OK so it only took one night's good sleep to realize hosting a party - any kind of party - in the middle of busy season was a BAD idea. And with my gpa's situation in the mix, it's just a doubly bad idea. No worries - it'll remain on my to-do list. I've been just itching to plan something though. I always like to be planning something - even if it's way off in the future by normal people's standards. I mean I started thinking about my 30th birthday party when I was like 27. Anyway, another idea I had been throwing around for a party was to have a clothing swap. I like to go through my closet every 6 months or so and get rid of stuff I'm not wearing anymore (or can't wear anymore). We just dumped off a huge load to Goodwill right before year-end. But I still have a nice stack of stuff I was planning to take to Plato's Closet. But instead, I've decided to host a clothing swap this Spring! And I am soooo excited about it!
There's actually a ton of information online about planning and hosting a clothing swap. Have y'all ever been to one? You basically have everyone bring their old stuff that they want to get rid of, have some cocktails, set up shop and it's pretty much a free-for-all. Any leftover items will go to Goodwill or a women's shelter. I am *super* excited about this. I'm going to hold it in late April - after the tax season mess, and just in time for a good Spring cleaning! I already emailed some of my girlfriends to save the date - so it's officially on. If you've ever hosted one before, I'm open to advice. Several sites I've read said to set a minimum number of pieces that each girl needs to bring. I mean we don't want freeloaders here... I'm going to work on rounding up some clothing racks. If I can't find any second-hand ones, I saw that IKEA has rolling racks for like $14.95 - sweet! That involves a trip to IKEA though.. ugh. That will definitely have to be a lunch run one day because I refuse to set foot in that place on the weekends. It's a zoo. Anyway... I'm all pumped now that I have something to plan. If it goes really well, I think it's something I'll want to do a couple of times a year. Too fun! Yay - I'm so glad to have a party on the calendar to think about while crunching numbers...
In other news... our small group is meeting back up again tonight after an extended holiday hiatus. We're starting a new study that I think will be really good. The boys are reading this version. Should be interesting! And of course I took a peek at the boys' book to see what the heck they were saying about us girls - and inside they had a "warning" to women looking through the men's book. Funny there was no warning to men in the women's book.... hmm... because the men do well enough to read their own book - like they have the time or care to go snooping through ours! Hehehehe....