1. Swiss Miss Sugar-free Chocolate Pudding Cups.

I seriously could not find a picture of the chocolate ones... so this nasty vanilla will have to do. Anyway, we get pudding a good bit... it's one of the items in my bag of tricks to prevent me from eating things I shouldn't (like say, a 500 calorie chocolate milkshake). But I have always, always gotten the Jello Brand. I'm just a sucker for brand loyalty, I suppose. A few weeks ago, however, when I was grabbing some BOGO goodies at Publix, I decided to try the Swiss Miss brand since it was half off (our Publix BOGO's are actually half-off, so you don't have to buy two -I think it varies by region, so check with your store!). So one afternoon I'm at the office and I crack open one of those puppies... OMG! I checked the label again to make sure I got the sugar-free kind. What is this wonderful silky chocolately goodness that I have been missing out on for so long? All because I never looked past the huge section of Jello-brand varieties! The texture is just totally different to me... much more... *silky* is the best word I can come up with. It has a mousse-like feel to it, but of course a lot more dense given that it's pudding. But OMG y'all... I've converted for sure. That's not to say I'll never buy Jello brand again (I did today actually because it was on sale), but Swiss Miss is my new favorite by a mile.
2. Harry Potter Books on Audio CD, narrated by Jim Dale.

3. Old Navy Layering Tank Tops.

If ever there wase a staple in Buford Betty's wardrobe, the tank top would be it. I wear them ALL the time. Got a purty kelly green one on right now. I dress them up, I dress them down... I wear them to work, to yoga, to the grocery, to bed... not everyday, but a lot of days. I have them in every color ever made and many times multiple ones of the same color. And that's because I get 'em cheap. So I'm constantly replacing them each season since they get a lot of wear. I've gotten them from several retailers, but my tried and true favorites come from Old Navy. I don't get a lot of clothes at Old Navy, but they are on my must-hit list for any cotton basics like tanks, tees, and cami's. (And yoga pants... they totally have the best yoga pants.) I refuse to go into double digits on a tank top. Hello, it's a freaking tank top. I love how Old Navy tanks fit and they're cheap, so I always load up when I go in there. Right now they're $5 each online when you buy 2 or more. And btw, how brilliant is it that the whole slew of Gap stores allow you to grab items from any and all of their sites and pay one flat shipping charge in one easy transaction? That was an awesome move on their part - we loves it.
4. elf Mineral Eyeshadows.

5. 100 Calorie Tribe Hummus Snack Tubs.

I screamed a little bit when I first discovered these. I've seen Tribe hummus all over, but I've only found these particular 100-calorie packs at Costco (and couldn't find a picture either, sorry). So I have no idea if they're available elsewhere. But anyway, I love me some hummus. But I can be a little bit... what's the word... over-indulgent when it comes to dips. They are my weakness. So to find one of my favorite dips in a 100-calorie tub, perfect for taking to work with a bag of carrots and celery.... OMG. When I checked the price, I was totally sold. 16 tubs for $4.99... hell yeah! (Costco fans: They're back there near the produce, in a box, next to the regular tubs of hummus.) Then I get a honkin' huge bag of baby carrots at Costco to go along with it. And these snack tubs are big. A lot of times I don't finish them. And just so you know, this girl can eat. (Hence the reason I need 100-calorie tubs.) Yeah so, reason #372 that Costco rocks my world.
I love those tank tops...and I have on the kelly green one right now too! I just bought two this week :)
So with you on the tank tops - I live in those things too!! Thanks for the tip on the other items!
I love those tanks! I just bought a bunch and replaced some old ones I had! Such a great staple!
The pudding sounds amazing and I will be getting them next time I go to the store!
Love all those things!!!!
Pudding- yum!, hummas- yum! and elf- yum! I love elf as well, I have run out of the foundation but I am loving their blush and bronzer. I will have to check out the eyeshadow.
will have to try the pudding and hummus.. costco here I come!
Love the pudding and the tanks! I will have to try the others!! Love these types of posts!! Thanks!
Thanks for posting these! I want to try that hummus and eyeshadow :) I have been meaning to read the HP books for some time, but haven't done it. This might be just the ticket!
I came across your blog and just wanted you to know that I am praying for you!!!! I read on your side bar that you would be having an IUi starting in Jan...I hope this year brings you LOTS of happiness!!
God Bless,
I am not sure if you read this blog or not, but it's awesome! this post made me think of you!
(i am guessing... copy and paste to get there!)
Found your blog through Newlywed Stilettos :) Those are 5 GREAT things!! Specially the Hummus! LOVE hummus!
I think you have me sold on that chocolate pudding. I will have to look for that the next time I grocery shop.
I love all those things, too — but especially the sugar-free pudding, mineral make-up and Harry Potter.
I will have to check out the audio HP books — I have heard they are amazing! Very interesting that the "Pushing Daisies" voice does them. I have only seen parts of that show but should watch it more...I simply love Kristin Chenoweth!
cute blog...I forgot my makeup on a trip with friends last weekend and used someones ELF. I thought she was lying when she told me it was a 1.00!
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