How long this room will stay in its "before" condition... only God knows! But let's just say we're preparing to be blessed. Believe it or not, this beautifully empty room was filled wall-to-wall with junk mere hours ago! In the almost four years that we've lived in this house, we've actually kept this room fairly empty and organized (well, what little was in there was organized). Since the day we started with mere floorplans, we have always referred to this bedroom as the "nursery." But earlier this year, the "nursery" slowly but steadily turned into the dreaded I'm-not-sure-where-I-want-to-put-this-so-I'll-just-dump-it-in-here room. And because I'm considerate and don't want to damage my dear readers' vision, I refrained from taking the *real* before pictures when it was in that condition. No one needs to see that... for real.
It got to the point where everytime I saw the door to this room cracked open, I did an audible sigh. Sometimes even an "ugh." My blood pressure would rise just seeing the pile of junk in there. But when to find the time to do something about it?! That was my problem. Well, as we're once again on the two-week-wait to see if this cycle was a success, I once and for all decided to get this room back in fab condition. I mean, we're trying to make babies here! Baby needs his/her room!
The hub and I were watching "
Facing the Giants" a month or so ago for the first time and one of the scenes really stuck with me. One of the characters was telling a parable about two farmers who desparately needed rain. Both of the farmers prayed to God for rain, but only one went out and prepared his fields for rain. Rain came to the one farmer who trusted God to receive the rain. As said in the film, "God will send the rain when he's ready. You need to prepare your fields to receive it."
So girls, whether or not God blesses us with a baby this month, I'm trusting him and getting prepared...

This is the view coming into the room from the hallway.

A closer look at the window on the far/back wall. It sits directly in the center of the wall and we plan to add built-in bookshelves all along that back wall with a bench seat and overhang in front of the window.
Found this on the web... not exactly what I'm going for, but just so you get the idea - this is kinda what we're after in general (but ours will be much more decorative and fab!). If, however, we are blessed with twins, I have an uber cool plan B. We'll get to that if and when we need to...

This is the far side wall (to the right if you're looking at the window).

This is the front wall (with door to hallway).
This is the left side wall with doors to bathroom and closet.
Another view of the same wall... door on the far left is to the hallway, middle door is the closet, and the door on the right is the bathroom.
And a view of the far left corner.
Here's a peek in the bathroom - my favorite part! (That's a cute shower curtain, I know, but that will change. It's just there for fun right now.)
We picked fixtures especially for a baby's bath. I ADORE baby & kids' bathrooms, so I wanted it to be perfect. We chose this fabulous little pedestal sink. No mirror yet... we will probably get a medicine cabinet style one to have some storage space behind it.
Close-up of the plumbing fixtures (didn't take a pic, but the tub fixtures match this as well).
Inside the closet - which is currently full of miscellaneous stuff that we'll have to eventually move out! Some is actually baby stuff, some is what's left of the maternity wardrobe I didn't put on ebay, and the rest is... who knows?! We will ultimately put in new shelving to maximize the space. You know my kid's gonna have a closet full!
The boob light (cuz it looks like a boob) - which most definitely will be replaced with some fabulously fabulous chandelier.

The view from the window (picture yourself sitting on the bench!).
And up the street...
On another note... thanks so much for all the sweet messages regarding yesterday's mishap with the car! We are doing fine. Still waiting to get the word on the repairs, but we'll get it all figured out. Like y'all said, just glad no one was hurt!
OK... off to put some laundry up and get in the bed!