Monday, December 29, 2008
Back to the grind... sorta.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
A very Merry Christmas to you!
I tried posting it here but my non-tech-savvy-self couldn't get it to work. Check out this post for a fabu Christmas jig from my three sillies.
P.S. This is post #300.... Wowzas!
Merry Christmas!!!!
Friday, December 19, 2008
From Edward to Marley.
I have that same content, yet longing feeling I had after the 7th Harry Potter book. OK, not NEAR the emotions I felt after finishing Harry. Seriously, I saw a guy in the airport with the 7th book a good few weeks after I had finished it and I just started crying. Right there on the damn escalator. Again, LOVED the ending to HP, but was so sad it was the end. I've already hopped on Stephenie Meyer's site to read the unedited snippet of Edward's POV from the first book, but I've got to put it on hold for a few days... because I've got to get Marley & Me read in time for the movie next week!

I know, I feel like the last person on Earth to read it. I've actually had the book on my shelf for a couple of years, but just never got to it. Well, my mom is dying to see the movie (and they are not really go-to-the-movies people, but she's hell bent on seeing this flick in the theatre). So we're surprising her with tickets for the Christmas Day opening. I love going to a movie on Christmas... it's a great little escape. Kinda nice to get out of the house after being buried in wrapping paper and eating entirely too much food. I already got the passes (alla Costco, of course) and am going to go pick up the tickets this weekend. Anyone else going to see it? Well I'm only a few chapters into the book and I'm already crying. I know what's coming at the end and I'm going to freaking lose it...
Alright well I've got lotsa work to do here. We've got our Christmas party tonight down at the Aquarium, so I've gotta get outta here early. Another whirlwind of parties this weekend! Hope y'all have a good one.... TGIF!!!!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
It's settled.
Friday, December 12, 2008
It just might be love...
But ladies, behold! ELF has come out with its own version of this fabulous automatic pencil for only $3. It's part of their new Studio line... you know, the more *uppity* line that goes for $3 instead of $1. So anyway, when I reordered my supply of mineral makeup the other day, I added one of these new liners to my shopping bag to test it out. Could this be as good as my tried and true Estee Lauder version? I mean I have not switched to anything else in 17 years, people! That doesn't mean I haven't tried other things!

