Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Gosh, I am having trouble getting my butt on the computer lately to blog.  I just have been very busy sitting on the couch and not caring.  Ha!  No, but I do have so much I need to update y'all on... we had our last round of showers this past weekend - which were great!  And we also did our maternity shoot last Friday (above is a little sample for ya).  So I'll get some weekend pics up soon!  

I tell ya - Sam is pretty darn set.  I think the only major thing we don't have that we'd like to get before he arrives is my breast pump.  So I think we'll slap a 20% off coupon and a few BRU giftcards on that puppy and it'll be pretty affordable!  We went to a breastfeeding class at the hospital this past Saturday and they suggested bringing in your pump if you have one so they can show us how to get it set up and use it.  Sounds good to me!  I need all the help I can get.  
The nursery is really coming together.  The built-in shelves are installed but just waiting on some finishing touches.  They look AWESOME and I can't wait to "move in" to them with all of Sam's loot.  They're our main source of storage in that room, besides his closet.  Other projects still in the works are the cornice board for the window - my dad is helping us construct that.  I think I mentioned the quote I got to have one made was like $750.  Yeah... so I quickly started googling "DIY cornice boards."  It looks pretty darn easy, so I'm excited to see how this project comes together.  We're just doing a super simple one with the same paisley fabric that's in the bedding and it will be monogrammed in the center.

We're also having a cushion made for the bench seat under the window.  Any DIY option there would turn into a hot mess.  Not even attempting that!  So we'll leave that one to the pros.  Also using a fabric from the bedding collection for the cushion, but a more neutral one that can be used later if we decided to change up the color scheme in that room.  What else... well, paint!  We are nearly done there.  I of course have to make the paint as complicated as possible with 15 different colors, etc.  We finally figured out colors for the nursery ceiling and bath ceiling.  The hub finished the main ceiling paint and WOW, does it look good!  It is a metallic bronze - which I thought might be a bit dark once applied, but it is so perfect.  We have so much white going on in the nursery between the shelving, furniture, and trim, so the dark contrast really warms it up and makes it so soothing.  Plus our wall colors are very subtle (two shades of taupe), so the metallic ceiling adds a bit of drama!  I'll get some pics up once we finish the paint.  We are still doing stripes, but just on one wall.  I think stripes all around might be overkill, so we're going to try just one wall to start.  I'm planning to conquer the stripes this weekend.  Then the last bit of paint will be the ceiling in the bathroom - also a metallic gold, but a lot lighter than the nursery color.  It's more of a pale gold.

And speaking of the bathroom - we still have the beadboard to install.  My dad is helping us with that as well.  We did finally get our bathroom mirror though!  I had been eying one at Pottery Barn forever but we stumbled upon a comparable version on clearance at Home Depot this week!  Total score... I was literally about to shell out $149 for the PB version, but we ended up getting the $70 HD version instead.  Love it!  It's a white medicine cabinet style mirror.  We wanted a medicine cabinet because we've got a pedestal sink in the nursery bath with no storage.  And now the only other major thing I need to order here soon is the baskets from Pottery Barn for our changing table.  And that has turned into a fiasco this week because I've been trying to use these Amex giftcards we got to purchase those, to no avail.  Oh believe me, I've been on the phone with the Pottery Barn people... While I'm TRULY grateful for these Amex giftcards, I gotta say they have been a pain in the ass to try to use online.  I know, rich people problem... "Oh weh... the money I received as a gift is hard to spend!" Obviously not a big deal in the grand scheme, but yeah, add that to the list of reasons to hate Amex.  We'll get them to work one way or another but I don't think I'll be buying those particular cards as a gift for anyone.  Uh, not to mention they charge a fee when you purchase them!  Lame, Amex.

As far as Sam, he is doing great!  When you throw in my perinatal visits, I'm pretty much into weekly doctor appointments now.  Which is fine by me... I like to know how things stand.  We had our last OB visit on Tuesday and, as suspected, they're going to make me do the 3-hr glucose test later this week since I borderline passed the 1-hr test and Sam is on the big side.  Well, drats... that means I have to fast Friday morning... as in no Friday morning poptart!  What am I going to do?!  Ha...  I've also been having a fair amount of Braxton Hicks contractions in the last few weeks.  The hub got mad at me because I hadn't mentioned them to him when I had them.  He knew I'd been having them because he was at the doctor with me when I asked about them.  But as long as they didn't get excessive, I didn't figure I needed to worry him when I had one.  Well, he did not like that.  So now I have a custom app on my phone that looks like a big red button.  Anytime I have a contraction, I have to push the button and it immediately sends a text message to the hub.  Hahaha.... gotta love it.  The OB said if I have 6 or more an hour, that I need to drink a glass of water and lie down.  If they continue at that rate, then we call the doctor.  I haven't had near that many in an hour, so no real cause for alarm just yet!  But heaven knows the hub will be the first to know if I do.  :-)

Other big news we found out this week is that, unfortunately, my OB won't be able to do my c-section.  She apparently had to have some kind of emergency surgery this week and will be out of commission for a while, so they went ahead and had me schedule with a different doctor in the practice.  I'm sad it won't be my regular OB... I sure hope she's OK!  I've been seeing her for over 10 years... she had a wonky uterus just like me and was also a Dr. Toledo patient, so she "gets" it.  Would've been cool to have her deliver Sam, but whatever... I know most women don't get their own doctors anyway!  It's luck of the draw really unless it's scheduled.  So yeah, that was kinda disappointing, but not a huge deal in the long run.  I will be in good hands.  My OB's health is obviously the priority here! We have met all but one of the other OB's in the practice, so I was able to pick one I liked and keep the same day/time.  The doctor we saw this week was also good, and she's available that day (Jan 19), but not till after 1pm.  Which means I'd have to go WAY longer without food.  Um, no thanks.  I picked someone else.  As with all events in my life, I center this around my meals.  Momma's gotta eat!  Priorities.

Alright y'all... I promise I'll get back on with some pics and other fun deets from this past weekend.  Hope you're having a good one!


Julie Tiemann said...

Wait, did Scott actually CREATE an app for you?! If so, HILARIOUS!!

Charbelle said...

Wonderful picture!!! I'm loving keeping up with all the getting ready!!! So excited for you!!!

Jill said...

Loved the update! So super excited for you.... And every single detail for sweet Sam!

wendy30076 said...

The cornice boards are easy to make- my mom made all the ones in my house. I can't believe someone would charge $750!