Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Go Uterus, Go!

Alright, my bloodwork and first ultrasound are both scheduled for tomorrow to get this last IUI cycle rolling!  And I've got an HSG scheduled next week with my doctor to see if my girly parts are in working order.  If not, I'll need another surgery if we have to do IVF.  Not looking forward to all the stirrup time, but we're really excited to get things moving.  My friend asked me what the heck an HSG was... I just said it's more prodding at my nu-nu to see if my uterus is in good shape.  Pretty sure that's the textbook definition. 
So that same friend has been chanting "Go uterus go!" to the Go Diego Go theme song via e-mail today.  (I had to You Tube that one since I don't have kids.)  But I'll take all the praying and cheering on I can get!  So yeah... go uterus!  This is your freaking reason for existence.  Get it together and do your job, dammit!  Gawh!
I'll keep y'all updated as we progress along...  xoxoxo


Jessi said...

I'll be thinking of you. My HSG was less than pleasant.....

Julie Tiemann said...

I always feel bad when I giggle when you talk about this fertlitiy stuff, but you're just so gosh darn funny.

Here's to hoping and praying that all this time in the stirrups equals BABY!!! Giddyup!

Melissa said...

I wish you the best and hope the IUI works for you!

Stirrup time is NO fun, but it will be worth it if you get pregnant!

Lucky in Love said...

Praying for you!!!

Susannah said...

Yes, go uterus, go! I hate that show, but if this works, then yay to the yay! I know you have been working super hard with the docs lately and with such a strict diet-it is going to pay off!!!

Susan D. said...

Sending you good thoughts for tomorrow! I don't know the Diego song either, but I'm going to have to look it up so I can sing the uterus song!

Preppy Pink Crocodile said...

I just had to google Go Diego Go- no idea what that was/meant. Ha.

Jill said...

Prayers, good thoughts, cheers and a cartwheel coming your way!

Just Kiddin' Photography said...

I'm sure I'll be posting a similar post soon...my soon to be husband (who is a paraplegic) and I will be trying desperately to have a baby soon. It was so easy the first two times. I never thought I'd have to fight for it.

Cindy said...

Have been through all of that and it can be so tough!! Hang in there. Sounds like you have a terrific attitude about it though. xo

Jessica said...

Cliffs Notes definition of an HSG: HSG's are to see if your fallopian tubes are open. It does also show the shape of your uterus, but the main reason is to see if the tubes are blocked. Mine was definitely painful, but at least it only takes a few minutes and then it's over. The worst part was when they were expanding the "balloon" thingy and there was so much pressure. I also think mine was bad because I was sooooo nervous - almost to the point of shaking while I was lying on the table.

If you can get it done at your RE's office it will be much more pleasant than if you have it done in the Radiology department of a hospital (that is where mine was done).