It is 2:30 freaking a.m. and I cannot sleep. We went to the Taste of Buford thingee tonight and I ended up downing a big iced latte at one point. Coffee usually doesn't keep me up, but this one's taking a toll. Dammit. I meant to do a lil blog earlier about our weekend trip, but never made the time... so as long as I'm not snoozing, I might as well do it now, right? Trouble is my alarm is set for 5am.. yep, as in 2.5 hrs from now. We're heading for St. George Island for my godmother's wedding - which is tomorrow evening (don't get me started on Friday weddings - I so do not need to be missing another day of work). It's a good 6 hr drive so we're getting a super early start. The doggie camp opens at 6am and we plan to be there when they unlock the doors. We're boarding our two sillies, Belly and Charlie, but we also have a third pup that we're fostering - Gertie. I mentioned Gertie's story a while back. She's still with us as we're still making payments on her hefty vet bill.
Anyway... my parents are renting a house at the beach and it is dog-friendly (an essential for them since their dog, Bailey, is like the most spoiled dog ever). Up to two dogs can stay, so since we're bunking with them, we have the option of bringing *a* dog. Well with three sweet faces looking up at you, what do you do?! We have learned the hard way that Belly and Charlie do not like being boarded without each other. They love love love to go to camp, but the one time Belly was sent without her brother, she was VERY upset. We nearly turned around and picked her back up - it was so heartbreaking to leave her there. Even the people at the doggie camp said that Charlie is her security blanket (though Belly would NEVER admit that). You non-dog people must think I'm nuts. OK so point being - we couldn't take one of those two to the beach without the other. So our only other options were to take Gertie or take no dog. Well Gertie still has not gotten her vaccinations and such since she is still recovering from surgery. Really she's ready for them now but we just haven't gotten around to that yet. I mean she's on heartworm stuff and flea stuff - just hasn't had her shots yet. So basically, a boarding facility wouldn't take her - only our vet would. And at the vet she'd be caged 24/7. So not fun!
And so - as you can probably guess - Gertie will be going to the beach with us. She has probably never ever been on a vaca before. We have not told her where we're going. And we're not saying anything in front of Belly and Charlie - especially Belly. Belly would be heartbroken. Y'all seriously think I'm mental. Belly is a water-lovin' fool and loves the beach. So it's our little secret, OK? As far as B&C know, Gertie's going to the vet. So let's just keep this on the DL for now.
I hope everyone has a great weekend. We're looking forward to our mini-getaway. I'm finally starting to catch up on my blog-reading... just in time to head out of town, haha. Between recovery and approaching deadlines at work, I haven't had much free time on the 'puter. I don't plan on making 2:30am sessions a habit. Nighty night!