Thursday, December 11, 2008
Hello, blogworld?
Now I DID reach my goal to finish all my Christmas shopping by the end of November. Hallelujah! I did not, however, get all of that loot wrapped yet. I wanted to be bought, wrapped, sealed, tagged, etc. before December ever got here... but, well crap. It's here! Whatever. Anyway, it's not that I haven't had fun things to blog about... I mean I usually jot a little note to myself when something pops in my head that's blogworthy. I have a nice little list brewing here... but my work calendar and social calendar have been busy, so that's leaves you, dear blogworld, to suffer. Hehehe...
Well, we did have a fabulous Thanksgiving. We were over at my godmother's for Thanksgiving dinner. And then the hub and I headed up to Tennessee to visit with his parents for the weekend. It was a great long weekend. Oh and did I mention that I went Santa shopping with my mom the Wednesday before? Yes! That little taste of shopping was a bit dangerous though. Even though Santa was buying, it wasn't good for me to smell those lovely retail smells and see the incredible bargains to be had up close and personal. I'm much better left in the dark. Out of sight, out of mind y'know. But I got some super cute stuff from Santa - well, I don't have it yet, but anyway - yeah. That makes me think of a Santa question... I think I'll add a fun little poll on here (note to self).
Oh and did I mention that we got banned from using Facebook at work? Not that I'm even on it much at work, but just the fact that I *can't* get on it is annoying. Especially when I get an email alert about a message or something and I can't get on there to answer it... that sucks. Because honestly the last thing I want to do when I get home is look at a computer. I sit in front of 4 - yes FOUR - large flat screen monitors every day. It's amazing I still have any vision left. So really, the idea of sitting at the 'puter once at home is no fun. So my facebook time has dwindled. As well as my bloggy time. I'll get it in there somehow though! I have so much to post about - I just need to sit my butt down and make the time. This is the most random post ever. OK so while I don't have time to post everything I wanna right now, I will leave you with a few things and a super simple recipe that I used at Thanksgiving too. Hope y'all are having a great week! I've missed y'all! :-)
OK, my random ramblings...
1. How much do I love Costco? More than you know. Our torrid love affair gets hotter and sweatier everyday. So I only recently discovered (or paid attention really) to the fact that you can get movie ticket vouchers there for $7.50. And there are NO exclusions. AND they're good for IMAX movies! Our local theatre has an IMAX screen. So the hub and I budgeted for a date night this month because he wanted to see that alien movie thing with Keanu Reeves - The Day the Earth Stood Still or whatever. Yeah, totally his pick. Anyway... our theatre has it showing on IMAX. So my old non-budgeting self would have gone on Fandango to get tickets - and those would've been $34 for two (after the fees and junk). BUT my shiny new budgeting self got two vouchers from Costco (you just ask for them at checkout) for $15 and went over to the mall yesterday to trade them in for our tickets. So I saved $19 by doing that - hellz yeah! Three cheers for Costco!
2. That leads me into what's on tap for this weekend... Friday night is date night with the hub. Saturday morning we're running the Jingle Jog 5k. Any other peaches running?! Gertie will be running alongside me with some Christmas flair - I promise to take pics! Charlie was supposed to run, but he has managed to injure his knee. The hub was at the vet with him yesterday. He's on some pain meds and we're just watching it for now, but the run is definitely out. Poor Charlie - say some puppy prayers for him! So does Belly get to take his place? Well, I say heck no because she is an absolute pill to run with... but she is daddy's girl and the hub is saying he's taking her. That's fine - he can run with her. Here's bettin' he tosses her into a garbage can before mile 2. Oh and I got some awesome Christmas knee-high socks for the occasion. I will take some pics of those too. Then SaturDAY I'll be in a wrapping frenzie! Frenzy? However you spell it. Saturday night we have a Christmas party at a friend's house... Church Sunday a.m.... A kid's birthday party at noon... and then our small group Christmas party Sunday night. Phew!
3. I'm almost done reading Breaking Dawn. I flew through the first three books, but had to slow down on this last one since we've been so darn busy lately. I don't think I ever mentioned my thoughts on the Twilight movie either... I thought it was good, not great. Liked, not loved. Edward was completely drool-worthy and worth the ticket price alone, but as with most movies based on books, the book is soooooooooo much better. I think, just the way it's written, it's so hard to translate that on film - especially in a 2-hour window of time. I don't think the intensity of Bella and Edward's relationship comes through. Though I have to say, I did find Jasper freaking hilarious. He's like Edward Scissorhands, minus the scissors. So I have a new-found love for Jasper after seeing the film. So overall... if you haven't read the book, I'd skip it. I just don't think I would've "gotten it" if I hadn't read. I mean I love me some vampires (again - tried and true Buffy fan here), but I think the movie was lacking. Oh I'll still totally buy it on DVD so I can look at Edward.... but yeah... I'm hoping they put a little more edge into the second film. Sounds like they're trying to spit that one out by the end of next year.
4. OK lastly (I told you these were random)... here's a recipe for corn casserole that I made for Thanksgiving. It's so stupid easy, but a huge hit. My favorite combo! Plus it's made with stuff most people have on hand - and if not, these ingredients are cheap. This is an old Paula Deen recipe, so you know it's good (terrible for you, but good)...
You'll need:
1 can creamed corn
1 can corn
1 stick butter
1 cup sour cream
1 box Jiffy cornbread mix
Melt the butter and mix all the ingredients together in a bowl. Pour into a baking dish. (I've done this both in a regular 9x13 dish and a square dish (9x9) and I think it comes out better in the 9x9). Bake at 350 for 40-45 minutes. Yum-o!!!!!!!!
5. Wait, one more... Back to my thoughts on a poll re: Santa... So when I was growing up (and I guess I still am because Santa still comes if we're spending Christmas at my parents' house), Santa would lay out my gifts - all across the floor, all along the couch, whatever the case may be. He didn't wrap. Now Mom and Dad's gifts to me were wrapped and under the tree, but Santa came and left everything out unwrapped. I realize this is a heated debate... much like real vs. fake Christmas trees, or which way the toilet paper is supposed to hang, but I must ask, What does Santa do (or what did he do) at your house? Wrap or not?
Monday, November 24, 2008
Turkey Week.

