So I've had this idea in my head for a while to host a party where everyone brings in old bridesmaid and/or prom dresses to donate for the upcoming prom season. OK well actually I had no real intentions of doing anything for this prom season given the fact that I'm currently diving into my busiest time at work. But after seeing 27 Dresses last weekend with a couple of my girlfriends (which was totally cute by the way - go see it!), I'm even more inspired to do it. There are some great organizations locally that accept gently used formal dresses and accessories, so I thought - what better way to get rid of all those old bridesmaid dresses cluttering up your closet? And what a fun reason to get together with a bunch of girlfriends. And with that movie being out, it'd be fun to do it as a "27 Dresses" theme... and maybe have a drawing for free movie passes or something.
I'd have to keep it really simple... maybe have everyone bring a dish or something and just provide a few munchies and drinks. Something good and girly of course... cosmos or something. Trouble is I never do anything simply. So I think I'm absolutely nuts for even considering doing this at this time of year. Plus, we're broke. Plus... my gpa is not doing well and we just never know when we're going to need to run up there suddenly. So all that makes me think this is a bad idea. Now if I did it, I'd enlist the help of some of my girlfriends as co-hosts. But I'm a party control-freak and would end up doing 80% of the work. OK 90%. But omg doesn't it sound fun? I'm thinking about it... Enchanted Closet looks like a good organization to work with if I decide to do it. If I don't do it this year, it's definitely on my to-do list for the future.
I mentioned my gpa... thank you to all of your sweet comments from earlier. The news on him is not great. He definitely has cancer and they have begun radiation treatments this week. I don't think they've pinpointed what type of cancer it is, but I'm not sure that really matters at this point. His prognosis is 3-6 months. It's terribly sad and scary, but his spirits are actually really good. My dad has really made sure he understands everything that is going on and my gpa seems to get what's going on. He's of course mostly concerned with quality of life at this point and being comfortable. My dad asked him this weekend if there was anything special that he wanted to see or do in the time that he has left and my gpa says, "Well I'd like to go to California to see Judy. But I'm not sure I can do that." He's too funny... Judy's my aunt out in California. She's of course making her way over here for the first of several visits (I'm sure) in the upcoming months.
It's really weird - knowing someone is going to die. My other grandparents died either suddenly or quickly. You know, they got sick and went downhill really fast - that sort of thing. But this is the first time I've ever had a "timeline" per se. So it's very strange - knowing I only have a little time with him left. And of course you get those feelings... I haven't visited enough, called enough, written enough... but I can't beat myself up over that. I just want to make the most of the time we do have left. And who knows - a prognosis is a guess anyway. But more than anything, it warms my heart that he seems to be at peace with everything. I really think he misses my gma terribly. She died a few years ago and I've never seen him so vulnerable as he was during that time. They had been married 65 years when she passed. He loved her with everything he had. And I also know he loves the Lord with everything he has too. In many ways, I think he's just *ready*. But gosh are we gonna miss him...
Well geez, Debbie Downer.... like I'm in a party mood now! ;-)
Donating for prom is fun. I went an event last year for the org. the Governor's Wife is involved with. It was awesome and made a lot of girls very happy.
PARTY!!!! What a cute idea, we almost had a party like that for New Years...Can i come:)
I will continue to keep your gpa in my prayers. I know how hard it is to see someone you love go through the ups and downs of cancer. Just remember, Prayers can move mountains!!!
I will continue to pray for your family, you, and your grandpa. I am so sorry that he is sick.
I think the party sounds wonderful. I bet you could pull it off with the help of a few friends. Decorations would not be expensive. Get a few cut flowers and mix them in w/ some dressy heels/a few bought tiaras, etc. You could also display the dresses around as people came in. It would make for a good conversation piece. Let us know what you decide!
In the chicago area I know there are organizations like this. Hope that you have a good turn out.
um- i am crying. thanks deb! your fam is always in my prayers!
and i agree- you are nuts to plan a big event during busy season. but it does sound like a lot of fun. i can't wait to be close one day to do these fun things with you!
It's nice to read that your gpa is surround by loving and supportive family. I'm sure that's a great comfort. Keeping you all in my prayers.
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