So yesterday the hub and I were coming back in town from a weekend trip and decided to go to the 11am service at church on our way in... it's sorta on the way home and we just started a new sermon series last week that we didn't want to miss out on. Well, we normally go to the 9am since it's a bit of a drive for us. We used to live really close to the church before we moved to the boonies, the sticks, BFE.... whatever you wanna call it.... the 'burbs! But we love our church so much and the vibe there that we still trek down there on Sundays. I mean it's only like 30 minutes away, it's not that bad. But with the 9 o'clock, we're normally back home by 10:45 or so and have the rest of the day to do whatever.
Yeah so we timed our traveling just about right - we were getting off 400 right at 11am and we're thinking we're totally golden. Yeah, we'll miss a song or two, but we'll be fine... Wrong! Traffic came to a screeching hault on Lenox Road. Crap. Apparently the entire city decided to attend this same service. Cops were everywhere directing traffic, but it was still a mess. We texted our friends already inside and told them to just give up our seats (they had been saving two for us) because we knew people had to be asking them for our seats every 2 seconds (thanks anyway, Pammy!). We weaved our way around to our "secret" entrance. OK it's not really a secret, but not a ton of people are aware of it. Had to park way farther away than we normally do - a part of the deck we'd never even been to... finally made it in the building (about 10 minutes after 11) only to find they were turning people away from the auditorium. Crap. People were standing out in the lobby and sitting on benches and whatnot... they've got TV screens set up so you can see what's going on inside. And then I noticed the Kidstuf theatre was open for overflow, so we made our way over there. We ran into our friend, Andy, while wondering around so we all ended up sitting together on the floor in the back of the Kidstuf theatre. The overflow areas were overflowing.
I knew the 11am was always crazier than the 9am, but this was madness! I've been in the car for hours and here I am sitting on the damn floor. But my annoyance quickly turned to... WOW. Look at ALL these people at our church! Seriously... what's going on? New Year's resolutions? Have people heard so much about this money series already? Wow. I remember when our church was a 500-seat auditorium in an old Harris Teeter. I don't know how many we seat now... 3,000? Not enough, apparently. And then this morning on the way into work I heard the Bert Show talking about our sermon from yesterday. And I saw this new post on our church's official blog commenting on church attendance craziness all around. Are any of y'all having crazy-awesome church attendance since the new year? God's definitely at work here... something amazing is going on. I'm not sure what it is, but I do know we'll personally be sticking with the 9am service so we can get a seat!
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So I've been thinking about checking out your church! I'm on a mission to find one I like and it's on my list to visit. I used to go to one in Buckhead but was never thrilled with it, and ended up not going once my friends who went moved.
Amazing wasn't it?? I drove home yesterday with tears in my eyes reflecting on the day. We had more kids than ever before in UpStreet. The 9 was packed too, but not yet to overflow. Wow! There is a LOT of tough stuff going on, but yesterday just reminded me that God is on the move...
I have been to your church {I think}. . . and it is awesome! I have done part of his series on Five Things God Uses to Grow Your Faith. Wonderful.
D&P - Glad it's on your list! Tons of people your age. You'll love it! :-)
That's amazing! He is awesome!
That is awesome!
That looks like an awesome church. I really love your blog! :)
I have chills! That is amazing.
My husband and I started our FPU class at church on Sunday night and I can't wait for the next one!!!
Love your blog! I am hosting a fun giveaway over at my blog today...hope you'll come check it out! xo KAG
Our Sunday School class was totally packed out this week and the Beth Moore study I just started ran completely out of seating (we get a new room this week, displacing the Pastor for his Wed. night thing!). Oh, I am doing the Esther one and it is great so far! Yes, it is fantastic to see the #s!!!
BTW, yes, the photo on my blog was taken just about 6 pm last night after the kiddos and I came out of a place for dinner. I pretty much always have a camera on hand and couldn't miss that one. I wish I had a bit more time (and not getting kids to and fro) and would have gotten some more was just amazing.
We also go to a NP church and our 11 service was packed!! We had twice the number of kids in UpStreet than they did in the 9. We used to go to Buckhead back in the Harris Teeter days...small world.
You're so right! I really think it's the New Year. My church has never been so packed.
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