6. I'm thankful for my wonderful girlfriends. They lift me up, they laugh with me, they get me through each day. And they're just plain FUN! Each one is totally different and I'm truly blessed to have each of them in my life.
7. Lastly, I'm thankful for God's amazing love... that he gave us his son to pay our debt for us so that we can all be reconciled to him. Most days I forget how crazy awesome that is, but then something will hit me and I'm just like... wow. Oh how he loves us so.
So gobble, gobble! Go stuff yourselves, be merry, and give thanks! :-) Be safe in your travels and give all your loved ones a hug (even the weird ones)...
Friday, November 21, 2008
I'm curious...
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Just finished Twilight...

So I'm wondering... if my two imaginary vampire boyfriends, Spike and Edward, went up against each other... who do think would win?!

My heart still goes to Spike for the time being, but we'll see how I feel after the Twilight movie... afterall, Robert Pattinson didn't really do it for me as Cedric Diggory, but holy shiz... as a vampire? Bite me!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Clothing Swap Goodies...

A great little cap-sleeve black cardi...

A couple of blazers!

And finally, a super cute bracelet...

So it was a great time, once again, and I'm already looking forward to doing another in the spring. It's seriously so fun and stupid easy... here's my little how-to if you're interested in throwing one.
I hope y'all had great weekends too! We cranked up our fireplace for the first time this weekend. I am loving this weather!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008
Maternity wear is about to get fierce!

