So yeah, tonight is like my Friday night! Gotta love it! Well, today we went to see Dr. Toledo for our first consult after the miscarriage. (Oh and by the way, Flo has freaking come on with a vengeance and she brought her three sisters along - holy hell.) It was great to hear some encouraging words and he was very concerned about how we were doing emotionally and all. He told us that when the nurse called him Monday with the news, it ruined his day. He said the only way to describe this is "shitty." I concur! BUT the silver lining being, as I stated, that the procedure did work and I did get pregnant. He was telling us this pregnancy was very real and it was just a spontaneous early miscarriage... a chromosonal thing. It had nothing to do with my high maintenance girly parts or anything we did wrong. And he has full confidence that we can get knocked up again and carry full term.
He wants us to sit tight this cycle and let my body kind of get back on schedule. I was on a lot of meds and he just wants me to chill this month before starting up again. So we'll do just that. I should start my next cycle (assuming it's not overly wonky) in early July and we'll go for round #2 then. I don't mind waiting at all, but I gotta tell you - that first pregnancy had some kick-ass timing because I'd basically get out of tax season entirely - hahahaha! Now it looks like I'll have an early/mid April due date at best going forward. Oh well... it was a nice thought at the time. Oh AND I ordered my dress for Lucky's wedding 3 sizes bigger thinking I'd be 8 months pregnant... I actually wanted to wait to order - the dresses are J. Crew so I figured I could, but the particular style I picked is being discontinued this summer so I had to go ahead and order. I'm going to have to find one freaking talented seamstress... because now I'd be no more than 6 months pregnant at her wedding.
OK so that's a good question for you mommas... I know everyone's different, but I would think if you swelled a lot, that probably didn't happen till late in your pregnancy. I'm totally guessing and have no experience with this, so call me stupid if you must. So at 6 mos, I would think (er, hope) I'd just have a decent little belly and not much more. Bigger boobs I'm sure - and really that's the main concern with the dress. Here's the dress...

Our dresses are black though. It's actually a great dress for a baby bump because the box pleating creates a very roomy skirt. It is super cute on. So the bump is not the concern - it's the boobage. OK so just tell me what y'all think I should do - I'm considering exchanging for a smaller size. Now like 85% of my wardrobe is J. Crew or Banana, so I know how J. Crew stuff fits me. I wear a 2 in most every dress of theirs unless it's some off the wall fit, but this is not. So a 2 in this dress would be my normal everyday size. I ordered an 8. I'm thinking now at 6 months prego (at best), that's gonna be too big, but I don't know. I hate to get one that's too small... I mean what if my boobs DO get huge? I'm like a 34B. And I do not have like a tiny frame... I have a very muscular build, so don't think I'm like this teeny little thing that doesn't gain weight - heck no. Point being - I could very well swell up like the Michelin man when I get pregnant! I just don't know. So what do y'all think? I need to make a decision soon and really cannot wait much more than a month. The style is scheduled to be discontinued sometime in July. Should I keep the 8 just to be safe and alter it? Or exchange for a 6? My concern is the bust on the 8 is going to be so big that when altered it won't have the fit it should - you know what I mean? Ugh. Help! I really do love the dress and would like to be able to wear it again, so I'd like it to look good.
OK enough of that... so hey do y'all know what I'm doing Saturday? I'm SO excited... I scored 3 free tickets to the Football 101 camp for women up at UGA that the coaches put on every year. OMG - so fun. It's an all day thing done by the football staff where we learn about the game and get to get on the field and play. Kuntry bride and my friend, Paige, are going with. Lucky was supposed to go but she had to bail last minute to go out of town. It's gonna be awesome. And maybe my pale stems will get some much needed sun. SPF-style, of course. (But for real, my legs glow in the dark right now.) I was initially thinking I'd have to kinda take it easy on the field since I was prego, but not now!
That's pretty much all we have on tap for this weekend... hope the weather is nice! And girls, I can't leave ya without saying once again how awesome all your sweet comments have been! Every word of encouragement is heartfelt and I thank you so much! So glad to have you all along on this journey!
Have a fabu weekend all! Mine starts like right now - hehe! ;-)
Hi there! Don't have much advice about the dress size (which is super cute by the way), but wanted to say I stumbled across your blog and I'm thinking about you!
I too love Dave Ramsey, SEC football and pretty much everything else on your "I like to talk about" list so I look forward to reading more of your blog.
