Tuesday, February 22, 2011

IVF Update

Thought I'd give y'all the latest while I'm munching on my turkey taco leftovers here...  I'm all good and recovered from my surgery last month.  My doctor had me taking Estrace (estrogen) for 30 days post-surgery.  If you want to add some insta-chunk, just take estrogen for days on end.  It works wonders!  A bloating sensation!  Anyway, I just wrapped that up a couple of days ago, but the last 5 days on it, Dr. T also had me take medroxypogesterone (Provera).  Now, I recall my doctor saying that I'd have a period after taking this medicine... but that was weeks ago and it didn't hit me that he meant *right* after taking this medicine.  So I woke up with a fun surprise the other day and the future cycles I had mapped out in my head are now all askew.  But no big deal - it just bumps everything up by about 10 days.  Fine with me!
We are still planning to wait till after tax season to do our first FET (frozen embryo transfer) cycle, but the whole warming-up process isn't far way.  I've got an SHG scheduled for Monday to see what the goods look like post-surgery.  Not the worst test out there, but I'll definitely be poppin' some pain pills beforehand.  Dr. T said I could get going this cycle, but we're waiting one more to get started so that I'm past tax season during the actual transfer cycle.  Basically he'll put me on Lupron beginning late in the cycle before our actual FET cycle.  The Lupron effectively halts my regular cycle and keeps me from ovulating.  So we will begin this process on the cycle after this current one (so I'd be starting meds around early-April).  I plan to start acupuncture again during that same cycle and I'll get hard core back on my Moo Goo diet/herbs as well.  I'm still on the diet for the most part, but I've totally been cheating on the weekends.  And I had flour tortillas with my turkey tacos last night.  *Gasp!* We were out of corn ones.  I'm on herbs currently, but a much paired-down regimen than what Dr. Liu had me on when I was doing treatments.  So I'm sure she'll up all that once I start back.  So in about a month, all of this madness will begin!  Really not that far away at all... I'm getting excited!
The actual FET cycle, so I hear, is very, very easy compared to a fresh cycle.  A lot less meds, very few monitoring appointments, and you don't have to make a bunch of eggs and have them surgically removed from your girly parts.  It's a walk in the park!  Basically you just get good and drugged up, schedule a transfer day, and BAM, it's done.  I've got two friends having FET's over the next week, and I'm following their every move so I know what to expect.  (And saying big, big prayers for them!)  My FET cycle should begin right when tax season ends, assuming my cycles cooperate.  Exciting stuff!  I'm enjoying the break from the doctor visits and meds, but I'm definitely eager to get this process going!  I feel really good about it.  Who knows what the outcome will be, but I'm grateful for the chance to try.  Let's get to defrostin'!


katherinebee said...

Keeping you in my prayers! You've been through so much and I admire how you persevere. You are truly inspirational to me. My doctor has talked about sending me to an RE so your blog has been really helpful.

Jill said...

Woo hoo!! =)

Unknown said...

Wow! Thinking of you!!! I am always amazed at how complicated this whole process it! You are such a trooper!!! XOXO!!!

Sandra said...

Thanks for the update. I was thinking about you the other day and wondering how you're doing! xoxo

MyTTCstory said...

Sounds like you've got it perfectly under control!!

I love reading your blog so have given you a Cherry on Top blog award! See http://myttcstory.com/?p=171

Sending you lots of luck for your FET x

Sasha said...

Keeping you in my prayers..... oh... tax season. Every year I am glad I am in corp acct and not tax. I don't know how you do it! Hugs!