A quick Dave update.
So the big Yahoo!'s since my last Dave update... (1) the hub started a new job this week! He is totally pumped - it's a total career change for him, so it's a little scary but also super exciting. And hey, that whole paycheck thing is great! We loves it. He also has another little side gig that should help us too. (2) We sold two pieces of furniture! We've still got the Restoration Hardware chest up for grabs, and I also just posted a bedroom set on craigslist. If those two sell for our asking price, we'll have our car replacement fund fully funded. Which would be AWESOME because... (3) We sold the 4runner! And um, should you ever need to sell a car - totally go with Auto Trader. People would NOT stop calling. We had a buyer in less than 24 hours and we got $5k more than Carmax offered. We broke even on the sale, but that was our goal. And that car payment is GONE! I can't even tell you how amazing it feels to know that we will never ever ever have a car payment again ever ever!!! (4) We made it through our first full month on Dave's zero-based budget. It was hard to put together at first. We had never been on a real budget before - ever. But we knew we had to go full force here to make this work. And OMG... I freaking love it. It's only been one month, but I'm hooked. And thanks to learning how to give every dollar a name before it comes in, (5) we've been giving like never before. And that feels amazing.
We are just super excited about all those accomplishments and are eager to get to step 2. Like I said, we're still in a holding pattern of sorts since all our extra income is going toward a new car. And by new, I mean a $3,000 beater that we'll be paying cash for. But soon enough, we'll be in full-on attack mode. Currently tattooed on my brain is Proverbs 22:7, which tells us "the borrower is servant to the lender." Not anymore, bitches! Cheeeeeetahhhhhhhh!!!! (OK, I realize only Dave fans will get that, but whatev.)
So thanks so much for your continued prayers! We are really making killer progress and are more motivated than ever. I can't wait to see where we are by the end of the year! :-)
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
United we stand, y'all.
I understand people being disappointed when their candidate of choice doesn't win, but to be devastated? Give me a break. Neither one of these candidates will change my life personally. Neither of them can solve my problems. In the end, I'm responsible for me. NOT them. Yes, it matters, and yes, it affects us as a country, but anyone who thinks that any president is going to "fix things" and solve all their problems is sniffin' glue. And to those who proclaim they're going to leave the country if so-and-so is elected... go ahead! Perhaps some world travel will give you a little perspective. You don't know how good you've got it here.
But no matter whom you voted for, it's a historic day here. And I am SO proud to be an American!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Happy Voting!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Happy Day...
But even more amazing, today is also my parents' wedding anniversary and they are celebrating 40 years of marriage! Wow! What an amazing testament that is to us and I'm so proud. They are up in Asheville at a cabin all week for a little anniversary getaway. So happy anniversary wishes all around!
Hope everyone is enjoying this extra hour today... I am LOVING it. I really needed it. Last week was a total whirlwind.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Buford Betty Fashion Week: Style on a Budget
- You don't need the entire new fall line - just pick a few key pieces. It happens every time... our inboxes get overloaded with all the new fabulous pieces and "must-have's" for the new season. I have several catalogs at home with drool marks all over dog-eared pages. What's a fashionable girl on a budget to do? First, get a grip. Take a second look at these new trends and you'll find out that a lot of them aren't that difficult to pull off with the stuff already hanging in your closet. I mean, how many truly *new* items are introduced in any given season? Trends aren't always about new styles - more often than not, a trend relates to how something is worn. Chances are you have half of these "new trends" already in your closet. I often go shopping in my own closet to discover new possibilities. I haven't bought anything new in months, but I'm always coming up with new combinations and ideas from my own wardrobe. So if you're wanting to get some new things, just pick a few key pieces that you can work with... For me, the first must-have's are usually shoes. Those can definitely change dramatically from season to season, so I do love picking out some new shoes. And there's often another accessory or two that catches my eye, but for the most part - I can work out the rest with what I already own. Y'all know I'm an accessories girl anyhow, but I'm a big believer in having a wardrobe of good basics to carry from season to season... and then you fill in the gaps with a few new trendy accessories.
- Retail's for the birds... Find a bargain. Oh, I could devote an entire ginormous post to bargain shopping, as it's my favorite pastime. Designer-duds-at-Target-prices is the name of the game, and I play to win. Now if you're savvy enough to find your way to fun blogs, I'm going to assume you can handle online shopping. I personally do most of my clothing and accessories shopping online. I buy gifts almost exclusively online. But I do have some crazy friends that never buy online, so I know you people exist. Well I have to say my first advice would be to start online shopping. There are some serious deals to be had in cyberworld. You're able to shop around and compare prices from the comfort of your own home. Even if you end up purchasing something in-store, at least do a little research online beforehand. But really, most bargains I've found are online. And with great resources like Shop It To Me, they aren't that hard to find. With access to so many stores online, these shops know they're competing for your business. There are a lot of great bargain and overstock sites out there where you can score some serious deals. Smart Bargains is one of my all-time favorites. And as a lot of y'all know, earlier this year Smart Bargains popped out a baby named Rue La La. And ooh la la... we are loving this members-only sample sale concept. And what a brilliant move on their part - the perceived exclusivity of it makes us girls go ga-ga. And let's not forget our brick and mortar stores... there are some serious bargains to be uncovered there too. Whether online or in-store, it's just a matter of knowing what's out there and what you want. I rarely pay retail for anything. If I do, it is a true "must-have" that I know won't be marked down. Even still, I'll hop on ebay first to see if I can snag a deal. I consider 75% off to be a killer bargain. If it's something I want, that's nearly a no-brainer if I've got the cash. And 85% off... that's a stupid bargain. As in I'd be stupid not to get it. 50% off or so... that's good, but I dont' know - maybe. 40% off or less? Puhleeeeez. Get back on the shelf! Bargains are to be had everywhere if you're willing to look. A lot of really seasonal items will be marked down if you can wait just a little bit. And oh, it is SO rewarding when you get that incredible deal. You just wanna tell the world, don't you?!
- Host a clothing swap. I'm actually hosting my second swap next weekend and I cannot wait! I snagged some real gems at my last one, so I am super excited to see what I walk away with this time. You can hop here for a more detailed how-to, but basically you and your girlfriends gather together with everyone's old clothes and accessories... you set up shop and go wild! It's a great way to pass on some beloved pieces that you're ready to part with... the hub and I still give lots to Goodwill every year, but I rather see one of my girlfriends enjoy one of my old Kate Spade bags, you know? And you also come home with some fun new things! One of my favorite pairs of jeans came from the spring swap I hosted. It's a ton of fun, super easy to do - and you get to go shopping for free! We loves free.
So in the spirit of great style on a dime, tell me about one of your recent bargains. I think my most recent one (which of course is not all that recent) was a belt I bought at Neiman Marcus Last Call. I tried to dig up my post on it, because I'm 95% sure I bragged about it... but anyway, I fell madly in love with the studded belt Carrie donned in several scenes in the Sex and the City movie...

