Friday, May 20, 2011

Beta Results, Please...

at 9dp5dt (9 days past 5-day transfer <-- meaning a 5-day old embryo)
I'm in total shock.  I was *hoping* to get over 100, so I'm incredibly thrilled with this number.  If you aren't familiar with beta/HCG numbers, read up here.  It's mostly IF-speak!  Do they even do blood tests for fertiles?!  Anyway, you can bet your britches we'll keep testing on pee-sticks over the weekend so I can ensure that 2nd line stays there.  Am I mental?  Maybe.  But for real, I need the reassurance... 
The last time we had a "real" positive 1st beta (two years ago after IUI #1), I took a test the day before the 2nd one and the line was significantly lighter (than we had previously seen days before).  I tried not to over-analyze it, but my gut told me something was wrong.  And sure enough, my levels had dropped when I had my blood drawn the next day.  I don't fear that happening at all this time... but I will just feel more at ease seeing two bright lines over the weekend! 
I'm so grateful and happy that we've made it THIS far... we're truly celebrating every step, every day.  I will go enjoy the weekend, but c'mon Monday!!!!!!  Don't think I've ever craved a Monday morning so badly before!


Jen | Our Life Accounts said...

That's amazing! Congratulations again, I'll be praying for you guys that both embryos make it!

Natalie at Our Old Southern House said...

that number is great! mine was 365 at 16dpo so you've definitely got me beat. :-)

Mrs EyeCanSee said...

Congrats!! I never had my beta levels tested during my it's all greek to me! I'm taking your word for it that this is great news!!

Dr. Blondie said...

Congrats! That's a great number! Wishing you well on Monday, too.

Unknown said...

Yes, if you have a blood test to "confirm pregnancy" they're checking levels. They will have you do a blood test test and then 2 days later do another to confirm that the numbers are doubling. They didn't call it beta levels and just said they were checking the hcg level in my case.

Congratulations :)

Miche said...

Yay! Congrats again to you and your husband!

Lisa said...

Congrats!!! How exciting! Lookin forward to Monday :)

BroncoMom said...

Right there with ya Betty. Come on Monday!!

Susan said...

That's great! I know all to well about the Beta levels!!!! :)

Melissa said...


I never got a blood test to confirm my pregnancy, but I took a ton of pee stick tests those first few weeks to make sure they were all positive :)

Jill said...

SO THRILLED! Praying and praying for you!

Julie Tiemann said...

WooHOO!!! Love those big number for sure. They definitely check your levels when you're a "fertile," just not nearly as often. But honestly, that's one area where I think you've got it good. As someone who was pretty paranoid throughout her pregnancies (not good, I know, but I'm a natural worrier), I would have loved some confirmation of things going well along the way- one area that high risk patients benefit I think. (Not implying that you don't deserve all these extra things or that I'd chose to go through what you've had to face, of course, just saying I'd enjoy all those perks that come, if I were you. :) )

Jin said...

Congrats again! And yeah, my OB did only one beta for me. I miss the three betas I got at the RE to make sure about doubling times with #1, but can't complain. I too have been peeing on sticks every few days an I'm almost 7 weeks along. Hope yours stay nice and dark!
