Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Back to the drawing board.

Hey all! Hope you had fabulous Labor Day weekends. Mine was really good - Britney was awesome on Friday! Our seats were great and it was extra awesome considering it was *FREE*... and the funny thing was my boss called me that afternoon to tell me he had two spare tickets and wondered if I wanted them. Of course I would've snagged them had I not already been going. I was just destined to go, wasn't I?! The show was pretty much the same, as expected. But she did change up all her costumes! All but one... it's pretty sad that I know them so well, but yeah, I knew which pieces were repeats and which ones weren't. OK but another new addition that honestly freaked me out was one of her true "circus freaks." I hate to call this girl a freak, but for purposes of the show, she was a real circus freak. She basically had no legs. Which, OK that's not all that off-the-wall, but it wasn't like they were cut off at the knees... no, she had NO legs. Lucky and I were trying to figure out if she had a crotch or not. She was doing trampoline tricks with another dude who was tossing her around. Maybe I can find a picture... OK no luck, sorry. You'll just have to go catch Britney and see for yourself!

What else... my parents' party went really well on Saturday. The Georgia game? NOT so well. We'll just move on. Ahem. The hub's parents were in town for the party and stayed with us Saturday night, so we had a nice visit with them. And Sunday was pretty chill. We took the doggies to the lake and that was about it.

I went in to work Monday to set up my new office and I'm so glad I did because my computer was MIA for a couple of hours. We found it though in someone else's office and my dad helped me put together all my computer junk. I took it all apart (OK, unplugged it) but I wasn't about to try to put it back together by myself.

And also on Labor Day, we took a pregnancy test... I thought the fact that we'd be testing on "Labor Day" might be a good sign. You know, *labor*... haha. Right. Well, not so much. Looks like this 3rd IUI cycle was a bust, but that's OK. I've been the most care-free about this one for whatever reason, so maybe God was just helping me prepare for the answer I didn't want. I of course (duh) was really hoping this one would work out because we're not sure what our next steps are. So many unanswered questions... What are we gonna have to do? How the heck are we going to pay for it? When is it going to freaking happen already? Did you notice I'm AGING here?!? Well our plan (with my doctor) was always to do only 3 IUI cycles before moving to IVF. But since my doctor switched me to Femara last cycle, I'm wondering if he'll want to try IUI again a time or two. Whatever the answer is, I think we've decided to chill this next cycle. Being at the doctor every week starts to really wear on you. As soon as Flo arrives I'll be calling to set up an appointment to lay out our plan, but yeah we'll probably cool our heels for a bit.

Work has been super busy, especially with the move to the new office, so that's kept my mind off things. This whole week is going to be bizzy. Shoot, this whole month is bizzy. But it's all good. Alright... I've got to call it a night. I'm exhausted!!! xoxoxo

Oh P.S. Who else is freaking excited about the premiere of Glee tomorrow?!?!?! We'll be out but my Tivo is SET!


Kathryn said...

Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you in your journey. AND I'm so excited for tomorrow night....it's finally here! :-)

Sandra said...

I love your outlook on everything. Just everything. Good things happen to people like you. Lots of hugs! xoxo

Preppy Pink Crocodile said...

Love you, Bestie!!

Jill said...

Well dang it. I had been thinking of you knowing you would find out something soon..and dang, this sucks. I want this to work for you SOON!! OK, sorry, said my peace...hang in there. Praying for you, friend.

Kate said...

:( Booo...Sorry to hear "Labor Day" wasn't the day. If I haven't mentioned this before - I really appreciate hearing about what you are going through & how it is hard sometimes with friends & family who seem to get pregnant effortlessly. It gives me extra insight into what my SIL is going through.

And Glee! Can't wait!

Lucky in Love said...

So sorry your test wasn't what you wanted to see. I am always praying that you and your husband get that little one you so desperately want. I hope next time gives you better results.

And I'm glad you had a great time at Brit-Brit! :)

Maureen said...

Ugh... sorry the labor day news wasn't better. Your attitude is so positive and so very real - I enjoy it so very much.

Now, I need to TIVO Glee because I have heard so much about it....