So I stumbled upon the belt rack at Last Call where the sign atop read "75% off lowest ticketed price." Killer, right? Oh but that's not all... above that sign was another: "Additional 25% off." This was completely stupid. So I got a fabulously fabulous $400 studded belt for $27. Yep, that's a hall-of-famer.
Goodies from Shecky's
Well last night was a great time at Shecky's Girls Night Out! I stuck to my guns - I was a good girl and didn't spend a dime, other than to park. Stupid me forgot to budget for that - duh. So that was annoying, but oh well. The Biltmore was packed. We arrived around 6 o'clock and it was already hopping. The two ballrooms were filled wall-to-wall with retailers, exhibitors, and crazy girls. The goodie bags were fabulous, but we thought it would've made more sense to hand them out as people left. They were rather large and cumbersome in such a big crowd. Not to mention heavy! But it was a fun atmosphere, despite the crowds. The drinks were flowing and all kinds of drawings and giveaways were going on. It was like sensory overload. Among the goodies for sale was a ton of jewelry and other accessories - a lot more than I expected. There were a number of boutique-like setups with racks of clothing, but geez... who can really shop in that kind of environment? You can barely move. I don't shop in crowds normally - just can't handle it. So, at least for me personally, it's not an event that I can do any "real" shopping at... It's more like, if you stumble upon something cute and you can pull out the cash while balancing a drink in the other hand, constantly being bumped by other girls' big ass goodie bags, go for it. Otherwise, just stick to oohing, ahhing, and sipping. That's what I did.
There was a lot of cute jewelry, but other than that, nothing major really stuck out to me besides other girls' bags jabbing me in the side as I tried to pass by. One trendy find there that I've started seeing around is these feathered headbands and hair clips. Have y'all seen these?

I tried a couple of them on and they were super cute. I noticed a girl at the wedding we went to last weekend wearing a black one and it looked so great on her. She had a whole Chanel thing going on and it was so chic. I love headbands anyway, so these are super fun.
But of course, the best part is the free goodies! Here's a look at our deluxe Shecky's bag and the fun samples and such that were packed inside...

And my favorite - an Atlanta fashion map!

It was definitely a fun evening with the girls. Did any of you other peaches make it out?
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Speaking of Fashion Week...
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Buford Betty Fashion Week: Dress your age.
Well, obviously that'll never fly, but it's fun to think about. Age appropriate dress is a big deal though... and I'm not just talking about dressing in your 30's versus your 50's. I even see pre-teen offenders. And I know you have too! You can express great style at any age, but don't forget to dress your age. And um, that doesn't mean the age you WISH you were. You may say age is just a number, but really... should a 25 year-old and a 55 year-old share the same wardrobe? I think not. And, while I could write pages and pages on the topic, I will just touch on a few offenses that leave me completely puzzled.
1. Older moms wearing their daughter's clothes. Well, at least that looks like what they're doing. Months ago, I was sitting in a deli waiting on my order when this really attractive older woman walked inside. I'm guessing she was in her 50's. She had a great figure and carried herself well - but all I could think was, did you rummage through your 22-year-old daughter's closet this morning? First, she had on a really trendy pair of designer jeans. Now, I'm not AT ALL saying that once you're over 40 you need to start wearing mom jeans...

