Purty white rooftops!

It took Belly a while to warm up. She's not a fan of precipitation in general, but she finally decided this fluffy white stuff isn't so bad...

Gertie went right out into the snow and has asked out a million times since! I think this is Daddy making her pose here...

Charlie got out in the snow too, but he was being a little camera-shy. Such the gentleman, letting the girls take the spotlight.
Hope you other Georgia girls enjoyed your snow! And perhaps a day off tomorrow if the city decides to shut down?!
I am so jealous! I got a call this morning from my 8-year-old sister telling me that it was snowing...here on Rocky Top we got NO snow accumulation! I am a little glad though because I would still have to trudge to class in the snow.
Gorgeous pics!! It's supposed to snow up here in VA and I really hope it does!! I would LOVE to have a snow day tomorrow!!
I KNOW! We were so excited at our house and we played in the snow this afternoon...just long enough to make a pitiful (but very sweet) snowman.
Such cute puppies!
My husband and I were just laughing at your "large" amount of snow. We live in Cleveland...enough said :)
Great pictures! We got about an inch, just enough! The kids had a blast!
I hate snow, but I am all for it if it gives me a snow day tomorrow! I'm almost positive we will have one, but I'd like it to be called tonight so I don't get a phone call at 5:00am about it from the school I work at!
So beautiful! My kids were so excited to hear that our southern neighbors had snow (we are in central Florida). They asked if we could 'skip school and drive to see it'. If my daughter wasn't sick I may have thought about it! ROFL
The snow looks beautiful - your street is so pretty!
I happened to be in KY when they got their big Ice/Snow storm, so I had a winter this year. But hubby was asking for just 1 snow, too....He did get his wish. We saw snow in Roswell after church, but nothing up here at our house.
It sure was pretty!
It was the perfect snow day! Janie and I had a blast playing at the park with all the other snow dogs!!
So pretty!! I am so jealous!!
We got lots of snow up here in Greenville too - so pretty!! Our lab just loved it... Hope y'all had fun!
Aw- Gertie is so cute sitting there! Did the South shut down with that *much* snow? Tehe. Sadie LOVES playing in fresh show- she leaps into deep snow piles.
Has the south gotten it back together yet? Glad you got your snow wish. I am pretty much done with winter and everything that comes with it up here! Bring on some warmth!
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