Monday, September 12, 2011

Sam's Rocker Arrived!

Ooooooh... and I'm in love!

That blue line of tape in the background is where the built-in shelving will be. (I need visuals.)

The soft taupe color fits in perfectly with our bedding swatches. Can't wait for the bedding to come in and see it all start to come together!

We got the call late Saturday from BRU that the rocker had arrived. I had to work Sunday, so the hub surprised me by having the rocker picked up, set up, AND the blinds installed before I got home! MADE my day. :-)


Sasha said...

How pretty! And it looks comfy... that is definitely one thing I wish we would have gotten for our nursery.

Kathleen said...

WOW - it looks great!

Our furniture is going to take forever to arrive. The wood stuff takes 10-12 weeks and the fabric I picked for the rocker is backordered! Arg! Maybe by Christmas our little guy will have a place to sleep.

Of course that isn't stopping me from buying all sorts of knick knacks to put IN the room! LOL

4DsfromLHP said...

You will never regret spending the money on a rocker like that one! I still love sitting in the one we bought for our first child's nursery...7 years later. :) So happy for you!