Friday, February 19, 2010

The thrill is gone.

Wow... what a difference a week makes.  This was the hub trying to get my car up the driveway last Friday night.  He came out of the house when he saw me struggling to do so.  "Oh let me handle that, honey.  You go on inside."  Uh huh.  After swerving into the yard about 5 times, he ultimately backed the car up across the street as far as possible, facing the driveway head-on.  Then he gunned it up the driveway and finally made it to the top.
And today it's totally sunny and clear.  Still chilly, but no blizzards in sight.  Hope y'all have a fab weekend!  I'll be working most of it - bleh.




Golden Stilettos said...

I'm so over snow.. I hope this past blizzard was the last! {positive thinking}

I'll be working most of the weekend as well so I feel your pain.. but our wallets will be happy! :)

coffee break said...

Glad you're out of all this snow!