Friday, December 11, 2009

Two weeks till Christmas!

Happy Friday!  I love Friday.  Just popping in to say *hello*...  busy, busy as usual.  Work is keeping me busy, of course.  And this weekend we've got a couple of Christmas shindigs.  In other news, I'm also trying to get back into my routine of taking my basal body temp every morning, taking my prenatals, eating right, taking my baby aspirin, bleh bleh bleh, since we're planning to do another IUI in the next couple of months.  But I'm seriously having a hard time getting back on the wagon.  I started tracking my calories again this week - doing pretty good with that.  But the last 3 mornings I failed miserably in the attempt to get my temperature.  Once you get out of the habit with that, it's really hard to get back on it!  We'll try again tomorrow.
Oh and that plan to have all my gifts wrapped before December?  Yeah, fail.  I'm now envisioning a wrap-fest on December 24th.  It's a combo of other distractions and pure laziness.  All I want to do when I get home at night is plop myself on the couch.  Goodness.  And the fact that it gets dark at 5:30pm does NOT help.  I totally operate by daylight hours and my brain just shuts down along with the sun.  I turn into a vegetable.
Alright...  piles of work await me here.  Hope you all have fabulous weekends filled with holiday cheer!  Back soon...


Susannah said...

Well, I'm impressed that you got all of your shopping done before now, much less the wrapping! Dang girl! Good luck with the tracking, it is hard to get back on that wagon!

Sherrie said...

Good luck with everything!

Ally said...

I am new to your blog -- love it!