Heavens, no. But's let's leave the overly trendy and embellished denim to the younger generation. Rock on with the designer jeans if you want - I don't care who makes them, but keep it simple and polished. You're 50. The jeans were a fairly minor offense though. It was really the spaghetti-strapped babydoll top that had me perplexed. I mean, really? This is a perfectly cute outfit for a 25-year old, but not you. Aside from "appropriateness," it's also a matter of taste. And though we all have different personal styles, taste is not so subjective. Neither is it solely a matter of showing too much skin... there are just certain fits and styles that are created for younger women. Flirty, flowy little numbers look ridiculous on older women. It can come off almost costume-like. I think a lot of women believe they have to wear younger looking garments to appear youthful and sexy, but sadly - they come off looking quite the opposite. An older woman that I think has absolutely killer style and understands the concept of age appropriate fashion is Helen Mirren. Or perhaps she's the puppet of a great stylist, but she dresses her age and she always looks incredible.

2. Letting it all hang out (when you should've tucked it in like 10 years ago). If you ask me (thanks for asking), it's much more tasteful to cover up as you age. When done right, a little skin can be striking (see Helen's little taste of cleavage above). But there is definitely a sliding scale correlating skin exposure and age. It may not be an exact formula, but it exists in theory. I'm generally on the more conservative side when it comes to "covering up." So perhaps I'm a little biased, but I often find too much skin so tasteless - no matter your age. My personal style is anything but conservative - I dress to get noticed, that's for sure. But you won't see my ass hanging out. Not at 31, and not at 21 either. Sex appeal has little to do with the amount of skin exposed. So many women miss that, sadly. A little skin goes a long way and it's all about balance. If you're young and you've got great limbs - go rock that mini. But balance it out with a loose-fitting top that provides a lot of coverage. If you're wearing a low-cut blouse, go with a more conservative bottom. The most frustrating thing though, is seeing older women showing entirely too much skin. And not just women in their 50's and 60's per se, I'm talking about 32 year-old's prancing around a bar with their midriffs showing. I've never been a fan of the bare midriff (unless on a beach), but if there is an appropriate age for this, there's got to be a very, very small window of opportunity, don't you think? Like maybe 18 to 21. Maybe. Still - not a fan. And I know there are a lot of older women out there with incredible bodies that think the rules don't apply to them. A repeat offender that immediately comes to mind is Nicolette Sheridan. At 45, she has got a killer figure. Kudos for that. But hey, guess what - you're 45! Stop dressing like an 18 year old and cover that shit up.
3. Turning in your style card once you have kids. Now I'm sure I'll get called out for being an ignorant non-mom here (sure, go ahead), but really - this one kills me. The first two offenses focused a lot on older women trying to dress younger, but let's discuss younger women dressing too old. Like nursing home old. I see this all the time. Young moms getting so wrapped up in their kids' lives that they forget they have lives too. Now I do understand that your life changes once you have kids - your focus shifts entirely and you have a new set of priorities. I get that. But I also know it's possible to still take care of yourself. I know this because I have many friends that are successful at doing so. Yeah, they're now more concerned about preschools than designer handbags, but they still care about how they look. Others, however, are just aging themselves unnecessarily. I was talking to a neighbor not too long ago - you know, normal superficial neighbor talk. She's in sweats. Her hair's a total mess. Not a lick of makeup. And this is at a party, mind you - not at the mailbox. Her kids were young, but I figured she was like pushing 40. Turns out she's YOUNGER than me! Dear God! Is this what happens? I was absolutely stunned. I suppose it all comes back to the fact that you make time for what's important to you. I'm sure it's a big struggle to find some "me" time as a mom - especially a new mom- but if it's important to you, you'll make the time.
Gosh, we could go on forever on this topic, couldn't we?! I know y'all have witnessed people not dressing their age... offenders are everywhere. Spill, why don't ya? But let's not forget to honor those who get it right... any great style icons of yours that always hit the mark?
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Buford Betty Fashion Week: A very stylish interview.

