So a while back the hub needed some new shorts and stuff, so we drove up to our local outlets. On the way out we hit the J. Crew outlet. And I say on-the-way-out not because it was an afterthought, but because it is stuck on the butt-end of the darn outlet mall, away from all my other stores. And I don't enjoy walking miles and miles in the summer heat. So we usually move our car and run in crew right before leaving. And this particular one is fairly small. And honestly, a lot of these outlets (like crew, banana, etc) just annoy me because now everything is "made" for the outlet. It's not like J. Crew overstocks or irregular items or discontinued stuff... it's basically cheaper renditions of crew's current catalog. Which is fine - whatever - as long as you realize that and don't think you're getting some *awesome* deal because their chinos are $10 less. And don't get me started on the outlet version of the flip flops... shameful. But anyway, my whole purpose for this post is to alert y'all to the awesome sales going on at the J. Crew outlet right now! It's always hit or miss, like any outlet, but right now it's a HIT with a capital Hell Yeah! I thought we just happened to get in on a good weekend when we were up there, but this past weekend we were up visiting MIL and FIL and we went to their outlets up in TN. Their J. Crew had the same prices still going on - weeks later. If Buford Betty's wallet wasn't on lockdown, she'd have had a hay day. Well first I'll tell you what we ended up getting the first trip (at our outlets several weeks ago). For $97, we got:
-2 shirts for the hub (Honestly I don't remember them. Who cares about boy stuff?)
-1 pair 5-inch chino shorts for me
-3 pairs city-fit cafe capris for me - THREE!
Yeah I know we went there looking for the hub, but y'all, they had cafe capris for $19.99! Don't know if I've mentioned it before, but those are my absolute favorite pants of theirs and I stalk the place till they go on sale...
The outlet's version fits just like my regular ones - material is a little more broken-in-chino feeling (not as crisp looking as the regular crew version), but they look great. And I like $19.99 a helluva lot better than $78 or whatever they go for in the real store. The shorts were also a major purchase for me. Make that *mayjah*. I'm not a big fan of my legs in shorts. I've tried on probably 30 pairs all spring and summer. Even bought some at one point but soon returned them. For whatever reason, these clicked and I've worn the heck out of them!
OK so I was excited to see the prices were still just as low when we went this past weekend. Plus, they have a ton of stuff on clearance which is an additional % off (it was an extra 30% off at this particular one). So... while I got nothing for me, I did get Lucky some goodies for her 30th birthday (which is today!). She is gonna LOVE me! I got all of this for $40...
They also have a ton of madras items. Y'all have to go - prices are ridiculous. So if you have a J. Crew outlet near you, get a move on! So many cute things at delicious prices!
Hammarbacken 120 – 4 – Sigtuna kommun
16 hours ago
I agree with your comments about "factory stores." I get so annoyed when you pay about the same price for a lesser quality item. Now, when they have sales I am all for it. I am glad you found such cute things!
I love the belt!
I was at the outlet malls two weekends ago and had my husband and two year old along (worst shoppers in the world). We parked way at the other side of the mall and with the heat and the whining, I decided it was too far to trudge to the JCrew store. Some day soon I'm going ALL BY MYSELF to shop in peace.
Coincidentally, I posted about outlet stores this morning too!
If it doesn't rain I might head up to Manchester to check out Jcrew and Lilly outlets tomorrow afternoon!
Ugh!! I loathe when it's for the "J. Crew Outlet"--I'm sorry, I don't want that tag on my clothing. Hmph. But, heck yes, I have a J. Crew outlet near me--you better bet I'll be there this weekend!!
Meet us in Mykonos! We leave Santorini tomorrow!
Just found your blog and I love it! I'm adding you to my blog roll! :)
Ann Taylor started doing the same thing a few years back. It's not longer overstocks, but a new label for the outlet.
FABULOUS!!!! Congrats on your great finds!!!!
I agree the flip flops suck, but I found the white anchor shirt dress from last summer at our outlet earlier this spring for like $40 or something better believe I bought that!
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