OK so I finally finished the whole Twilight series. Absolutely loved it. I wasn't sure where the fourth book was going initially, but I loved the ending. What an incredible series! I was actually in continuing ed. the other day and the chick next to me was reading one of the books (much more interesting than the lecture going on). So on the first break I couldn't help but ask her which book she was on. We totally had a Twilight geek-out session together - it was hilarious. I just wish there was more...
I have that same content, yet longing feeling I had after the 7th Harry Potter book. OK, not NEAR the emotions I felt after finishing Harry. Seriously, I saw a guy in the airport with the 7th book a good few weeks after I had finished it and I just started crying. Right there on the damn escalator. Again, LOVED the ending to HP, but was so sad it was the end. I've already hopped on Stephenie Meyer's site to read the unedited snippet of Edward's POV from the first book, but I've got to put it on hold for a few days... because I've got to get Marley & Me read in time for the movie next week!
I know, I feel like the last person on Earth to read it. I've actually had the book on my shelf for a couple of years, but just never got to it. Well, my mom is dying to see the movie (and they are not really go-to-the-movies people, but she's hell bent on seeing this flick in the theatre). So we're surprising her with tickets for the Christmas Day opening. I love going to a movie on Christmas... it's a great little escape. Kinda nice to get out of the house after being buried in wrapping paper and eating entirely too much food. I already got the passes (alla Costco, of course) and am going to go pick up the tickets this weekend. Anyone else going to see it? Well I'm only a few chapters into the book and I'm already crying. I know what's coming at the end and I'm going to freaking lose it...
Alright well I've got lotsa work to do here. We've got our Christmas party tonight down at the Aquarium, so I've gotta get outta here early. Another whirlwind of parties this weekend! Hope y'all have a good one.... TGIF!!!!
Hammarbacken 120 – 4 – Sigtuna kommun
16 hours ago
I also have to finish the book before I see the movie! I am only a few chapters in, but so far I really like it. I must be living under a rock because I have no idea how it ends....
OOH! Jealous that you read all the books! I've been meaning to get started on them!
Does the dog die in Marley? I'm too worried about that to justify picking it up. I would be a pool of tears. Still can't go there.
I really want to read Marley but I am afraid it may be too emotional for me. My lab is getting old and I may cry too much!
I have to read the twilight series!
I sobbed HYSTERICALLY at the end of Marley & Me. At the time, I lived in a row home downtown and I swear my neighbors probably thought I just got word that a close family member died.
I refuse to go see the movie. I couldn't put myself through that again.
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