Totally shocked, but completely thrilled!
I really didn't think we were going to get out of there today with an answer because baby was sitting with its legs all folded up for the longest time and not budging. He was definitely wiggling around in there, but wouldn't unfold those sweet legs. But finally he started stretching out some and the doctor caught some lucky shots of the goods. He kept calling it a "weiner" - it was hilarious. "Don't tell anyone we're taking all these weiner shots!" he said. Too funny...
The doctor said he could feel the baby moving through the ultrasound wand thingee - whatever you call it. So he let me hold it a while to see if I could, but I couldn't tell. We did get some good profile shots today. The little booger was very active and I'm convinced he's a dancer. He was doing a serious back bend at one point, a toe-touch at another, and then I was sold when I saw... jazz hands.
Aside from getting the fun news, we also got to take a really good look at all the major organs and see how everything's measuring up. We're right on schedule and all looks perfect! It is CRAZY what all you can see. All four chambers of the heart pumping away, both sides of the brain, the kidneys, the bladder, the intestines... and oh yeah, the weiner!!!
Congrats! :) Now you can plan the nursery!
Each one is a miracle! Congratulations on your sweet little man!
Yay for boys! And yay for a healthy bean!
Aw Congrats!!!!! So happy you all got to find out today!
Congrats! Can't believe you're already finding out, seems like just yesterday you got your BFP!
Congrats! Baby boys are super fun! The ultrasounds are the coolest things aren't they?
A boy! Congratulations!!!
Yeah, for whatever reason, I always saw all blue for your little bundle. Sooo excited to see the nursery play out now. Woo hoo!!
Hey, guess what? You're a momma to a little boy!
Love you.
SO stinking thrilled for you!! As someone who grew up with brothers, you are in for a treat. There's just something so sweet in the way boys love their Mamas...this is just so exciting!!!
BAHAHAHA! I LOVE the jazz hands! Love.it.
Such great news that all is well too. Isn't it the most surreal thing ever when you see all that on the screen?? I honestly don't know how people can see an ultrasound and not believe in a Creator!
The weiner stuff - HILARIOUS!
A baby boy!!!!! Congratulations!!!!! Such exciting news!! :)
Awwww Congrats girl! A BOY, YAY!!!!!!
aww yay!!!!! Congrats girl!!! What an exciting day!!
Very excited for you! Congratulations.
Aw congratulations! I keep waivering between wanting a girl and wanting a boy. I guess that's good because I'll be happy either way!
Yay for wieners! Congrats to you guys...I'm so excited for you!
Congratulations! I'm due a week behind you, but we are not finding out the gender of our bean. A little boy is so exciting! Hope you are feeling well!
Congrats on the weiner!!! :) haha Let the "you're growing a tiny peepee inside you" jokes commence... ;)
So thrilled for you guys!
What blessed news you have received Betty!! Congratulations!
Congrats! Little boys are so sweet
Congratulations!!! i am soo out of the loop!!!!!!!!! I am just over the moon excited for you!!!!
Congratulations! I'm so happy for you.
Have you continued with acupuncture after your BFP? I'm doing acupuncture now and have heard that some continue with acu throughout 1st trimester. Thinking of doing so when the time comes.
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