Friday, March 27, 2009

Doggie Dramz.

So this week has been a crazy one at work. I'm thrilled to be home - while it's still daylight - and able to just sit here at the 'puter with my pups and a glass of wine. The hub's at job numero dos tonight, so it's just me and the pups for a bit.

Well, let me back you up to Monday morning... the start of said crazy week. Mondays are a bitch anyway, but this was one for the record books. At about 3:30am, I awoke to the sound of the hub trying to get Belly off the bed. Belly is our crazy border collie mix who's a bit neurotic. One of our tactics to get her off the bed (or to move in general) is to tug on her tail a bit. She is psycho about her tail and any contact with it will send her into a wild fit. Picture a frantic, barking little dog spinning in circles to get off the bed, only to land on the floor with the thrust of an elephant and spin in much tighter, faster circles in the great attempt to catch hold of that tail. A daily ritual, at the very least. Well, little did the hub know, Gertie was curled up right next to Belly on the bed. So when he pressed Belly's go-ape-shit button, the sleeping giant got startled. And that sleeping giant awoke from her sweet slumber thinking she was being attacked...

Now, with 3 dogs in our house, the occasional dog fight is inevitable. (They are animals, after all.) We know their behaviors and what tends to put each of them on the offense, so we of course do our best to keep the peace. Many a dog have discovered that getting too close to Charlie's food will unleash a beast. If you get in Belly's space (especially her private little cove under our bed), she'll light your ass up. She's the territorial one. And then Gertie is uber protective of her momma and daddy. If she feels you're a threat to one of us, I'd keep your distance (translation: my first choice for running partner!).

So yes, dogs will be dogs. But I have to say a dog fight in the middle of our bed at 3:30am is rather terrifying. Gertie, in a record 1/10 of a second went from a sweet little curled up bundle of fur, to a bitch on a tirade. Imagine dogs flailing around in the middle of your bed - in the dark of night - while you're trying to get your bearings, turn on the lights, see who's involved and try to get them off of each other. And I wear contacts, so I can't see, on top of trying to adjust to the light. It was terrifying, to say the least. The hub finally managed to pull Gertie off of Belly, after getting a little scratched up himself. And poor Belly... she had this awful-looking patch of skin that was torn on her neck. Yet the girl is like, "let me back at her, momma! Put me back IN!" I had to hold her tight while she calmed down.

And then (if you have dogs, you know this), not 5 minutes later, they're all walking around and sniffing each other's butts like nothing happened. Belly's got a patch of skin hanging off, and she wants to roll around on the floor so I can rub her tummy. And she also felt perfectly comfortable herding Gertie all over the place trying to show her she still rules the roost. Geez, I think I would've just handed over my crown.

Anyway, so while Belly appeared OK, she did require stitches. The hub (sweet man that he is) took Belly to the emergency vet while I stayed with the other two and tried to go back to bed. She had to be sedated so they could stitch her up. Remember, she's neurotic. And poor girl was soooo groggy the rest of the day. Her poor neck looks so butchered! Why the hub decided this was a kodak moment, I don't know...

But $700 later, Belly's doing great. While she was very lethargic on Monday and even had to make a return visit to the e-vet due to some swelling (turned out to be nothing), she is back to her old self. Bossing everyone around... telling Gertie to kiss her ass.... barking at everything... But yeah, it made for a very crazy Monday. All is well though... we'd do anything for those sillies.

Here's one last look at Belly with her attacker. (They say it's often someone you know.)

Glad to see the weekend, I am! Talking like Yoda, why am I? Anyway, looking forward to a low-key weekend and getting some things done around here when I'm not working. Hope y'all have fabu weekends!!!

Not sure when I'll be able to hop back on here next, but I'll do my best! April 15th is almost here! AND I'm also working on a new venture and a new blog that I CAN'T WAIT to tell y'all about! I'm over the moon excited and I promise I'll be debuting it super soon! (No, I'm not pregnant.) Stay tuned, ladies!!!


Susan D. said...

Poor dogs & poor you and hubby. I bet you were scared to death! Glad everyone is OK now ... that is one bad looking scar! Can't wait to read about your new announcement!

Lucky in Love said...

Oh my...that is a huge piece missing from her neck! I'm glad she's okay :)

Jill said...

Whoah - scary!!!! Glad everyone is OK!

Preppy Pink Crocodile said...

OMG OMG that looks so much worse than I imagined. I thought you just meant a tiny patch was shaved. Poor baby! Sadie sends her cuddles and kisses (even though she wouldn't want them- hehe).

As Cape Cod Turns said...


Molly said...

Poor Puppy!! That is a crazy start to the week, glad Belly is doing better!

Hollie and Janie said...

Oh my!
Bless your hearts! Pups are such crazy creatures, at times!! Glad everyone is on the mend!! And Belly will have fab scar!!