So I was plugging in my lunch calories and saw an ad for a fertility yoga video. Clicked on it. Totally got sucked into researching fertility yoga for a solid 45 minutes. How does this happen? I'm such a sucker. So I've been playing on Amazon reading yoga video reviews. It gets really confusing when one review gives 5 stars claiming "THIS IS THE BEST!" and the next one shouts "WORST yoga video EVER!" What's a girl to do?
So I looked around and settled on one that looks good. It only had two reviews, but they were both rather passionate, so it sounds good to me. I love yoga so I'm looking forward to trying this out. Anyone tried this one before? Or any fertility yoga class or video for that matter?
We are going to be moving forward with IUI at some point this spring/summer and possibly (though for whatever reason I think probably) IVF. I'm starting to get really, really curious about using alternative pratices in conjunction with the doctor stuff - specifically acupuncture. I've never done acupuncture and would normally be the type to throw an eye roll at the idea of "alternative medicine," but hey... I'm willing to try anything at this point. And I've heard great things about it for fertility, and just acupuncture in general. I'm wondering if any of my blog pals have tried it for fertility? Or at all? My bestest was really the first person to put the thought in my head a while back. At first I was like yeah, yeah, whatever... but now I'm like, Hmmm...
And because I was only $0.05 away from the free shipping (I'm on to you, Amazon!) , I added this DVD that had been sitting in my "save for later" cart forever and ever...
Oh the irony.... hahahha... I totally did it without even thinking about it, so I'm just gonna say it's a sign. It's one of my all-time favorite John Hughes movies. It's freaking hilarious and has one of the sweetest, most tender moments in it that leaves me in a puddle of tears EVERY time. I've had it on VHS forever, but need the DVD. The soundtrack is also amazing. Definitely one of my top 10 movies.
Alright, back to work. Do leave me a comment if you have any insight on acupuncture. :-)
Hammarbacken 120 – 4 – Sigtuna kommun
17 hours ago
I think it is a sign!!!
Love the movie. I love This Woman's Work by Kate Bush. Enjoy. :)
Oh me too, Tres Poshe... that song was the whole reason I wanted the soundtrack to begin with!
OK...I have personally tried acupuncture and loved it. But I used it to put myself into labor. I was 2 weeks over my due date and my doctor wanted to induce me.
The treatment was very relaxing and worked like a charm. I had the session at 4pm on Thursday and when I went to the doctor the next morning, I was already 5cm and not feeling a thing!
I have a friend who used it for fertility. They were told that they could not have children. She had fertility problems and so did my friend. After many years of trying naturally, they decided to try acupuncture and massage. It worked for them because after a couple of sessions, they were pregnant.
Not sure about the fertility yoga, but I practiced Yoga during both of my pregnancies. Let me know what you think of it...
Now, when you do get pregnant, I would highly suggest looking into HypnoBirthing. I loved it and cannot say enough wonderful things about the process.
Let me know if you have any questions or concerns about any of this stuff...
O my goodness I just love you. I did IVF and before that tried everything. I love accupuncture and I really think it works. Not for me because of my specific issue but for most other unknown fertility issues. Good Luck!
I do not have any personal experience with accupuncture or fertility yoga. But, if it helps to bring you a sense of calm, I say try it. What do you have to lose? Let us know how things go.
Enjoy your week!
Hi! I found your blog through a friend and love it. I love how open you are with your infertility issues. My husband and I have been trying for 3 years and still no baby - i haven't told anyone - not even my sisters. I just started accupuncture b/c I have heard from a lot of people that it really works for infertility. I am keeping my fingers crossed and will let you know. In the mean time I would love to link to you from my blog that i started writing this week - is that okay?
Southern Sass - Thanks so much for the sweet words! Best wishes to you and your hubby too. And you can absolutely link me - thanks! :-)
I have heard great things about yoga & fertility:) You will love doing yoga when you are pregnant too - it definitely saved my back during both of my pregnancies!!
Go for it!
I know lots of people who do accup for a variety of reasons and if it helps you to get preggers, yee-ha!
OMG "she's having a baby" is my all time favorite movie. I am proud of you- go yoga, acupuncture and IVF! What about a vacation? I know it sounds cliche- but my bf had infertility problems for years. She got pregnant with her 2 darling girls on vacation each time. And who couldn't use a fun vacation anyway? I haven't tried acupunture yet, but many have recommended it for my side effects of cancer problems. I will let you know when and if I try it out. Take care.
ps- try the crazy, sexy cancer website for fertility groups if interested.
Ladies - thanks for all the great advice here... I'm looking forward to learning more and hopefully trying acupuncture this summer in conjunction with the dr stuff.
Hi! So I started my blog then fell off the planet -typical:) anyway, i am back and will link to you this week.
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