Friday, August 19, 2011

Gearing Up

It seems like we have so much time before Sam gets here, but then I start sorting out all the things we have to do and figure out before he does and YIKES - we don't have that much time after all!  We've got five months left.  And everyday I think of something else we need to sort out.  And really, I'm wanting to have everything baby figured out and put together by the time Thanksgiving gets here.  For a couple of reasons... (1) You never know when baby is going to act up and either put you on bed-rest or insist on coming early, and (2) the holiday season is so crazy busy for us and I want to be able to just enjoy it and not be frantically finishing up the nursery or something.  And then hello, it's suddenly January and it's almost time!
So here are some of the major things we're looking to accomplish over the next few months.  Feel free to jump in and add something I need to consider because, obviously, I don't know what the hell I'm doing...
- Setting up the nursery (duh).  We've got all our furniture except the rocker.  We're still looking around for the best price for that item, as it will undoubtedly be the most expensive piece.  I'm not a big fan of the wooden gliders, so I really want to find an upholstered chair/rocker.  I like the style of the basic Pottery Barn Kids version, but not at $1200 (once you add in delivery, etc).  I've got some places to look, thanks to fellow momma friends, but if you have any suggestions, please advise!  The Baby Bargains book suggests looking at regular furniture places too, so we'll probably do that as well.  Aside from furniture, we're wanting to do built-in bookshelves along the back wall so we're working on figuring all that out right now.  I got a quote for a monogrammed cornice board for the window, laughed out loud, and then decided we could make one on our own.  And we've also got a closet and bathroom to work on.  So much to do!  But it all looks fabulous in my head.  I'm currently waiting on fabric swatches to arrive so we can figure out the bedding and go from there.
- Registering for gifts. We're planning to do this next month and we're going to bring along a momma friend to help us since we don't know what we're doing and Babies 'R Us is mildly terrifying.  May do Target too. Any other suggestions?  Maybe Pottery Barn Kids, but honestly I don't think I'd have more than a few things that I'd put on there, so what's the point?  I'm not registering for my bedding anywhere - we're just going to buy that because hell if I'm waitin'!
- Becoming parenting experts.  Apparently we need classes... so I've got us all signed up for a bunch of stuff.  Piedmont Hospital offers up a free prenatal series, so we're doing that in October.  And we're also doing a breastfeeding class in December (yeah, that's after Thanksgiving, but just barely).  AND we're signed up for a CPR class next month.  Oh yeah and a hospital tour next month as well.  After December 3rd, we should know everything there is to know about parenting!!!
- Figuring out daycare and healthcare.  Next month the hub and I are taking off a day to peruse local daycares and also visit pediatricians in our area.  I've never doctor-shopped, so this should be interesting.  Luckily, we have lots of great friends nearby who have offered up referrals.  Good thing too, because otherwise I'd have no idea where to start.  I guess we'll need to actually make appointments with the doctors, but we just plan on dropping in on the daycares
That is the major stuff.  And of course there are other important things in the mix as well, like getting our wills established.  That task has been "in process" for months, but it's time to finally bite the bullet and get it done.  We should have them anyway, regardless.  And figuring out how to best adapt our pups to having a new little brother in the house.  We predict they'll be super protective of Sam - they're both great around little kids.  But it's how the two dogs are with each other that can cause problems.  Two crazy bitches.  So we just have to set up precautions there.  Lots to think about! 
So in other baby news, my mom and I went to our first baby and kids' consignment sale yesterday and it was NUTS.  To say we were overwhelmed is an understatement.  I'm not sure I'm cut out for these things.  Well for one thing, I didn't know what the heck to look for.  And there was just SO much stuff.  And generally I'm not the type who likes to fight crowds and dig for stuff.  There were times when I just stood there with our basket and stared off into space because I didn't know what to do!  But, we did come away with some cute clothes, a clock that might work in the nursery, and we also found a pack of monogrammed burp cloths that all said "Samuel."  Too funny - had to get those.  I'll get some pics up later of our loot.  There was a ton of baby gear, but I just didn't know what to do with it.  I think after Sam is here and I'm a parenting expert, I'll know better how to navigate these mega consignment sales.  But for now, it's a bit much for me.
Well, hope you all have fantastic weekends!  We will be painting the nursery closet (for real this time) along with other fun chores around the house.  Pics to come!


Breezy said...

So exciting! Lots to plan and do...a bit of advice (and I KNOW you're already getting a lot, take it all in and filter out what you don't want).
BabiesRUs-All my friends were terrified and I felt like I was in heaven! Don't be scared. They give you a planning packet when you go in which gives you the lay out of the store and a list of "must haves" and "like to haves". I purused online and made my own list first and didn't feel overwhelmed (it's REALLY good to check out strollers/carseats/etc in person so you can play with them and see how you actually like their functioning abilities as opposed to just color scheme ;) which, let's be honest, mama's care about the color scheme!)
Daycare-surf around the net and ask friends for advice for questions to ask (I never thought about "lock down" procedures until a daycare near us had to be locked down due to a bank robbery close by-there are regulations on schools and daycares in the area of things like that). Also, perhaps it's different around there, but all the daycares I toured required an appointment time so they had someone available to answer my questions.
Doctor's office-Our doctor's office has a "meet n greet" for new patients/parents-to-be, so check to see if the offices have was very helpful for us!
I LOVE LOVE the name Sam!!! Congrats again =)

GoodnessGraces said...