After we finished chatting, I had Courtney show me some of her favorite outfits. Here's her adorable outfit for the first day back to school this year...

Monday, October 27, 2008
Buford Betty Fashion Week: Fashion vs. Style
One of my favorite quotes of all time came from Edna Woolman Chase... "Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." It just can't be said any better. Fashions are created everyday, bought everyday, discarded everyday. Fashions come and go. What is hot today will be unthinkable 5 years from now. I know this because I'll dig up something in my closet from a few years ago and shout, "dear God, what was I thinking?!" But, no worries... another 5 years and it'll be back in and we can call it "retro!"
"Style," however, doesn't come and go. As Yves Saint Laurent said, "Fashions fade. Style is eternal." Style is absolutely, undoubtedly something with which you're born. It's a gift and it's rare. It's a talent of sorts. I compare it to the likes of a dancer... anyone can take dance class after dance class and learn the steps, but true dancers are born - they're not taught. In the same sense, anyone (well, almost anyone) can put together a "cute" outfit, but someone with style defines "cute" on his or her own. Anyone can go out and buy the latest fashions, throw them on, and even be considered "in style." But someone with true style makes his or her own rules. You've heard people say, "she's got an eye" for this or that. It's true. There's an eye. I suppose it's in the middle of said stylish person's head, but we just can't see it. But there is definitely an "eye."
People with inherent style can see things others can't. They see potential in people, places, and things that others don't notice. When they put together an outfit, they're creating a look. And even if they spent two hours piecing an outfit together, they somehow make it look completely effortless. Bill Blass once said, "style is primarily a matter of instinct." That's not to say that the most stylish person on the planet never misses a step... but the difference is, they know they have killer style and they make it work. They have impeccable taste and it shows in all areas of their lives. So not only do they have that "eye," but they've got the confidence to pull it all together. Those with style, more often than not, are thinking outside the box and stepping outside of their own comfort zone. Their comfort zone is redefined daily. They're constantly trying new things and experimenting. Blending in just isn't an option... sure, they keep up with the latest trends and fashions - but they take it to the next level and make it their own. And they never really can be defined by just one look, because they're always coming up with new ones.
As Edna Woolman Chase implies, money won't buy you style. Labels may impress people, but I rather see someone with style rocking out a Target wardrobe. That's way more impressive - and I guarantee they'll get noticed more. I'm sure you can think of someone you know that just bleeds uber-style... whenever they walk in the room you just think, wow. What is it about them? They've got it goin' on from head to toe, and it just looks so easy.
I can probably count on one hand the number of people I've come across in my life that I think are truly gifted when it comes to style. I honestly believe it's a God-given talent, or whatever you want to call it. And yes, it reveals itself in how that person dresses and carries himself - but it's so much more than that. That "eye," that amazing taste, that crazy confidence - it can be used to do great things. A couple of weeks ago I sat down with a 15-year old girl in my neighborhood who, to me, is proof-positive that style is something you're blessed with at birth. At such a young age, she already exudes such tremendous individual style and confidence. She's truly amazing and I can't wait to share a little taste of her style with you tomorrow! Stay tuned...
So now that we've created some distance and distinction between fashion and style, I encourage you to seek out that friend, family member, or co-worker with killer style and pick their brain. What inspires them? How do they put together an outfit? What looks are they trying to create? I think you'll be amazed at how differently they see things. And shoot... if you're the stylish one - you already know it. Rock on.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Rambling. Anyway... the wedding's at 5 o'clock tonight. Now that I'm Budget Betty, I was a good girl and didn't buy anything new to wear. So here's what I'm wearing tonight...

