Thursday, February 27, 2014

Throwback Thursday

I've been so absent from blogworld, you guys.  Am I even still here?  Do y'all remember me?!?  Haha... well, yes, I am still here.  Just busy with three little boys and a work load to boot.  I will give you a super quick update bullet-point-style...

  • Sam is 2 and stinking awesome.  Talking up a storm.  Obsessed with choo-choo trains.  Full of life and never seems to slow down.
  • Ben and Leo just turned SIX months old and are about to start school!  They have been at home with a nanny since I started back to work, but now that we're about past the peak of flu season, they're ready to take on the world.
  • I'm obsessed with putting the twins in matching outfits.  And coordinating big brother too.
  • My SIL is pregnant with twins (total surprise!)
  • I'm DYING for our new church to open.
  • I lost a dear friend to breast cancer in December and it still really sucks. 
  • Our laundry and dishes are never done.
  • My husband just turned 40 this week!!!  Hahahahaha....
  • We're currently taking Dave Ramsey's FPU (for the 3rd time, ha) with our small group.
  • Not including neighborhood strolls, I've only been out of the house ONCE with the twins by myself .  Once.  Y'all, they are six months old.  Pretty sure no one on earth is more excited about spring and summer than I am.
Anyway... there you have it.  I was also contacted by a sweet reader this week who mentioned this post from January of 2013.  So of course I had to read back over it and yeah, tears.  I love that it all still holds so true... even more so now with two more boys in the mix.  (And did I jinx myself with #1 or what?!)  So I thought I'd link to it again here... for Throwback Thursday.  I mean, is that a thing in blogworld like it is on Facebook?  I seriously don't  know, but here you go...

10 Things I've Learned in My 1st Year of Motherhood