Go check out Comfortable Chair Store. They are in Roswell now. They have some great chairs for way less than PBK - like half as much. We got ours their and love it!!

As for consignment sales - Sign up for the first time moms pass. it will still be crazy but less crazy.

Have you checked out BuyBuyBaby? That place is so much better than BRU. BRU is a necessary evil, but the quality of the items at BBB is typically much better. Both are pricey. I had an Amazon registry and people loved it - very reasonable and free shipping on most items. They even give a 10% completion discount too. Either way register for only what you will need the first 6 months. Don't listen to the stores and register for stuff like potties and such that you won't need for a long time. Also skip the big huge travel systems. Pick a stroller that you like and find a car seat that will work with it (might need to buy an adapter. The strollers that come in the travel systems for lack of a better word - SUCK! They are beasts. There are a lot of great strollers out there. Who cares if you car seat matches it perfectly. You will have the stroller for years, but the car seat will only be used out the car for maybe 6 months.

Oh - and I loved Piedmont. They were great. I ended up with a c-section(baby was stuck) so I was there for 4 days. Everything from staff to food to LC's was great.

Preppy Pink Crocodile said...

Don't buy a crib bumper. You will never use it because they are so unsafe. Same goes for the dumb matching quilts that they sell. Too small to actually use. You might however want the mesh woven crib bumper thing that you put up when the baby gets older so he doesn't get his arms and legs stuck between the crib spokes. So you might want to register for that at the baby store.

I know gliders are ugly but they are hands down the MOST comfortable style of rocker. But they make them now all padded to look like arm chairs and such- just more expensive of couse. Other Amanda got a great PBK knock off at Walmart of all places and that thing is amazing. Glider rocker that looks like a nice padded arm chair but it also is a recliner. Which is fantastic at 2AM and 3AM and 4AM... If yours doesn't have a recliner function, you need some sort of foot rest. You might end up sleeping there on many nights.

Erica said...

Sounds like you've got a ton of what you need to do nailed down. Nice work!

I love that you found burp cloths with Sam's name on them, you can never have too many of those.

Small advice: Don't buy many clothes 0-6 mo until after your showers, people will give you a ton of those sizes. I agree with GG about the stroller, travel system strollers are bulky and heavy. Also, my one must-buy item if you plan to do any baby-wearing at all is to get an ERGO carrier. You can use it forever. My cousin still uses hers with her 5 year old and it's fantastic.

Can't wait to hear about your expertise from the classes!

Anonymous said...

You are so cute with your first baby giddyness. I mean, you're EXACTLY like me 3 years ago on this date. :) And then the second kid came along and I was like lists? What are lists?

So! Nursery-wise, definitely make whatever you think you can, it not only saves $, but it also makes me swoon when I see the things I made in the boys' room - I know how much love I put into them. Absolutely check out regular furniture stores for a rocker. We got a Munire crib and a $125 (huge, awesome) dresser that matched it, but was from a normal furniture set. It saved us $500 off the dresser that came with the crib AND it was bigger. Lots to be said for furniture that doesn't have the word "kids" on it. :)

BRU and Target for the registries!

Doctors: if you call them and tell them you're expecting, they should invite you in for a "meet and greet" to answer questions. I thought this was the strangest part of the whole expecting-a-baby process, but necessary for sure.

Daycares: I would maybe call them ahead of time and let them know you're coming, for the first meeting. That way you'll be sure they have time to really show you around and answer questions. Then once you have it narrowed down to 1-3 daycares, you can just drop in to see how things work when they don't expect you. My advice? Drop in at lunch time, you'll get a feel for how much of a zoo it is (or isn't!). :)

You can email or tweet me if you ever have questions, I'd be happy to help, and I know exactly where you are mentally in this process. I was so there. :)

Jill said...

Wow. I am so freaking impressed. (this from the girl who at 36 weeks goes "well, I guess we should look at paint color?") Seriously, you are a machine. So organized!! Personally I don't see a need to register at too many stores - I just did BRU (hate that place but it's easy for most people to buy from) and New Baby Products. I LOVE that one!! But it's down in my area..across from Taqueria Del Sol on Cheshire Bridge. I have an idea - let's meet there one night for dinner and go!! Want to? I would LOVE to help you shop for sweet Sam!! You don't need half the stuff people say you do, but it sure doesn't hurt to get it because you can return it later and get what you discover you truly need once you meet your little guy. YAY! This is SO FUN!

Pretty in Pink said...

Before I lay-byed anything or bought any thing like a pram, car seat ect. I checked on you tube with Baby Gizmo. It is a mum who does great video reviews. So helpful and great for first time mums who don't know what to look for. I think the website is Also really have a good look at nappy bags. I looked for months and only just found one I like.