Thursday, March 18, 2010

Update on Charlie

Sorry for the long pause between updates, but it's been a long week here.  Sweet Charlie has been recovering really well from his surgery last week.  His vigorous appetite is most definitely back and his plumbing appears to be in working order!  Never been so glad to see dog poo in my life.  Everyday he's getting stronger - he's not quite up to dashing across the yard, but he's getting there.  So glad to see him happy and feeling good again...
Late Monday, however, we got word from the vet that his tumor is some kind of very aggressive cancer.  Like a 10 out of 10 on a scale of being bad.  We knew this was a possibility of course, but seeing him recover so quickly - especially getting his appetite back - had us believing he was going to be just fine.  So that was very scary news to hear - and even scarier not knowing what the future holds for our little guy.  The vet wanted to have a specialist examine the tumor to see if her suspicions were correct.  Tuesday we were told that it almost certainly will come back, and maybe even as soon as a few weeks.  Now we're talking about chemo options and what to do, or what not to do.  We obviously can't do more surgeries - that's not a fix for this and we just can't put him through that. 
Right now we're in the process of learning what can be done, what all's involved, and how it will make Charlie feel.  However long he is with us, our biggest concern is that he is happy and feeling good.  I wish we could explain to him what is going on.  So we have some decisions to make... there are no guarantees with chemo, but if successful he could have several more years.  If we don't treat this, they only give him 1 or 2 months.  And that is heartbreaking to think about.
So please just say a prayer for Charlie's health, his happiness, and for us as we're making some tough decisions.  We're praying for wisdom here and peace with whatever comes.  It's been a really tough week with lots of tears.  I was telling the hub yesterday that I can't remember a time when I've cried so much (y'all know I'm not a crier).  Don't tell the girls, but it's no secret to anyone that Charlie's my "favorite."  He's my buddy. 
Thanks for keeping up and I'll update y'all again when we know more...


Julie Tiemann said...

Oh man, I'm so very sorry. :( Poor Charlie, and poor you! I really hope you get some answers and some peace about it all.

Randall @ Happy For This Moment said...

Aw, poor darling. I hope you are able to find a treatment that works or at least bring him some comfort.

GOING GREEN! Newsletter said...

Ohhh Amanda I am sooooo sorry. I love Charlie, he has such a sweet spirit. We will be praying for him and you guys. I can't even imagine right now. We love & miss you. Praying!

Sandra said...

Hoping and praying for you as you decide the best thing to do. Charlie is lucky to have you and Mr. BB to take care of him!! xoxo

Bombtastic Belle said...

Bless y'all hearts - that is just heartbreaking! I'll be sending up an extra prayer tonight for Charlie.

Kathryn said...


Denim and Pearls said...

Poor Charlie! I'm so sorry. I'll have you in my prayers -- I hate that you have to go through this with your poor pup.

Breezy said...

I can only imagine your pain and how tough these decisions will be. I know exactly what you mean about being able to explain things to your furry babies. I think they sense more than we give them credit for. I was in tears just reading this. Our furry baby's name is Charly also...I know the love you feel and I pray he will remain happy and comfortable, it's obvious how much he's loved.

M said...

Saying my prayers for you and Charlie :)

Mary Beth said...

Oh, I am so sorry! Prayers for you and Charlie.

Unknown said...

I tagged you on my blog!! You're a socialite. xoxo

Looking 4 Lilly said...

So sorry to hear this. Our Ginkgo (German Shepherd mix) was diagnosed with an aggresive cancer and was given only a few months as well. But, with steroids alone, he went on, as a very active & happy dog for over two years. I'm wishing your Charlie many, many days ahead.