such email from Javis Davis announcing that they were on the hunt for design partners. After reading about what they were looking for, I knew this was for me. Definitely one of those lightbulb-over-the-head instances... crazy timing.... total epiphany... the ultimate *aha* moment. So I filled out the rather lengthy application (because I tend to be wordy, that is) and waited a very long two weeks to hear back. Finally, I was on the phone with Mary Lou, the owner and creator... she loved my app and I was IN!
I was so thrilled to be selected because I really didn't know what to expect or what they were expecting. Basically, I'll be working one on one with moms and moms-to-be, helping them pick out bedding and accessories to complete their nurseries and kids' rooms. But it doesn't stop there... I'm all about getting into the whole realm of nursery styling and design. It's something I've always wanted to do... something I've done a million times in my head. And I know y'all are thinking, OK don't you effing hate baby showers and all that nonsense? Yep, I realize this all sounds like a totally bizarre thing for a prego-challenged person to want to do. I've even wondered myself if I'm crazy. But no... this is different. I have so much passion for nursery design. I thought it was just because I wanted to be a mom so badly, but it's more than that. And my new site is ALL about babies and mommas and baby-mommas... so how do I do it? I don't know, but all I can say is that I love it. It's a little therapeutic even. For me, this is all a passion and desire that's always been with me and there's really no use fighting it anymore! I truly believe it's a seed God planted, and it's my job to sew it.
So there it is! I went into a lot more detail on my new blog about how I got into this and what all I have to offer, so definitely read up over there. And Buford Betty ain't goin' nowhere... I am here to stay! But do pay me a visit at my new digs every now and again.
So what can you do for me? I would be more than thrilled if you'd just spread the good word! While this is a ton of fun for me, it's still a business. I've got three doggie mouths to feed, dear readers. Hahaha... no but really, my biggest goal right now is to get the word out! The products at Javis Davis absolutely sell themselves - I am IN LOVE with their stuff. But I've got to sell myself before anything else! So to entice you all, as mentioned, I'm doing a fabulous giveaway over at makeroomforstyle.com!
Here's a peek at the goods...

So grab your friends and come on over! Thanks again, girls, for all your love and support. I'm truly excited to get this new gig going. OK so off to bed for me! Tax season ain't over till it's over... and it ain't over. XOXOXO!
Note: Technical difficulties, OF course. Still trying to get my new url to work, so if you tried to link over earlier with no luck, all the above links should be working fine now. Thanks! :-)
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Bibs and Booties.

- Mondays - Yoga after work
- Tuesdays - Run with Gertie at the park after work
- Wednesdays - Yoga after work
- Thursdays - Run with Gertie at the park after work
- Fridays - off
- Saturdays - a.m. run with Gertie in the park
- Sundays - off (unless I'm feeling crazy - optional afternoon yoga class)
You like? I do... I can totally do this... Operation Fierce Booty!!! Yes, let's call it that. Alright girlz... any of y'all have new workout plans to get bikini ready or whatever ready? Now I realize I may have to adjust this somewhat if my doctor tells me to take it easy... we'll see! I'm currently on my last cycle before we start IUI next month!!! I'm so ready to go. I've had two girlfriends recently conceive through IVF so I'm hoping their baby dust rubs off!
And speaking of baby dust... tomorrow I'm debuting my new blog and venture! And yes, it has to do with babies! That's all I'll spill for now. But there is a FABULOUS giveaway involved, so stay tuned!!!