Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Straddling the fence.

Just in case you're holding your breath... we tested again this morning and still nothin'. But did Flo show? Nope. I'm officially three days late with no sign of a visit from her yet. I can usually tell when she's coming - I'll spare you the details. But yeah, no sign of her. Today I'm 17 DPO. Is this annoying as hell or what? The hub and I will meet with my RE tomorrow and I'm sure he'll have me do a blood test. I'll certainly be asking for one anyway. I was telling bestest earlier, maybe this is God's way (if I'm pregnant) of having me not worry over whether we're gonna lose this one or not. Because we miscarried right around this time last go around. Oh and it doesn't help that I have sore boobs and have been cramping lots on and off for the last few days. This is one big fat tease if I'm not knocked up. Hope to have some news one way or another soon... thanks for the prayers, girls! :-)

Oh and my mom was talking about how all the pregos were gonna get first dibs on the flu shots this season, but not to worry, America, because pregos only make up 1% of the population. I'm calling bull shit on that. I see pregnant women EVERYWHERE. I'm pretty sure 86% of America is pregnant. So good luck getting a flu shot, non-pregos.


Lady Law Dawg said...

LOL re: my post-tubal ligation chances of getting a swine flu shot! Best of luck re: being eligible for the head of the line! You're in my thoughts and prayers!

Gracie Beth said...

I am still keeping you in my thoughts, I saw on the I didn't know I was prego show that cramping can be a side effect of pregnancy!

Mrs.Preppy said...

Aunt Flo needs to get her act together!!! Crossing my fingers for being knocked up!

Susan said...

I'm a new to your blog and love it. I hope things go well at the doctor tomorrow. You'll be in my thoughts.

Jill said...

No JOKE. Pregnant people are EVERYWHERE and it's SOOO hard when you are struggling to see them every two seconds. Hang in there girl - update us on what the doc says tomorrow. I don't know if this helps you, but it helped me..those RE's, they WANT you to get preggo bad - it helps their stats and stats are everything to them. So, just remember you've got a good team - Dr. T is going to do everything he can and you've got lots of people praying like crazy!!

tickledpink said...

Keeping you in my prayers!

Preppy Pink Crocodile said...

Well if 84% are prego, than 97% are married!! Hmph!

Crossing my fingers and saying prayers. I expect and update after your blood test tomorrow please!!

Melissa said...

Fingers crossed that you're pregnant!

Julia said...

I KNOW!!! When I was trying to get pregnant for so long it seemed like there were pregnant women everywhere!!! I prayed for your heart this morning...I hope it is good today.