Enjoy your (early) weekend!
Yay for Friday's off!!! It's the best! =) And the football thing sounds awesome! No advice here on the dress, I'll let people who've been preggo before speak to that - but CUTE dress.
Hey Lady,
I will keep you & the sweet hubby in my thoughts and prayers. You sound very upbeat about everything! Keep God first and he will provide you with what you need.
Enjoy your weekend(starting NOW)!
I have no advice on the size issue. I have friends who have run the spectrum. I sort of think you should keep the 8.
Have a fabu weekend- you need it!
That dress looks like it might run small through the bust anyway, so I might just keep the 8 and find a seamstress if it is just way too big. The style of that dress would be fairly easy to alter and it is always much easier to go smaller than to try to let one out. Could you order 2 sizes and just return the one that you didn't need? I am not sure about their return policy, but you might be able to get a store credit ??!!?
I'm glad you and hubby are okay. Knowing pregnancy can happen is so consoling. Keeping y'all in my thoughts and prayers! xoxo
I was a 34B before pregnancy and I went up to a healthy 36C, and then down to a 34C...and I have maintained that size since the "engorgement" phase. I'm so jealous that you have a 4-day workweek! I've been telling my boss we could do that for about 2 years now, but HR is soooo against the idea!
Woo hoo! Happy Fri-Di to you...I wish I had the day off.
And about the dress...I didnt start looking like a total marshmellow until my last 2 months and that is when I gained all of my weight and my ankles grew to the size of tree trunks:) At 6 months I was still ok:)
Have a blast this weekend..I've been thinkin about ya!!!!
I'm so sorry about your pregnancy loss. But it sounds like you are on the right track and a healthy, wonderful pregnancy is in your near future!
That's a really cute dress for bridesmaids. Personally is so different for everyone... but my boobs were huge during the first and end of last trimester. There was a ton of swelling so I lived in sports bras. But in the 2nd trimester, when you think you'll be wearing that dress, they went back to my normal size. Swelling wasn't bad for me until the 3rd trimester. 2nd was really the most pleasant time of my pregnancy.
You are going to be the cutest mama!
Enjoy the weekend and thank you so much for your comment on yesterdays post. Still praying for you on your journey...
Love the 4 day work-week idea. Lucky you. If I were you I'd keep the size 8 dress. You probably won't be very big at 6 months, depending on if it's the beginning of your 6th month or end. You'll have more than a little bump by the end of the 6th for sure and the b**bs are the first thing to blow up (at least in my experience). It's much easier to take in clothes than to let out and I agree with 101 - the dress looks small on top.
Just catching up! Sounds like you have an AMAZING doctor. That helps so much. He's on the journey with you! As for dress sizes I was huge thoughout the don't ask me!
Wow, lucky you about the four day work week! About the dress - I have no idea about the pregger sizing, but I do know there's a great hole-in-the-wall seamstress on Briarcliff in Atl in the shopping center with a Starbucks and kosher-type grocery store (I think the shopping center is next to the Wholefoods there?). I had a terrible bridesmaid dress that you could fit three of me in, and she worked wonders with it, and for a reasonable price too.
Gosh, you lucky girl! I SO want a four-day work week.
My mother and grandmother went to the Georgia football program for women a couple of times and loved it. Should be a great time -- Go Dawgs!
I have reading your blog from my B and have been unable to comment these past few weeks. However, I have been thinking of you! I was SO excited to read your good news and sad to read about the mishappenings. However, God is good and it is such a feat that you got pregnant!! I hope you are blessed with a child VERY soon!! I love the dress for the wedding. It will be great with a baby bunp as you said. I am sorry I am unable to offer any sizing advice, but I am sure all the other comments will come in handy. I hope you are enjoying your THREE DAY weekend!
I'd keep the size 8 to be safe because there's really no telling how your body will change with pregnancy. I BLEW UP and at 6 months. Lots of people didn't believe me when I said I had several months to go. I tend to be a sweller (I'm pretty sure that's the technical medical term too) so I swelled waay before most people (also it was summertime). It could be that because it's a dress you'd be perfectly fine with a smaller size; however, you can always cut away fabric...can't so much add it on. With your petite size and muscular build I wouldn't fret that you'd blow up like I did (gaining 53ish lbs without even overeating!) but you never know how your body will react.
Best wishes to you and lots of prayers are sent your way!!
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