I've been REALLY good about not shopping. Well, with our hardcore zero-based budget and envelope system alla Dave Ramsey, there's not a budget for shopping right now. But girls, it's getting hard with all these killer sales going on! I just caught wind of a huge sale on KORS shoes over at and I'm like sweating. But I'm holding on! For dear life! Not. Gonna. Budge.
Alright... off to go find some nail polish... My peeping toes need a touch up.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Buford Betty Fashion Week.
Anyway... I hope you all have fabulous weekends. And be sure to stop by next week because I'm doing a week long series of posts on one of my favorite topics.... fashion! I had initially intended to have this coincide with NY fashion week, but well.... life. So Buford Betty's just gonna have a fashion week of her own, OK? Stay tuned for some super fun posts next week and I can't wait to get your opinions as well. In the mean time, I'll see if I can round up a few more pics from the taping last week.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Pictures from the Taping!

The spot involved a food challenge, like I mentioned, and here we started piling our $400 worth of groceries on the island. They were amazed at how much we got for $400. Momma didn't raise no fool! Here's one of the crew members covering up all the brand names and labels. A shot of a brand name could blow the whole deal, so they tell us. It was a ton of food and it took them forever to do all this!

The spot is sponsored by Hasbro, so we had friends at the kitchen table playing the game in the background.

And here's a shot of the "camp" the crew set up in our den...

It was madness, but SO much fun. I think we have some more pics - the hub is still uploading. The 60-second spot will start airing around mid-November. So I better soak up these last few weeks of normal life... I mean, once this airs I won't be able to walk out of my house without cameras in my face. I'm sure of it. Hehehehe....
They did get a REALLY cool shot of our house on Thursday night and they said they'd send us a still pic of it... I hope so because it was SO cool. If we get that I'll post that one also... More to come!
Stay tuned...
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
The life of a star.
We did our Whole Foods run yesterday and my mom came with. It was fun - but weird. Just getting random stuff with someone else's money. I'm heading out the door now to spend the rest of our $400 at Kroger. We spent just under $300 at Whole Foods. And I still don't know what I'm gonna wear for this thing... lots to do! Gotta run!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
A great shopportunity...

The Partners Card, benefitting Camp Twin Lakes, is available now for $60. With this card, you will save 20% at all participating stores and restaurants between November 1st and 9th! There are over 500 local restaurants and retailers participating this year, but there are also some online retailers participating -- so you can take advantage of this even if you're not a sweet peach. Just in time for holiday shopping! Camp Twin Lakes is a great organization, based in Georgia, that offers wonderful programs for children with serious illnesses and other special needs. They also do a bike ride in late October to raise money and one of our friends is participating. (Woo hoo! Go Erik!) So if you're planning to get your shop on in the next few weeks anyway, this could really get you some serious savings. Cards can be purchased here or they're also available at many of the participating retailers.
In other news... totally didn't make it out to do our grocery shopping last night. I was so pooped from a long day at work and had NO energy left. So I'm leaving work early today and we're going to hit up Whole Foods. The film crew is coming out tonight to get shots outside our house and around the neighborhood. And they're having dinner catered in - suweet. You know I like a free meal.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Shopping on Food Network's dime...
There are only two couples/teams in this challenge and we have no real guidelines on what to get. I do think this has some sort of holiday theme, as it will air sometime this year - but seriously - no real guidelines. I think the challenge is Iron Chef-ish, but I don't think there has to be one special "secret" ingredient. All the ingredients are a mystery to the two teams... but OMG - $400? And they want us to spend it all. I think we're going to go to a nicer grocery or farmer's market. I think I could probably buy all of Wally World for $400... hahaha.... That may be a normal grocery bill to some, but for us two -that's insane. So what the heck do I get?? I have no clue!!! I need rules! Guidelines! Ideas! Something! Like right now!!!
Update: So the only "guidelines" of any kind we've received so far... party food. Yep, that's it.