Don't know how much I'll be able to hop on here, as our Turkey week is rather stuffed. Haha... stuffed. ;-) So I wanted to go ahead and wish you all a fabulous Thanksgiving! I am constantly reminded of how very blessed I am and how much I have to be thankful for... the first thing I usually spit out of my mouth in prayer (almost without thinking) is "thank you for this day." Because, truly, no tomorrows are guaranteed. I haven't been very bloggy this last week other than to obsess over my vampire boyfriend, Edward, but truthfully I haven't really felt up to it...
A little over a week ago, a dear friend of mine lost her mother to a long, long battle with ovarian cancer. We all knew it was coming, but it just broke my heart. And I just could not stop crying Saturday morning after finding out she was gone. I called my mom from the Costco parking lot and just cried. I just can't imagine what my dear friend is going through. The same day I found out our small group leaders lost their IVF baby at 5 weeks. And my heart broke a little more. So I was just in a very weird place that day... and worst of all we had a party to go to that afternoon and I'm just not good at faking it. I sure didn't sit in a corner and pout, but I was probably a little more subdued than normal. And really, with all that in my head, I haven't known WHAT to write on here lately. Somehow all my superficial topics seem so stupid when I see real life happening around me. So while I haven't been able to put much into words, some others did it for me.
First, a fellow Georgia peach that I stumbled on recently at Chapters wrote this amazing post on infertility. It really spoke to me and totally echoed how I feel in so many ways, yet rarely share. I've gotten to a point where I really struggle being around kids and I truly hate that. I have a hard time getting excited for my pregnant friends. And I hate that. I look for excuses to get out of kids' birthday parties and baby showers because I get so tired of the whole thing. And I hate that. I feel like *I* am the elephant in the room with this big-ass sign across my forehead that says, "Infertile. Watch your step." And it's this horrible catch 22 as well... I don't EVER want my friends to feel as though they have to tip-toe around me or be discouraged from sharing news with me, but at the same time I'm hurt when there's no consideration taken. I'm not sure that makes any sense. None of it makes sense, but we keep going. I know God has a plan for us, I just wish he'd let us in on it sometimes. It's been 3 years this month since we started trying.
And then the most amazing writing comes from my friend, Jill. I know y'all don't know her, but she has opened up on her blog about losing her mother by looking back on that final week with her mom and recounting each day. It's a truly beautiful "story" and I hope you'll read it. Start with this entry and then work your way up. Jill is unbelievable and my heart is so heavy for her and her family right now.
So yes, that's what my mind has been juggling lately and I suppose that's why I've been a little shy from blogworld. Didn't mean for this to turn into a Debbie Downer post - just letting y'all know where my head's at. But no worries... I'll be back at it soon enough. So before I part, I shall do the obligatory things I am thankful for this Thanksgiving!! But not out of obligation, because my heart is certainly full of thanks. We are more than blessed...
1. I am so thankful for my wonderful husband. I can't imagine going through life with anyone else. We are totally opposite in a lot of ways, but I think that's what makes us click. Sure, he can piss me off like no one else (and I him), but we both just know this thing is forever and that's that. It's really that simple.
2. This may be a weird one, but I've recently discovered how thankful we should be for having financially responsible parents - both the hub and me. We may make our own financial messes, but I learned lately that some of my friends are also having to take care of their parents' messes. Something I never even considered! So I'm very thankful for the examples my parents have been for me and the smart decisions that I've witnessed them making. Maybe that's a selfish thank you (as in, Thank God I'm not dealing with their mess too!)... but it's still a really big praise on my prayer list, for sure.
3. So naturally, I'm thankful for my amazing parents. They celebrated 40 years of marriage earlier this month. I can never fully express how thankful I am for all they've done for me and the hub. Can't even put it into words...
4. I'm thankful for my 3 crazy doggies. They keep us laughing everyday. What is life without doggies? I just don't know. They are truly God's love and joy in animal form. What human can love that unconditionally?
5. I'm thankful for Dave Ramsey. These are just getting weirder and weirder, aren't they? No but really - I do mention him in my prayers. Not his program, but him. I think it's awesome to see someone truly living out God's purpose. He has helped SO many people, including us. It's so funny... next time I go to a bridal shower or wedding and am asked to give "marriage advice" or "wishes" for the bride and groom, I know just what to say: Get on Dave Ramsey's plan and you're golden! His plan is nothing short of common sense, but he presents it in a way like no other. It's a ministry and he's absolutely gifted.
6. I'm thankful for my wonderful girlfriends. They lift me up, they laugh with me, they get me through each day. And they're just plain FUN! Each one is totally different and I'm truly blessed to have each of them in my life.
7. Lastly, I'm thankful for God's amazing love... that he gave us his son to pay our debt for us so that we can all be reconciled to him. Most days I forget how crazy awesome that is, but then something will hit me and I'm just like... wow. Oh how he loves us so.
So gobble, gobble! Go stuff yourselves, be merry, and give thanks! :-) Be safe in your travels and give all your loved ones a hug (even the weird ones)...