I just got back from transporting my birthday cake from the baker's house to our house with the help of my mom. I was super nervous about getting it safely home so I'm so glad that's behind me! I had to log on really quick and post the pics because it is TOO cute to handle. The pics don't do it justice - it is AMAZING. Way cuter than even what I pictured in my head, and things in my head are fabulous, you should know. This chick is unbelievable... her story is really cool too if you want to check out her "about us" section. It makes me wonder what undiscovered talents I might have! I'll let you know how it tastes later... I can't wait to dig in, but it's so purty I don't wanna cut into it! OMG I'm so excited!!!!!! Turning 30 has never looked more fabulous.
Happy Birthday!!!!! You have the cutest cake *ever*! We are so sorry to miss your party as we are off to Savannah in about an hour for that wedding. Have a wonderful day my friend! Love you! Pammy
I'm a Georgia Bulldog! I met my husband at UGA in Geology 110 and the rest is history.
I'm a CPA, working as a tax professional at a local firm. But I'm also very creative and artistic. I use both sides of my brain.
I'm a Christian and I like to talk about God stuff.
My husband and I are smack dab in the middle of working our way out of debt. We drive old cars and brown bag it.
I'm a huge Dave Ramsey fan, so if you don't like him, I'll probably annoy you.
I love to talk about money and I love helping people with money problems. I'm working towards becoming a personal financial counselor/mentor through our church.
We have two dogs, Belly - an 11yr old border collie mix, and Gertie - a 6yr old lab/pit mix. They're our little loves!
We are members of Buckhead Church and volunteer as 2-to-1 mentors (the church's premarital program).
My husband and I started TTC our first child in November 2005. After a long battle, we finally gave birth to our son, Samuel Nolen, in January 2012!
I want to write a book on my struggles with infertility. And I talk a lot about our journey on this blog, but in no way do I let my infertility define me. This is not an infertility blog; I just want to be an encouragement to others fighting the good fight!
I absolutely love life and wouldn't trade our journey for the world. The struggles we have faced have made me the person I am today.
May 10 - Trying acupuncture/herbs/diet for 3-6 months. I call it my Moo Goo plan.
Aug 09 - IUI Cycle #3, on Femara - BFN
Jul 09 - IUI Cycle #2, on Clomid - BFN
May 09 - IUI Cycle #1, on Clomid - chemical pregnancy
July 08 - Decided to cool our heels for a while on TTC. Not preventing anything, but not quite ready to move forward.
May 08 - My OB/GYN recommended acupuncture. Definitely going to try this in conjunction with IUI/IVF when we're ready.
Apr 08 - Still on doctor hiatus and TTC on our own. Trying to figure out which cycle we'll start our first IUI on... prob May or June.
Jan 08 - For many reasons, we decided to wait on IUI and try on our own for a few months. On Clomid for this cycle...
Dec 07 - The hub's boys are a bit low volume-wise, so RE wants to move forward with IUI.
Nov 07 - RE set out a plan for us: Try on our own for 3 mos, then move to Clomid and IUI for 3 mos. If no luck, we move to IVF.
Oct 07 - Had a follow-up HSG, which showed there is still a small, residual septum (so not quite all of it was removed).
Sep 07 - Surgery #2 - Septum is successfully removed. Minimal traces of endo. were found and removed.
Aug 07 - Depot shot #2. And the hot flashes insued...
Jul 07 - RE started me on Depot Lupron shots for the purpose of softening the uterine tissue for surgery #2 (although the shots are typically given to treat endo.)
Jun 07 - Surgery #1 - Stage III endometriosis discovered and removed, ovarian cyst removed; "weak area" discovered on my uterine wall - septum couldn't be safely removed
May 07 - more and more bloodwork, a renal ultrasound (to make sure I have two kidneys - and yay, I do); surgery is scheduled
Apr 07 - We meet with the fertility specialist (RE) for the first time
Mar 07 - MRI confirms that I have a septate uterus
Feb 07 - HSG shows uterine abnormality
Feb 07 - My progesterone levels are reportedly low, I start taking supplements; the hub has his boys tested and they look fine
Jan 07 - start initial infertility testing with my OB/GYN
Love, love, LOVE it!! Happy almost birthday, Old Lady! Love you!
Happy Birthday. Very pretty cake.
So cute! Have a most happy birthday!
that is the cutest cake i've ever seen!!! happy 30th - have a wonderful, wonderful time. can't wait to hear all about it!!
Happy Birthday!!!!! You have the cutest cake *ever*! We are so sorry to miss your party as we are off to Savannah in about an hour for that wedding. Have a wonderful day my friend! Love you! Pammy
That is so cute. Is the red and black for UGA? I went there for grad school :)
That's fantastic!!! Happy birthday!
It's darling!!
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