So aside from the constant hot flashes, yesterday was a lot of fun. It was a beautiful day outside - a perfect day for an outside meal. I was definitely the youngest of the luncheon bunch by far, but it was still a good time. Here are a few pics of the table setup with the cutie cookies...
After the luncheon I high-tailed it to Buckhead for a quick brow wax. I know... I'm totally insane for driving to town every 4 weeks for a brow wax, but I just love my guy! I usually pair it up with a shopping trip or something, but yesterday didn't allow me any spare time to do so. The hub had taken my car that morning and my cell phone was in the console... so I went all day without a phone. It was really annoying. I know we all survived without cell phones before we had them, but how did we?! I kept thinking, OK well I'll just call him and tell him I don't have my phone. CALL him? On what exactly? Plus the clock in the car I was driving was broken so I had no idea what time it was without my phone. I flipped radio stations constantly looking for just ONE person to give me the time. Nope. I got the weather report, the traffic report for all major areas, the local news, some celebrity gossip, but no word on the time.
The no-phone situation was especially annoying yesterday since I was awaiting a call that afternoon from the hub telling me when to head over to our friend's house for the birthday party that afternoon. The gang had done a kayaking trip earlier that afternoon as part of the birthday festivities, but the hub had to go it alone since I had the luncheon. My non-outdoorsy self was very happy to have my day already booked with a bridal luncheon so I did not have to go kayaking. So coming back from Buckhead I'm trying to think of something I can grab for the birthday boy. He is a loud, beer-drinking, cigarette-smoking, Nascar-watching, 30-year old dude. What the heck do you get for someone like that? Well he and his wife and the hub and I often hit our local dirty Mexican joint together, so I decided to get him a gift certificate from there to cover a pitcher of margaritas. Now, I am normally not a fan of gift certificates. I generally think they are cop-out gifts. I don't usually give them unless they're fulfilling a specific want/need or if they're just filler in a bigger gift of smalls. I don't really like receiving them either. OK that sounds really selfish... and I certainly don't complain if I get one! But especially random $20 and $25 gift certificates to like Crate & Barrel or Best Buy or wherever... I think I could go over to our bulletin board right now and pull out 4 or 5 of them because they just never get used. I mean really it's stupid on my part, but I just forget about them or lose them. Even if it's for Target (which I personally frequent), the chances of me remembering that I have it, remembering to grab it, and then remembering to USE it are slim to none. I realize this is a personal problem, but it is for this reason that I usually don't give gift certificates. I will make an exception, however, for the 30-year old dude for whom I have no clue what else to get. Plus, I think restaurant gift certificates are in a league of their own, don't you? My parents trained me well on the fine art of dining out and I don't waste any time spending those puppies. A free pitcher of margaritas at our local joint seemed like a fine choice!
So I go grab the gift certificate yesterday afternoon and it's just one of those generic slips of paper that you fill out...
I'm all about the presentation on gifts and this is probably the 2nd biggest reason I don't like giving gift certificates. I mean how much thought goes into buying a gift certificate and shoving it in an envelope to hand over? That just wouldn't do. And I KNOW Nascar dude couldn't care less, but I had to come up with a fun way to wrap it up and present it. So I ran over to Target really quickly afterwards in search of a pitcher. Just a cheap clear pitcher - like what they'd serve margaritas in at our restaurant. I have a bottomless box of lime green krinklies at home so I was going to fill the pitcher up with the krinklies with the gift certificate, wrap it up in celo and ribbon with a tag that says "Have a pitcher on us!" Well I run in Target and randomly come across this oversized plastic margarita glass on clearance for $1.89 - perfect!! I grabbed it and ran home to do a speedy wrapping job...
SO much cuter and more fun, right?! Totally. He was super excited about it too. He thought the glass was really really cool. The party was fun - BBQ and football - which is essentially what my birthday party will be next month (but with a little more glam). The Dawgs lost to those damn Cocks, so that kind of put a damper on the whole evening... but what can you do?! I still love my Dawgs. Well the dryer is buzzing... gotta run! Enjoy your Sunday!
Hammarbacken 120 – 4 – Sigtuna kommun
16 hours ago
very cute.
Oh you clever girl!! That is just darling, you did a great job of taking something plain and simple and making it a GREAT gift!! Love it!
I like gift certificates, and you are the exact reason that stores like to sell them because the majority don't ever get used! Don't let them have that power!! USE THOSE GIFT CARDS!! I put them right where I keep my debit card/cash, so that when I go to pay for something, they're right there to remind me!
The party table looks lovely,I like the cookie and the sunflowers are beautiful.
Great presentation! Makes me want to run to Target and grab some of those to have on hand in case I ever need to glam up a Mexican gift certificate.
Soooo cute, as always! You are the best gift wrapper ever!
So great-looking!
I, too, share this reason for not wanting to give gift cards.
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